
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
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30 Chs

Meeting Face-to-Face

They had finally made it to Persis. Although the actual trip was a bit uneventful, the beginning and the end of it held enough action for Ryan to last a month. He really hated acting out unnecessarily without a purpose.

Once they got past the gate guards, there was a clear difference between the environment in this city compared to the town of Luria. For one, there was way more people here. The streets were filled with people and there were red armored soldiers patrolling the city. Furthermore, it might be because Sephiran governed his city differently or because Sanaki was recently crowned, but the area was much more lively and cheerful.

Once they got inside the gates, Makalov obviously wanted to go straight towards the nearest pub and grab a drink. After begging Ryan for some cash on the way to the tavern, he got his wish on the condition that he would not go overboard.

The horses were taken to the stable and Ryan's items were stashed in a hidden compartment in the carriage that he had after the situation with the Begnion flyers.

After settling in a room in a nice place, Ryan went to explore the city.

The place seemed to be built like what people envision a capital city. There was a building that in the center that looked like a castle and was many meters high, the tallest building in the city. It was Sephiran's home and one could easily see the land beyond the walls and from the top.

And that's where Ryan currently was right now, standing on top of the building. The sun was setting and he was just taking in the sight.

Ryan: "This world is truly beautiful."

He was awestruck by what he was seeing. Compared to Earth, this world was just breath-taking. The air was clean and pure, free from pollution and smog. The dark sky was slowly being filled with many bright spectacles.

Although there was a fair share of problems with this world, like any other, there was a good balance of life and when compared to the past hundreds and thousands of years, almost nothing had changed.

Ryan: 'Maybe it's because they had the Goddess closely watching over and guiding them. There is almost no signs of magical nor scientific innovation and everything looks to be straight out of a medieval movie.'

Then he shook his head.

Ryan: "Nah. Stop thinking about it. It doesn't matter how things were in the past, all that matters now is how things were going to be from here onwards."

Then he suddenly got serious.

Ryan: "That means that I can't mess up now."

He waited on the roof for the sun to completely set before he flipped on his hood, covered his mouth, and hopped down. Using a bit of wind magic, was able to completely silence his footsteps and any loud sounds. He was determined to find his target tonight and nothing was going to stop him.

Door-by-door, room-by-room, he opened and checked every place where his target could be as quick as he could. After 15 minutes had passed, Ryan had already searched through half of the building from the top. All he found were the servants' quarters and their living space.

He was quickly working his way down the many floors before he slowed down. He was approaching what seemed to be a dining room that was being attended by many maids and butlers.

Without making himself known he sneaked inside and found his target, Sephiran. He was having dinner with several other people, talking about how the Apostle will arrive in the city tomorrow.

Sephiran: "So to reiterate, the Empress will arrive from the west gates and from there she will march down towards this building. Captain, you shall be in charge of the soldiers and knights on the ground while the Holy Guard cover the skies."

Captain: "By your word, your Eminence."

Tanith: "Consider it done, your Eminence."

Sephiran: "Coordinate and finalize your plans."

He turned towards another person at the table.

Sephiran: "And we have all the supplies we need for their visit, along with food for the Empress's guards, correct?"

Merchant: "Of course, your Eminence."

Sephiran: "Alright, on to her meals."

Ryan patiently waited for Sephiran to finish and leave, not moving an inch, hiding his presence. The group talked for about 30 minutes before they finally finished and the guest finally started leaving.

His target left the dining room and started heading towards somewhere else. Walking for quite a while to the other side of the building, he was heading for the door into his office. Of course, Ryan was following all the way and reached the place before his target.

He stepped in and it didn't take long before Sephiran also walked in. He silently sat down at his desk and then opened his mouth.

Sephiran: "You have been watching me for a while now. Would you mind stepping out."

Ryan: 'I knew this was too easy.'

He stepped out of the shadow and faced him.

Ryan: "As expected of the Empress's closest advisor."

He paused for a bit.

Ryan: "And Ashunera's companion."

Sephiran went silent at that statement and the area grew more tense.

Sephiran: "Who are you?"

Ryan went towards the desk and had a seat facing Sephiran, staring at his face.

Ryan: "You don't have to worry about that right now, you'll find out eventually. I'm just here to see you for myself."

Sephiran: "Now that you have seen me. What now?"

He leaned forward to see his face real clearly.

Ryan: "So this is the face that is willing to sacrifice all of humanity."

Sephiran's face turned ugly.

Ryan: "Don't worry, I won't interfere with your plans. I personally think that this is the only way to weed out the bad ones. Too much of them have too much power."

Sephiran: "So… What do you want?"

Ryan: "...I said that I won't interfere with your plans, but I'm damn sure won't let you involve the innocent."

Sephiran: "None of them are inno-"

Ryan: "Wrong. Many of them are innocent, just a bit susceptible to influences. I'm sure that you'll understand as the days goes by."

With that said, Ryan vanished into thin air leaving Sephiran alone to contemplate. He looked out of his window, towards the direction of Sienne.

Sephiran: "Ashunera … What should I do?"

