
Traveling To The World Of Anime With The Dark Souls System

Hikaru Hiroaki, a big fan of Dark Souls. Even though he only played the first one, he still loved the entire trilogy because of the lore that Vaatividya kindly explained in his videos. But Hikaru's future was not bright, his mother works 2 jobs a day just to feed him and his 2 siblings. His father works at a construction site to pay their rent. That's why Hikaru didn't have enough time to play around, he works to save up for his college tuition. He is currently at the end of his high school life and he would enter college soon. But unfortunately, as he traverses through the road while the traffic lights were still red, a drunk driver riding a lamborghini ignored the red lights and hits him directly. He died instantly. He woke up in a place covered in white fogs, and an old voice spoke to him. "I shall give thou the power of Dark Souls, please use it wisely." ________________________________________________________________ Alright, I didn't plan this fanfic at all. I just daydream everyday and write what's inside my head. You may see some paragraphs that you are not able to understand and that's fine. Just report it to me and I'll fix it. Plot holes and plot armor, yeah, I have many of those in my fanfic. If you don't like plot holes and such, please don't read this. I don't like people just messing my ratings just because they don't like plot holes. Also, don't read this fanfic if you don't know Dark Souls, I promise you, you won't understand a thing about this fanfic. Don't write a review if you don't know what you are talking about, it's seriously messing up my rating and I'll have to delete it if it's really bad. Just criticize it in the review, write something that's asking the author to write better. Honestly, reviews that are trying to put the author down are just downright bad. Many people out there gave up writing just because of those reviews, please don't do that to other fanfics or novels out there. I feel sorry for the author. Anyway, thank you for giving your time in reading this. Enjoy the fanfic. Also, I accept people criticizing my fanfic since it helps me grow as a writer. You can do that. _______________ Also, before you post a review, please read at least to 50 chapters. If you don't like it, then you can criticize me for my really bad world building and character development. Trust me, I've had too many people stating that my MC is really bad, and they've only read like what, less than 10 chapters? I know I made too many mistakes in the early chapters, but you don't have to keep shoving it right into my face for god's sake.

Miko_Sayaki · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 110: The Four Major Deities

The both of them followed Himawari until they reached their secret base. When they made it in there, they were surprised to see a lot of advanced technology gadgets and the like. The underground base was made from metal and marble.

The moment they entered the base, they were met by Shikamaru himself, There he stood, older than before. He looked exactly like his father, without the scar on his eye. He wore a moka-colored coat, and under it were his pants and the new Konoha flak jacket. His eyes were steeled, like a veteran who's already gone through wars.

Minato could tell he was strong, but not on the same level as them. At the very least, Shikarumaru was a kage-level shinobi based on his chakra level.

The Nara Clan Head narrowed his eyes, and said, "I heard about the two of you when we were talking telepathically with Himawari, and I'm surprised that Boruto managed to convince you people from another dimension to help us. But, what I want to ask is; why did you agree to help us? Did Boruto promised you guys some kind of reward?"

Minato wore a friendly smile on his face, and replied, "Technically, we won't be receiving any reward from helping you guys. Our motive is to kidnap a lot of Otsutsuki and turn them into our lab rats. The only thing we ask you guys is to not disturb, or stop us when we do our objective. Is that alright to you, Shikamaru-kun?"

Shikamaru nodded, and then said, "If that's the case, we have no problem. Our main objective is either eradicate them, or drive them off. But as you can see, our chance of doing that is slimmer than stopping Sakura's obsession with Sasuke. Anyway, let's go further inside. We have a lot to talk about." Then he sighed, "I just hope that with the two of you here with us, we can win the war against those aliens."

"Hmm? Who said that there were only the two of us? There are six of us, if you include the clone that was sent along with us. Itachi-kun and the clone of Hikaru-kun will be the ones to defeat the leader of the Otsutsuki Clan. Our job is to capture the most Otsutsuki Clan members. So you have nothing to worry about, the Otsutsuki Clan is as good as dead." Mianto said with a bit of pride in his voice.

Shikamaru had a shocked face when he heard that. Hundreds of thoughts were going through his head as he processed what was just said to him. If his theory is correct, these two defeated all of the Otsutsuki Clan members around the Sand Village. That would've been an impossible feat, but they came from another dimension, so he doesn't know how strong the shinobis there.

Then, there is their number. Only six? And one of them is a clone? He knows that they are strong, but there's no way the six of them can defeat thousands of Otsutsuki Clan members. Even Naruto and Sasuke were barely able to defeat a few hundreds before they were taken down, but the reason for that was because of Kawaki, or Isshiki Otsutsuki. They were weakened to the point of defeat by Isshiki.

