
Kidnapped Cap 9

"Dean, stop messing with my stuff! My computer's frozen from all the porn!"

Sam exclaimed in an angry voice, walking over to Dean and showing him the computer that was frozen on the +18 site.

"It wasn't me Sami, I spent the day watching baseball here on the couch."

Dean retorts, looking away and whistling.

"I'll pretend to believe you, but if I catch you going through my stuff, it's gonna get ugly."

"Will you two maidens stop arguing and help this poor man?"

Opening my eyes, I realize I'm on a clean bed, with my wounds bandaged.

I try to move my body, but every muscle is sore, causing a jolt of pain down my spine.

"Dean, sleeping beauty is awake!"

Sam shouts at his brother who is walking towards me with a serious face.

"What the hell happened to you, first you disappeared for two days, then you magically appear at home looking like a cardaver!"

Dean, who had approached me with an angry look on his face, said, waiting for my answer.

"I'm sorry, I had to sort something out, it turned out to be more dangerous than I thought, but you can rest assured that I'm perfectly fine."

I replied to the brothers, trying to wave to them but unable to move a muscle because of my injuries.

"Perfectly fine? you can't move an arm, boy, if you don't want to talk about what happened, okay, but don't get in the way of us killing each other. We have to find our father and we've wasted two days waiting for you!"

Dean ends up walking away from me with an angry face, Sam sighs tiredly, looks at me with a pitying look and follows his brother into the living room.

I lower my head, sighing deeply at my incompetence, I thought it would be an easy task to look after a living dead man but I underestimated my abilities.

I realized that I should be more careful and only go on missions when I'm ready.

Putting this sad thought aside, I noticed Sam's downcast gaze.

Probably saddened by Jess's recent death, I didn't ask him anything about it, as it would have been strange and even suspicious for me to know.

"Okay, time to check the rewards"

Opening the interface, I looked with a smile at the large amount of experience I had received for killing the living dead Jason Voorhees.

But unfortunately it wasn't enough to raise my level. Focusing my attention on the soul coins, I see that I've earned 2,000 coins from the mission.

Excited, I browse the store for something worth buying. After a few minutes of looking around, I realize how poor I really am.

"At least I've gained two new skills that will be very useful, now I need to rest so we can follow John Winchester's tracks..."

Three days later....

After a long rest, I fully recover my injuries from the last mission.

The brothers are shocked to see how fast I've recovered, and start asking a lot of questions, suspicious if I'm some kind of creature.

I rolled my eyes at Dean's crazy assumptions, lying that since I was a child I had a healthier body than other children.

They clearly didn't believe this lie, but soon dropped the subject.

Following the plot, the brothers were supposed to be out of town by now, but since I'd delayed both of them, the plot may have changed.

Talking to Dean and Sam, we decided to follow their father's clues, leading us to the town of Blackwater Ridge, where a wendigo lived in the nearby forest.

We arrived in the town of Blackwater hours later, we went in disguised as environmental agents, fortunately we ended up meeting Haley just like in the series.

"Hi, we're environmental agents and we're investigating an alleged animal attack, do you have any clues or information to tell us?"

Henry asks Haley, who looks prettier than in the series, but I quickly put that thought aside and look at the girl, waiting for her answer.

"Hello gentlemen, my older brother disappeared in the forest, I'm looking for him with the help of my younger brother Ben. For the time being I don't have any relevant information..."

Haley replied, looking at the agents, especially Dean, who was wiping dirt from his nose.

"I understand, Miss Haley, we'll help you find your brother, but first I need you to stay at home so you don't run into any danger. We don't know what's in the forest..."

Haley tries to retort, saying that it's her responsibility to find her brother, but I threaten to call the police and she quickly leaves, begging us to find her brother Tommy.

After equipping our weapons, we enter the forest in the afternoon, looking for any trace of Tommy.

We continue our search, night slowly covering our vision, the forest once full of life now silent, creating a strange atmosphere.

"Get ready, I feel something coming!"

I exclaim to the Winchesters, who stand guard with their sawed-off shotguns.

I take the knife I used to fight Jason out of my jacket, and the sound of breaking branches rings out around us, making us alert to any small movement.

But a few moments later the noises magically disappeared, leaving only the sounds of insects in the vegetation.

"You see, Henry, it must have been a...."

Dean starts to speak, looking in my direction only to be interrupted by a claw blow to his back that throws him several meters forward.

We ran towards it, coming across a bipedal humanoid being, with longer arms than normal, completely covered in fur.

Its face was hideous, its canines showing a crooked smile, saliva dripping from its mouth as it peered at our movements.

Using observation, I see a yellow color that calms my mind a little, I realize that I may have overestimated this creature. Without hesitation, I decide to attack, taking the initiative in battle.


I fired at a humanly impossible speed, performing a spinning kick aimed at its head.

The swift blow seemed to surprise the monster, which was unable to react to my burst of speed.

Unfortunately, the powerful kick only caused the monster to take a few steps backwards, letting out a gurgling roar and hurtling towards me.

Sam and I withdrew our blades, engaging in combat with the monster.

We landed several blows, but even though the monster was pierced and cut, it seemed to be immortal.

Turning away from the monster momentarily, Sam thought he had seen it somewhere before.

His mind recalling memories from his father's diary, containing the information and weaknesses of all the monsters, he soon remembered that this creature was called a Wendigo.

"Guys! He's a Wendigo, his weakness is fire!"

We tried to immobilize the creature, waiting for Dean to assemble the improvised firearm.

Sam tried to cut off the creature's head, but missed, leaving a gap in his defense that the monster took advantage of to grab his leg.

Henry was unable to keep up with the monster, which was shooting through the forest.


"We have to follow its tracks, wendigos usually have nests where they feed on their prey..."

I answer trying to calm Dean down, realizing my previous carelessness, I was too confident in the abilities of the Winchester brothers.

I'd forgotten that they're still inexperienced, compared to their future characters...

"There's no point regretting it, I have to find Sam, I'd be the worst middleman if I let him die like that..."

Hello readers, this is my first written book. If you go to my profile, you'll see that this is an English translation of my original book.

So forgive me for any writing or grammatical errors, it will be better if you comment your opinions.

MRCAT66creators' thoughts
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