
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
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30 Chs

Steps Towards the Future

Rafiel and Ryan were both taken to the castle to receive their treatment and because the higher ups needed to watch them very closely. Although they were feeding and providing them with shelter, they had to be cautious towards these people.

It took longer than expected for Rafiel to fully recover. It turns out that his angelic-looking face not only covered his cunning intellectual side, but also pretty much every other facial expression visible. Unknown to whether this was a blessing or a curse, as long he did not damage that face of his, everyone would think that he looks like a saint.

Ryan was also not doing so well. Expelling magic from his body in a great burst really put a toll on him physically and now every time he moved, it felt like his body was completely sore and was getting muscle cramps which were both painful and annoying. To make things worse, he was constantly visited by this noble-looking lady who always wanted to play with him.

This lady would always frequently check up on him and even some times carried him and fed him. Although Ryan was grateful for her kind gestures, moving him around as she did was only jolting him because of the cramps and this would usually cause him to cry.

Normally, if a baby cried when ever you interacted with him, you would think that the baby didn't like you because you were a stranger or someone unfamiliar with him. This was what the lady thought and so she tried every time to get closer to him, unaware of the pain she was causing.

This routine kept on going for the first couple of days. In the morning, about an hour after the sun rises, a Beorc maid would come into the room where he was placed in to feed him and also change his diaper if needed. And usually a few minutes later the lady in question would show up with a face that both said happiness and purpose.

Lady: "Hi, little baby! I'm back!"

Ryan: 'Ugghhh… Not her again. Although my body has recovered quite a bit, it still looks like today will be painful like the last few times.'

The maid did a deep bow.

Maid: "Queen Mother."

If you haven't guessed it yet, the lady who was trying to get closer to Ryan was Nailah's mother Aurora. It was quite clear that she was very interested in Ryan.

Aurora responded to the maid with a slight nod and walked towards her who was gently feeding Ryan with a bright smile.

Aurora: "Awwww. He looks so adorable with his emerald hair and blue eyes. He's so cute that I could pinch his cheeks."

Maid: "Ma'am, you already have done that, more than a couple of times."

Aurora: "Oh hush. Now let me hold him."

The maid complied and slowly transferred Ryan from her arms to Aurora's and soon after she began making baby faces and baby noise. Ryan responded by covering his face in embarrassment.

Thankfully, someone else came in and stopped her before she could continue.

????: "I knew I'd find you here. Stop bothering him mother, we have to go."

Aurora took a second to see who was talking, only to find that it was her daughter. Half-ignoring her, she turned back to play with Ryan some more.

Aurora: "Just a few more minutes dear. I rarely ever interact with a baby and since you will not give me one, I am just spending what little time I have."

Nailah rubbed her head and sighed.

Nailah: "Not that again. We've had this discussion many times already and I don't want to go through it again at this time. Just come already. Rafiel is about to speak with everyone."

After a couple of days, Rafiel was now back to near full health. It was this day that he decided that he would tell the leaders of this kingdom of what he knows about what lies on the other end of the desert and about himself and the other races living there.

Aurora paused and sighed.

Aurora: "Sorry little one, I'll have to play with you tomorrow."

Ryan: 'Oh please! Take all the time that you need. No need to hurry.'

She reluctantly pulled her hand away from Ryan's face and walked out the door with Nailah following after her.

Ryan: 'Finally, some peace and quiet.'

Back in the throne room, all of the country's leaders were present, waiting for their guest to arrive. Many of the people here were Laguz, but there was a good number of Beorcs here too. It took a while, but eventually Nailah and Aurora arrived in the throne room, luckily before Rafiel. They took their respective positions and waited.

Soon after, the hall doors opened and in came a white robed and white winged man. No one could deny that he had a certain elegance that caused all to be in awe. Everyone's heartbeat was sped up and while the men were stunned, the women were blushing. Even Nailah, who usually did not care for appearances much, was captivated by how he carried himself.

Nailah: 'I didn't notice since he was all damaged and dirty when I first found him, but he doesn't look have bad. A real charmer.'

Everyone could not tell how long it took for him to reach the center of the room since they were all still at awe, but after he bowed and started speaking did they all snap out of their trance.

Rafiel: "Thank you, people of Hatari, for giving me the chance to speak in this great hall and for the generous care you all have given me. My name is Rafiel, a heron Laguz that comes from the land beyond the desert."

As the newly crowned leader of Hatari, Nailah was the one to respond.