The Otsutsuki are strong, even their weakest members are as strong as their High-Jounins. And don't talk about the higher ups of that clan, they were monsters. Last time, when Momoshiki attacked a few years back, Naruto and Sasuke were barely able to kill Momoshiki, and that is with the help of the other 4 Kage. Now, all Kages, except for Naruto, are dead.

Naruto has been captured by the enemies and their goal is to extract Kurama from its seal. Naruto managed to delay them from extracting Kurama, and has been successful so far. But for how long? Once they get all the tailed-beasts, they will be turned into some chakra fruit and will only boost the powers of those Otsutsuki.

Shikamaru sighed from the headache he is feeling right now. He turned to Minato and Kakashi, and said, "If what you're talking about is true, then we will leave the rest up to you. I'll just be taking a break, it's been far too long since I had one." Shikamaru sat on the ground and rested his back against the wall, "But be careful of Kawaki. He was the one who flattened our village, Konoha. And he was also the reason why Naruto and Sasuke were weakened enough to be defeated by some Otsutsuki."

"Hm! I understand. Then, we'll be going now. I believe that my friends have captured all the wandering Otsutsukis. I don't sense them anymore through natural energy. Ah, Kimimaro-kun just turned someone from inside out." Minato said as Shikamaru felt natural energy suddenly coursing through the air.

'Of course,' Shikamaru thought, 'The fourth hokage was rumored to have mastered the famed sage mode. Truly, life is always so troublesome.' He said the last part because he, too, wanted to unlock the famed sage mode that Naruto was able to use as if he was just breathing. But fate is really an asshole. His summons told him he wouldn't be able to use it, even if he trained for thousands of years because of one single reason; he didn't have the talent for sensing natural energy. Of course, when he heard that, he only said three words, "What a drag."

After saying some short goodbyes, they left. Minato just wanted to see if his, uh, granddaughter is safe in this secret base of theirs, nothing more. Now, it was time to regroup with the rest.

(With Naruto)

"Gaaaahhh!" He screamed in pain as Kawaki tried to extract the nine-tailed beast from his stomach.

They were inside a palace, in the throne room to be exact. The Otsutsuki Clan has a literal goddess as their leader, Amaterasu Otsutsuki. She is their matriarch, and creator. She is, in her words, a major goddess. While there, Naruto heard her say that she had eaten countless chakra fruits, and the cost of those fruits were the other worlds that had life in it. They planted the chakra tree in many worlds, and each of those trees can drain an entire world's life force and the life of every being living in that world.

The reincarnation of Ashura was terrified to hear that, knowing that, this time, they are facing a literal goddess as their opponent. Kaguya only ate one chakra fruit and she was so strong that they were barely able to seal her, but now? Someone who has eaten thousands of chakra fruits? It was simply… impossible.

"Tch, this is taking too long." Kawaki said, an annoyed frown appeared on his face. "Mother, can't you help me with this?"

Amaterasu simply sat on her throne lazily and with her eyes closed. She opened her lazy eyes, and simply said, "No", and then closed her eyes again. Her voluptuous body simply sat on the throne as she began sleeping. The only reason she was here was because she wanted to see this world wither until nothing is left of it. Watching a planet wither is always exciting.

'Fuck!' Kawaki, or Isshiki, cursed inside his mind. He couldn't say it outloud, or else he will be turned to meat-paste. Their matriarch, or "mother", is a glutton and a lazy woman. She hogs all the chakra fruit they obtain, and just sleeps every single day until they acquire a new chakra fruit. But they couldn't complain, since they were far too weak to be even a threat to her "majesty". It's simply ridiculous how such a powerful woman is so lazy that she won't even help them doing a job that would help her eat her "precious" chakra fruit.

Contrary to Isshiki's thoughts, Amaterasu was indeed doing her job as the leader of their race. She is negotiating with the other major gods of this world, saying that she can offer them another world instead of this one. It was going so well… when they suddenly refused. She heard them say that a part of the "Chosen Immortal" is in this world, and offending the Chosen Immortal means absolute death. She was confused, of course, since she doesn't know who this "Chosen Immortal" is.

She was trying to persuade them to leave this planet and go to the one she suggested, but Isshiki distracted her, and the moment she returned to converse with them again, they were already going towards her. They were going to kill her entire clan!

She opened her eyes as fast as possible, surprising Isshiki.

She said in a voice full of urgency, and then said in panic, "Isshiki! Call the others to return! Our race is going to die if we stay here any longer!" She stood up and sensed that the other major gods are nearing her already.

Isshiki has never seen her panic, never in his life has he ever seen her like this. Then, he felt it. Numerous beings with strong energies were suddenly going towards them at a fast pace! And not only that, there were 4 beings with a presence as strong as his matriarch!

"Amaterasu, to dare claim our land… your fate has been decided by me, the Shinigami!" A voice with a deathly voice said with anger.

"Hmph, if we didn't take our time, you would've been dead by now." A cold and seductive voice filled with darkness said.

