
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
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30 Chs

Trying to Understand

Back at where it all originated the Begnion soldiers were all beginning to catch their bearings. They had difficulties retrieving their mounts, but after a while, all personnel and equipment were accounted for. Once they all caught their breath, Shiharam gave out orders.

Shiharam: "All units prepare to march towards the rally point."

They all agreed with his order, but one of them had a question.

Soldier: "Sir. What about the child?"

The soldier was talking about Ryan who had finally gone quiet after his last shout. That move used up every inch of magical powers and caused him to faint.

Having just remembered about his existence, Shiharam went up to Ryan to check up on him. He was a bit relieved after finding out that he was alive, but a little pale.

Shiharam: "Let's show some respect and bury this man first okay."

The soldiers had no qualms about this. Any man who cared deeply as he had for his son deserved to be treated with respect. Although they were of a different race, there was a link all men and women had with each other that was boundless. He was buried in the spot where he died with three rocks for a tombstone.

Soldier: "Now sir. About the child."

Shiharam: ".....As I promised, we will leave it here and leave it up to the Goddess to decide his fate."

Soldier: "But sir, is that really for the best? You saw what he was capable of as an infant. If he grows up, I fear that Begnion will have deal wit-."

Shiharam: "Enough! Do you think that the people leading this country currently deserves our loyalty? The people of the Senate are a bunch of greedy pigs wanting nothing more to fill their pockets."

Soldier: "Please sir, you can't say things like that."

Shiharam: "Then tell me, am I wrong!?"

The soldier and everybody else had nothing to say. The apostle was the only one keeping the Senate in check, the only good left representing the people, and now that she was gone, things were going downhill.

He looked around at his men.

Shiharam: "Since no one has anything else to say, prepare. Let's try to regroup before night approaches."

What the soldiers did not know was that Shiharam also had some doubts giving his order. In the end, Begnion was his home country and he would like nothing bad to ever threaten it. However, his guilt towards the child and what happened to the Laguz in the Serenes Forest won at the end.

After leaving Ryan on his father's grave, they went to join the caravan back to the capital of Begnion Sienne. Soon the day became night as the sun was slowly falling beyond the horizon on this empty field.

Soon, however, shadows began to appear in the night racing towards a certain destination. They race towards their object with arrow-like speed. Among those shadows was a 'light' which greatly stood out among the group. When they finally arrived at their destination, what they first noticed was the distorted landscape.

Nailah: "So this is where the wave originated."

The shadows revealed themselves as a small pack of wolves, Laguz wolves to be exact, meaning the 'light' among them was Rafiel. He was currently incredibly exhausted from constantly singing the Galdr of Vigor, but he managed to help Nailah and her pack arrive here, albeit barely.

Taking a look around, Nailah spotted Ryan on the grave and approached him.

Nailah: "What is a baby doing here? The scent of both Beorc and Laguz, a Branded huh. Although he is still breathing, I don't think he'll last long given his complexion."

She looked towards Rafiel who was in no condition to use Galdrar again and quickly made the decision to camp out here. As tended to both Ryan and Rafiel, she sent out some of her men to scout the area, bring back some wood from the trees nearby, and try to figure out what had happened here..

The campfire and tents were eventually set up and Ryan and Rafiel were both in a tent resting. When the scouts came back to report what they found, they told Nailah of their findings.

Nailah: "So what did you find?"

Wolf Laguz: "My queen, from the tracks in the forest and the smell in the air, it looks like a Laguz man was being chased by a group of Beorc men riding on horses about an hour ago from the other side of the forest. There is also the scent of Beorc men in the skies so I believe that some were riding wyverns too. From the amount of iron in the air, I suspect that the chasers were soldiers."

Nailah: "I see. Then I'm guessing that that grave outside is what's ever left of the Laguz man."

Wolf Laguz: "Yes my queen. I suspect that he was running away with that baby, most likely his son."

Nailah: "Hmm. Anything else?"

Wolf Laguz: "It looks like the man was chased to our current location, but because of some explosive force, I can't tell what exactly happened. All I could tell is that from the hint of blood, the Laguz man probably died here."

Seeing that they had nothing more to say, Nailah signed. She told her subordinates to rest and continue the investigation tomorrow. They had been running for a long time to get here before it becomes too late and they were both physically and mentally tired. Although the Galdr of Vigor helped them with that, it could only do so much.

Nailah: "We can't do much while we're in this state, it'll be better if we do continue this in the morning. We also aren't really equipped to deal with a baby too."

Since Ryan was currently a baby, he needed way more care than the average person. At the moment, there was no formula nor milk to feed him and if he does not get any by tomorrow morning, then his health could fall drastically and his life would be in danger. That could not happen.

Ever since Nailah saw Ryan's brand, she knew that he was special. Every brand that she came across were 'vauge' and 'faded' to say the least, but Ryan's was definitive and had this aura to it. She knew that he had the potential to become someone great, probably even change the world.

Caressing Ryan, she said gently

Nailah: "It was the Goddess that led me to you and I'll do my best to ensure your survival. Plus, it wouldn't feel right with me seeing you die."

The next morning came and although everyone was not at full strength, they could easily continue walking for another day in the grasslands. The group followed the trail of footsteps and horse prints to find out where Dale was running away from. They eventually arrived at Thera and Dale's farmhouse.

Wolf Laguz: "It seems like that house is where the Laguz ran from my queen."

Nailah: "Yes it does. Have the scouts try to find out what happened here."

Wolf Laguz: "Yes, my queen."

Nailah: "In the mean time, let's try to get some milk for the boy, he needs to eat something. Luckily this farm has some cows."

When the Nailah arrived at the door and saw no one inside, she would have believed that this place was abandoned recently. But after hearing her subordinate's report and inspecting the area with her own eyes. She finally knew the general situation of what had happened to Dale and Ryan, about how someone, Thera, was dragged by a group of soldiers and how they also hunted down and eventually killed Dale, most likely because he was a Laguz.

Nailah felt disgusted seeing how things had be done. Back in their homeland, both Laguz and Beorc existed in peace and even Brandeds were treated no differently. The way things went in Tellius, contrary to Hatari, was horrible.

As was Nailah was trying to feed Ryan with boiled cow milk, his complexion started getting better. Eventually, after she was done feeding him, she could see him sleeping peacefully.

She then went to check on Rafiel and how he was recovering. Thankfully, the farm had plenty of herbs and vulneraries so there was no chance of anything going wrong. After he takes a long, much-needed nap, he will wake up and then they could set off for the journey back home. She left him on his own and went to meet her soldiers.

Nailah: "We'll stay here until Rafiel recovers. With his ability, we cannot cross the Desert of Death. Thankfully we have plenty of supplies on this farm so everyone, regain your strength for the journey back."

Wolf Laguz: """Yes, my queen"""

After a week at the farm, Ryan finally woke up.