Ryan actually used his one-month teleport back to the roof, where he just was. After watching the sky for a bit longer, he decided to quickly get down, lest he gets spotted by a passing Pegasus Rider, or worse, spotted by the rider by the name of Catalena.

After hopping down, he went back to the tavern to find that Makalov was making a spectacle of himself when he was being lectured by Marcia.

Marcia: "Not even a year had gone by since I last saw you and you're still drinking your mind away in a bar."

Makalov: "Awww cmon Maria, give me some credit! I have gotten a little better in controlling my habits. See, I'm only on my third drink."

He said this while drinking his cup in front of her.

Marcia: "Big brother! Would you please stop drinking while I'm talking to you!"

Makalov: "It's not like a little sip will hurt."

She stole the mug in his hands and pointed at him.

Marcia: "Your little sips always ends up with you drunk!"

Makalov: "Not always."

Marcia: "If you ever aren't dead drunk after drinking, that means that you've already spent all of your money!"

Everyone in the tavern was getting a kick watching the two brother and sister argue. Persis was a fairly peaceful city so anything exciting was fairly uncommon.

Seeing that Marcia's lecture did not seem to have an end and because Ryan felt a little sorry for him, he finally decided to step in.

Ryan: "You don't have to worry so much about him. I only gave him enough for a few drinks."

Marcia was jolted from her angry state and turned towards Ryan and began speaking in a more normalized tone.

Marcia: "Oh! You're the one that came with brother, I'm sorry for not greeting you before. I hope that my brother hasn't been causing too much trouble for you. Hold on! You gave him money to buy drinks!?"

She then turned back towards Makalov.

Marcia: "How much do you owe this man!? I swear to the Goddess if you rack up any more debt I'm gonna kill you!"

Seeing her become angrier, the brother hid behind Ryan.

Makalov: "Hey. Hey. My debt isn't that high."

Before Marcia could continue, Ryan spoke up for him.

Ryan: "Don't worry about it. I didn't really expect him to pay me back in the first place. I figured that he probably wouldn't be able to afford it."

Marcia: "I'm sorry for all the problems he has caused you and thanks for your generosity."

Ryan: "It's no worry and you should know that your brother isn't all that bad. If he actually applied himself, I sure he could make something out of himself."

Marcia/Makalov: ""Really!?""

Not only Marcia was surprised, but Makalov was too. Ryan wasn't really expecting either of them to notice. Makalov was too dimwitted to figure it out and Marcia was too focused on his many negatives.

Ryan: "I know you two can't believe, but trust me. A bit more effort all will eventually become better. After he makes it, then he can pay me back."

Marcia: "Really!? Thank you so much!"

He nodded

Ryan: "Alright. It's getting pretty late so I'm going to bed. Continue with … your reunion."

After saying all that, Ryan went to his room and soon fell asleep after he hit the bed, tired by his conversation with this world's hidden boss.


A few days ago, a small army of soldiers set off, coming from the city of Salmo. These troops were escorting someone across the entire country and that person was obviously the Empress of Begnion, Sanaki. Now, the company had just set up camp.

In a large tent at the center of the camp, the Apostle was sitting down and drinking tea, trying to relax. Although she had such a grand title, she still was a five-year-old child forced to mature at such a young age. Without help from Sephiran, Sigrun, and the few others close to her, she would have never been able to make it this far without completely losing her mind.

???: "Empress, may I come in?"

Sanaki: "Sigrun? You have my permission to enter."

An emerald-haired, white armored woman gently enter the tent and sat across from Sanaki. She currently was the commander of this small army and second-in-command of the Begnion Holy Guard, soon to be the leader after the current commander retires.

Sigrun: "Persis is only a night away. If we leave by sunrise, we should arrive in the afternoon."

Sanaki nodded.

Sanaki: "Are all preparations done for my arrival?"

Sigrun: "His Eminence Sephiran is a punctual person your Highness."

Sanaki: "That he is."

Both of them sat in silence for a bit.

Sigrun: "You Highness, may I speak freely?"

Sanaki nodded.

Sigrun: "How are you feeling?"

She sighed.

Sanaki: "I am doing well. Except that being a ruler is … hard, to say the least. Thankfully, we are going to see Sephiran this time."

Sigrun smiled.

Sigrun: "Please remember that you are not alone. You have his Eminence, me, and the rest of the Holy Guard to reply on. I shall, and always be, your sword and shield your Highness."

Sanaki: "Thank you for your loyalty. Now, if you would excuse me. I must get some rest."

Sigrun slowly sat up and headed for the door.

Sigrun: "I wish you sweet dreams, my Empress."

She said that before walking out.

Alone, Sanaki jumped up and slapped her face.

Sanaki: "Alright! I have a big today ahead of me tomorrow. I need to properly get some sleep. Can't let him see me with an ugly face."

Sanaki went to sleep and tried to dream happy thoughts.

This message is just to let people know that I probably won't be posting chapters for a while.


So that's gonna eat up a lot of my time.

Also, I haven't been mentioning this frequently, but if you have any spare change, please consider donating to my Pat reon page.

https://www.pat reon.com/AndyLyn

It would help out a lot.

AndyLyncreators' thoughts