Nailah: "I am glad to see that you have had a steady recovery. I have already introduced myself to you, but once again, I am the queen of Hatari, Nailah. Along my sides are my mother and father, Aurora and Adal, the previous king and queen of our country."

Rafiel bowed in response.

Rafiel: "It is a pleasure to meet you King father, Queen mother. I thank you two for having such a noble and courageous daughter. Without her majesty, I would have likely perished within the sands."

Adal: "You do not have to thank us for that. All your gratitude should be directed towards my child, for it was her choice and decision."

Rafiel: "If that's the case, thank you once again Queen Nailah."

Nailah: "Enough with the gratifications. We have called you here today to speak what you know of the land beyond. For centuries our people have journeyed through the desert in hopes of finding what lies at the end. Since our kingdom now knows that there is a society beyond the land of death, we would like to ask you for information."

Rafiel was hesitant with her request.

Rafiel: "... Your majesty. Before I tell you what knowledge I have of the other side, I would like to ask what would you and your country do with this information."

Nailah: "... Do you fear that we would attack your home?"

Rafiel: "Franky your majesty, yes. Although I no longer have much attachment towards that place, it still is my home."

Nailah: "You do not have to worry about that. It is impossible for any attacking force to journey across the desert in one piece, thus no harm shall come to your land that originates from Hatari."

With her reassurance, he felt relieved.

Rafiel: "Thank you for bringing some piece to my mind. I shall tell you all that I know of the land on the other side of the desert, Tellius."

Rafiel began to continuously speak of what he knew of his continent. However, he was still a heron, a clan that dedicated themselves to self-isolation, so he could not say anything more than the general geography of Tellius, the countries/kingdoms within this continent and their respective rulers, and how society generally behaves. He ended his speech by saying how there was a huge gap between the Beorcs and the Laguz in Tellius, how they hated one another, how this state was made to be.

All this information brought out murmurs from the people within the hall.

Laguz Politician: "What idiocy. Blinded with pride, they believe themselves to be superior."

Beorc Noble: "That's right. Although there are physical differences between us, they can't see that we're all still people and shed the same color of blood."

Beorc Governor: "Also, by working together can we cover each other's weaknesses: Laguz being strong physically and Beorc being mentally adept."

Laguz General: "And this was all caused by the words of a few fools calling themselves people with the Goddess's grace. What foolishness the people of this land, Begnion was it?"

Nailah: "Quiet down everyone. First I would like to thank Rafiel for giving us all this new information about your home."

Rafiel bows.

Rafiel: "It is my pleasure your majesty. I wish my home could have been more like your country, here it seems like both Laguz and Beorc get along very well."

Nailah: "Hatari thanks you for your compliment. Now we must decided what we must do now moving forward with this knowledge. I ask that you all speak your minds. As long it does not causes death, destruction, or harm, it could be a possible act."

One by one the ministers started speaking their minds. Some asked if Hatari should make contact with the people of Tellius to make themselves known, but it was quickly countered by the fact that they have an extremely different social structure than Hatari and that it could have negative effects. Talks like this kept on happening, when something was brought up, it would be shot down almost immediately all due to the differences in their societies.

The warriors, knights, and generals did not include themselves in this conversation. Since their forces were not needed, they left all the politics to the ministers and nobles.

After the discussion went on for a long time with no path in sight, Nailah made her decision.

Nailah: "Since we can not come to a conclusion for what should do with this newly found information, then that is what we shall do."

Seeing that everyone had a look of confusion, she explained to them what their country would do.

Nailah: "We shall continue to have ourselves live without them having any knowledge about us. It seems like making contact would bring more negative effects than positive ones at this point, so we shall wait till the opportunity rises where we can safely make contact with them. In the meantime, it is the minister's duty to ensure when is the best time and what we should do."

The Hatari ministers kneeled.

Hatari Ministers: "We hear and will obey your majesty."

Nailah: "While they are doing that, I am assigning the duty creating a safe path towards Tellius to the generals. Once that is done you will send some of your men to scout this new land. Make sure that you only send Beorc men disguised as normal citizens to obtain more information about the land. Have what extra information your scout uncovers be sent to the ministers to better help their mission."

The Hatari warriors, knights, and generals also kneeled.

Hatari Soldiers: "We hear and will obey your majesty."

Nailah nodded.

Nailah: "If there is no other questions or concerns, then this meeting is dismissed."


Sorry for the long wait.

For now, the upload schedule is one chapter every 2 days.

AndyLyncreators' thoughts