
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
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30 Chs

Differences and Similarities

Ryan shot right up and leaned in closer. His eyes were like a hungry beast looking at a piece of meat dangling in front of him.

Ryan: "What did you just say!?"

God had a big smile after seeing his crazed state. After being continuously surprised by how Ryan reacted to the situation, he finally got one on him and thought 'This is what I expected to see'.

God: "I said what if the world I transferred you to was the worlds of Fire Emblem."

Ryan: "You better not be joking about this! You should know how much I love that series. I even died protecting it from being destroyed."

The thing that Ryan was talking about was the game he lined up all day to get. He took days off work, spent most of his budget, replayed the entire series, and protected till he met his end, all for this one game. The latest addition to the Fire Emblem Series. From any one of these acts alone, anyone could tell how much he loved the series.

God: "Of course! Why would I lie to you?"

Ryan: "Does that mean I'll be able to meet Eirika, Ike, and even Marth!? How is that possible!? I thought that these were all fictional and only in games."

God: "Yes. If you are strong enough, you will be able to meet them. Also, every story on your world is inspired by different existing worlds. The stories you believe to be fictional are actually real in another world."

Ryan: "But still, the series has at least five different worlds. How would I be able to visit all of them?"

God: "The series does indeed have many worlds, but they all exist in the same parallel plane. Thus, traveling through the worlds is not at all impossible, just exceedingly difficult. About how you can do this, I'll give you the ability that'll let you travel through the planes."

Although he was excited by the reality of Fire Emblem, he wondered how could he carelessly give away an incredible power like that? Although Ryan did die because of his actions, he didn't think that he deserved this much preferential treatment.

Seeing his face, God understood what Ryan was thinking.

God: "Of course I would have to limit your powers to some degree so that you don't upset the balance of the worlds. Even if I do somewhat owe you, I can't neglect the feelings of the Gods of these worlds."

Hearing this Ryan calmed down a bit. He liked the fact that he would be able to travel through the worlds of Fire Emblem, but he disliked how it would make him too strong. He believed that everyone should need to put in work in order to become stronger, similar to how characters level up.

Ryan: "What about the time gap? I know Chrom is a distant descendant of Marth. How will I be able to see both of them?"

God: "You don't have to worry about that. As you know in Chrom's world, their descendants were able to travel back in time through the Outrealm Gates. You just have to learn how to control and manipulate this."

God's words shocked Ryan.

Ryan: "But how? Even the Naga couldn't control it."

God: "That is for you to find out and learn."

Ryan nodded and continued on.

Ryan: "What are the limits of the space abilities you're giving me?"

God: "First of all, it will have a cool down period. You can teleport to places you been to before, but if you do that, you would have to wait one full month before you could use it again, so use it wisely. Next, you can only travel to another world only after you get stronger. To do this you at least must be able to fight Ashera solo when she first wakes up."

Ryan nodded again, but this time he was a bit depressed. Obtaining enough strength to fight Ashera alone is no easy feat. Even Ike needed help Yune, a Goddess, to do this and he was the strongest in this world.

God: "So, I have to say this because you still haven't answered me, but what's your decision about being transported to these worlds?"

Ryan: "You still need to ask? Of course I'm going! You don't know how long I've dreamt of this moment."

God: "Great! Now, let's work out the details before I send you there. First of all, which world would you like to start in?"

Ryan hesitated for a bit before choosing the world of Tellius from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. These were the two games he played the most, so much in fact that he had to buy additional copies since the disc became worn out over each session.

When he was asked whether he wanted to start as a grown man or as a baby, Ryan decided that he would start out being born into the world. Although he couldn't adventure anytime soon, he would be able to live and grow in this new world. It was decided that he would be born a a couple years before Ike.

The next thing that needed to be decided was what race he would be. Ryan thought this as a no-brainer and immediately chose to be born as a Branded. They were the offspring of both Laguz and Beorc, but hated by both sides. Ryan had always liked this race since many of them turn out to be really important characters to the story. He also felt sorry for them because of how they were persecuted by both sides and wanted to help them when he gets stronger. Ryan would be born between a dragon father and human mother.

God: "Since we got all of the background things done, now onto skills. Things are a bit different from the games, but let me tell you first that skills have ranks and are learnable. You can learn all kinds of skills as long as you are given proper guidance from people or through manuals."

Ryan: "Does that mean that I could learn both Aether and Astra!?"

God: "That's correct, but since those are high ranking skills, you can only learn them after you've grown stronger, plus they cost a lot."

Ryan: "Does that mean that could learn any skill as long as you trained hard for a long time towards that direction? And when you talk about cost, do you mean how much space it takes in a person's Skill Capacity?"

God: "You can't learn 'any' skills, there are limits, such as the three categories they could have: Universal, Racial, and Rare. And yes, when I talked about cost, I was talking about Skill Capacity and the Skill Capacity Limit. Stronger skills cost more, just like the game. Also, you should note that you can't delete skills, they stay with you forever."

Ryan: "So that basically means I have to carefully choose what skills I want to learn. By the way, what's my maximum skill capacity?"

God: "105"

Ryan: "WHAT!?"

Ryan was completely shocked by the number he was told. That was 1.5 times more than the Black Knight, one of the most overpowered characters in all of the Fire Emblem series.

Ryan: "Why do I have so much? But I already have the space skill, so wouldn't my available capacity be much lower?"

God: "I was originally going to start you off with that much in the first place. Oh, don't worry about your teleportation skill, it has zero cost. Consider it a freebie."

Ryan was completely stunned

Ryan: "Why the heck are you so easy going!? Wouldn't Ashera or Yune have something to say about this?"

God: "I don't think you have to worry about them. You won't be able to abuse your space ability so they should be okay with that and I don't think that they'll kill you because of your skill capacity."

Ryan sighed

Ryan: "So you're leaving my life all up to chance."

God: "Don't worry so much and if they actually do anything, shit happens!"

As God was laughing Ryan was regretting ever saying that phrase to him.

God: "The last thing to talk about is class and weapon mastery. The ladder of the two is actually not that important. There really is no such thing as classes, only titles which only gives you a sense of how strong someone is. So there nothing you can do about this right now. As for weapon mastery, it's pretty much the same as it was in the game."

Everything was pretty much done at that point, God had basically covered everything that Ryan probably needed to know. Now it was just a matter of sending Ryan's soul into a woman's body about to conceive.

Ryan: "I guess this is good-bye."

God: "Not forever though. I'm pretty sure we'll meet again sometime in the future."

Ryan: "Hopefully not after another accident."

God: "I already apologized. Plus I think that the chance I'm giving you more than makes up for it."

Ryan: "Yea. Thanks for fulfilling one of my lifelong dreams."

God conjured a bright light, similar to the one that brought Ryan into this room. Ryan then closed his eyes, releasing his body to the light. As it slowly pulled him in, he could hear God say one last thing.

God: "Have fun down there."