"Sister, won't you just leave our land? We promise to let you go if you leave. I don't want unnecessary bloodshed." A kind and benevolent voice said.

"I still don't understand to this day, why are you Otsutsukis so obsessed with growing stronger by eating some kind of miracle fruits? All of us deities here have obtained our strength through patiently training ourselves." A young man's voice said in a confused tone.

The four major deities, Kami, Shinigami, Yami, and the Ruler Of All Yokai, Nurarihyon, have arrived!

Kami has the appearance of a beautiful, benevolent woman with a beautiful face and body. She wore little, only some white cloth that covered most of her sensitive body parts. She has long flowing blonde hair with brown eyes, a beautiful shaped face, and a blue crystal attached on her forehead.

Shinigami has the appearance of a reaper, wielding a large and deadly scythe. He wore a robe that hid his whole body and a skeleton mask that covered his face. His presence radiated death, eerily making Isshiki's hair stand up.

Yami has the appearance that is completely opposite of that of Kami. Instead of a beauty that made everyone calm their hearts, her beauty looked so seductive that even if a mortal man stares at her for a few seconds, he will fall in love with her body. She has black hair, dark skin, white eyebrows. Eyelashes, and eyes. She wore clothing that only a succubus would wear. A black skin tight suit, two bracelets on each of her wrists and legs, and a pendant that radiated darkness. And it was obvious that she wore no underwear under that tight suit, her erect nipples were proof of that.

And finally, Nurarihyon. He has an appearance of a young man in his twenties, except for his abnormally long black hair that extended behind his head. He has piercing yellow eyes, black eyelashes and eyebrows, and pale skin. He wore a long black kimono with a katana in its sheath on his waist, and a smaller katana on the other side of his waist. He had his left eye closed with his left arm inside the gap in his kimono, he looked completely relax as he took a puff from his pipe.

They floated on top of the palace with numerous minor deities surrounding them. They looked so overbearing and majestic that it almost seemed like this might be the end of the Otsutsuki Clan.

Amaterasu had a nervous smile on her face as she said, "So… what do I owe you guys on this pleasant day?"

"Don't play dumb, Amaterasu. We allowed your audacity for far too long! We have had enough." Shinigami said with his usual eerie voice.

"But you guys were just about to accept my offe-"

"Silence, wench! You were fooling us earlier, and no more will that happen again!" Shinigami barked.

"Now, don't be too hard on the poor young goddess. She was simply too ignorant of our world." Nurarihyon said, relaxed.

'Tch, all of you were just about to accept my offer of relocating to another world that is more interesting than this one. But then, this "Chosen Immortal" suddenly appeared, and all of you suddenly turned on me! Hypocrites! All of you!' Amaterasu sneered at them inside her mind.

"Please sister, go back to where you belong and don't ever come back here. Shinigami will revive all of the people your clan has killed in this world, so that you will not incur the wrath of the Chosen Immortal." Kami said, almost begging her to just leave.

Reluctantly, Amaterasu had to back down. She can't win this fight, even with all of her clan members supporting her. She may be a lazy glutton, but it wouldn't take a genius to see that angering them even more isn't something she should do, unless she wants all of her hard work gone to drain.

"Fine, even I know my limits. But what about my men? My clan members? I sense that many of them are no longer here, their chakra signatures are gone. I hope you can revive them, Shinigami." Amaterasu calmly talked to them, so that no more aggressive actions will happen.

"Don't you order me around, wench! I won't revive them for you, or to be more exact, I don't have their souls. But I sense that they are alive, but for how long? I don't know." Death himself said to her.

Amaterasu calmly took this information, and knew that there is no longer any room for a discussion here. Besides, making strong soldiers is easy, she doesn't have to be angry right now.

With that, they watched her as she left with her floating palace. They didn't go after her, since the death of a deity is a trouble in itself. The Chief God would be angry at them if they killed her.

Suddenly, as they floated in the sky, they heard someone clapping behind them.

*Clap* Clap* Clap*

"Well, this is certainly surprising. I didn't think that a major god was our enemy, if I had known, I would've equipped my shinobis with far stronger gears. But it would still not have been that much of a problem. Now, are you guys my enemies?" Hikaru said while looking down at them as he floated in the sky.

Now, no one dislikes Nurarihyon, right? He's like, one of the coolest characters in anime. I'm sure you would agree with that.

As I am currently writing chapter 111, the next chapter, I suddenly got an idea to add the infinity stones. But don't worry, he won't get six of them immediately. He will receive 2 stones, the time stone and the space stone. Those stones will help him conquer space and time, and will be able to literally bend it to his will.

Have a lot of idea, but for now, hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay well, and as always, thank you for reading!

By the way, you gotta listen to Takayan. His songs are THE BOMB!

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