
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Surprising both Allies and Enemies

Ever since Nailah and her group could first see the green plains on the horizon, a bandit scout had been observing them from a great distance on a small mound. He saw that the group only consisted of about a dozen men and that they were pulling a large wagon. He went to back to his hideout and to tell his boss.

Bandit: "Boss! We got a group with a cart loaded with goods about to leave the desert. They even got some guy with golden hair and white wings who I've never seen before."

Bandit Leader: "Hooo. I'm pretty sure that'll make us a good bit of coin. Anything else?"

Bandit: "The entire group is only little over ten men and they're all Laguz. And they're being led by a Laguz woman with an eyepatch."

Hearing that the group was being led by a woman wearing an eyepatch confused him for a second. He heard of someone with a similar appearance, but could not remember who she was or how she looked like and tossed the thought aside. Seeing all the expectant eyes of his underlings, he made a decision

Bandit Leader: "All right boys, you know the drill. We'll split into three groups. Half of us will first hit them head-on, while the other two will come in from the left and right to surround them. Y'all understand?"

One of the bandits responded to him

Bandit: "Don't worry. We got it boss."

All the others smiled and agreed with him. They have done this enough that it will not be much of a problem.

Bandit Leader: "All right then. Let's make some money!"

Bandits: """YEA!"""

Skipping towards the time where both the bandits and Nailah's group were running towards each other, she and 5 of her men met around 17 of the bandits with the leader directing in the back.

If this was in the game, Nailah and her men would be able to defeat all of them because their levels were higher and they would all come one at a time. However, this world is different and they have to deal with multiple bandits at once. Also, people of this world could not see the opponent's status and have to approach every fight with some caution.

The bandits spit themselves into tiny groups. Every one of Nailah's group had to deal with at least two Laguz or Beorc warriors and Nailah herself had to deal with a few more than that. She and her men could have easily dealt with them given their greater experience, but the archers and priest in the backline restricted their options and movements.

Nailah was currently fighting the bandit leader along with three of his underlings.

Bandit Leader: "Haha! What a good woman. How about this, I'll spare your men if you give me your body and wagon? Don't worry, I'll teach you all sorts of fun stuff."

Nailah: "Disgusting brute! You are not even worth a spec of dust in my eye. Stop resisting and die already."

The leader was actually weaker than Nailah, but he had the support of a few other of his bandit buddies so he was arrogant. Another reason for his arrogance was a skill that he had, Shade. Although this skill was the best for assassinations, that did not fit his style so he used it unconventionally by fading in and out of his battle with Nailah to confuse her.

The battle was at a stalemate for a while before the tides began to change. Although they were pretty well organized and had the upper hand in terms of manpower, the bandits were slowly being pushed back by Nailah's subordinates. This did not escape Nailah's eyes and tried to get them to surrender.

Nailah: "I'm pretty sure that you can see that even with your advantage, you still will eventually lose. Surrender now and I'll make sure that you will live your life in a nice jail cell."

The bandit leader chuckled in response.

Bandit Leader: "I'll give you guys some credit, you guys are tougher than y'all look. But did you think that we would fight you head on without a plan? You underestimated us, missy."

Hearing that, Nailah was initially confused, but then she widened her eyes and looked backwards. What she saw was the other half of her men that she left to protect Rafiel, Ryan, and the cart was getting pressured by Cavaliers and Mage Knights.Though the Laguz warriors could have probably dealt with them if they were on the offensive, they were stuck on defense and continuously being bombarded with magic and charged at by horses.

When Nailah considered running back to help them, the hairs on her body flared up and she quickly side-stepped and dodged a pounce attack by the bandit leader.

Bandit Leader: "You can try to go back there to help them, but don't expect that you'll be able to reach in one piece."

Nailah gritted her teeth and fell into a rage.

Nailah: "You bastard!"

The battle between Nailah's group and the bandit leader's group got even more fierce. All they wanted was to deal with the group in front of them as quickly as possible and took more offensive stances. This, however, caused them to take more damage because of their rash decisions, but they endured the pain. They just wanted to get their fight over with.

Back when Nailah set off with half of the group to meet the enemy, it was only a few minutes before the others to notice that there were two small groups of horse riders coming from both their left and right. The group knew that they were going to have a tough fight ahead of them.

Rafiel: "Although I dislike violence, it appears that we do not have much of a choice but to defend ourselves. I will try my best to support you all, but we have to hold out until Nailah is able to come back."

Everyone agreed and braced themselves from the incoming enemy forces.

The battle went as anyone would have expected it and slowly the defending group was losing their gound. Rafiel's Galdrar was helping them last longer, but could not do any much more than that.

Their options were only limited to defending against waves of attacks and spells. If they tried to chase down a target, they would be unable to defend themselves from the other enemies and would also leave Rafiel and Ryan defenseless. At this rate, the most possible end scenario for them would be death.

Knowing this Ryan decided he needed to do something. However, he knew that if he acted now Rafiel would notice.But he also knew that was the only person who was able to support the Laguz warriors since Rafiel was literally weaker than a normal human and had no offensive capabilities.

As the fight went on, the Laguz wolves were starting to get more and more tired and the Cavaliers took advantage of this and started to charge towards them. When they were right on top of them, Ryan thought that this was the opportunity for him to act and channeled his mana.

Ryan: "Waaaahh!"

He pretended to cry while he exploded his magical powers causing a gust to blow in a circle away from him.

Rafiel: "What amazing magical power for one so young."

Rafiel, who was the closest to Ryan, took the gust the hardest, but it did not really affect him that much since he had wings to fly with.

Bandits: "What the!?" "What's going on!?" "Aaaaaaaah!"

The gust held no killing potential, but it did stop the Cavaliers' charge and the Mages' chanting and also, blew them off of their horse. The horses were also blown away a bit and started to flee once they got on their feet

Laguz Wolves: "What happened!?" "We're flying!" "We're heading straight towards them!"

The wind also hit the Laguz wolves and sent them flying a little ways towards the enemy. The wind completely lifted them off their feet and although they did not know what happened, they were experienced enough to take advantage of the situation. They adapted and spent their time in the air moving towards the riders, biting their necks and clawing them. Within a span of a few seconds, the number of bandits decreased by more than half.

What happened did not go unnoticed by the people in the first fight. Nailah always had some of her attention towards the second fight so she was surprised when she saw what happened. When the bandits and other Laguz wolves felt the gust press them, the stopped fighting for a moment to gaze in awe at what was going on.

Nailah was the first to snap out of it and started laughing.

Nailah: "Hahaha! It looks like your plan failed. Now I don't need to worry about them anymore, I'm sure that they could clean up the rest. C'mon men, let's quickly finish this up and get back."

Laguz Wolves: "Yes my queen!"

Seeing how he lost about a third of his subordinates, the bandit leader flew into a rage. However, when he heard what his opponents called Nailah 'queen', he showed both shock and fear.

Bandit Leader: "You're the new queen of Hatari, Nailah!"

Nailah chuckled.

Nailah: "It took you long enough to figure it out, but it's too late to beg for mercy."

Nailah then lifted up her eyepatch and stared directly at the bandit leader with her left eye. The bandit leader had a face of terror as his body started to turn into stone. Eventually, he was completely petrified with a constant look of fear. She had used the unique skill that had been given to her from birth, Glare.

She could not have used it before because that would have left her vulnerable and a bit weakened. The other reason was that he had his guard up, which would have made the success rate of the skill fall dramatically. But with him being in a state of both surprise and fear, it was easily as taking candy from a baby (except Ryan).

Seeing how the situation was playing out and how their leader had been killed in a frightening manner, the bandits started shaking. It did not take long before the first one started to run away with many more following along.