
Traveling the multiverse after waking up

I'm writing this for fun. There will be Harem. English is not my first language, there will be a lot of errors, I am using google translator.

Gravity007 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

CP3 - Ha Yuri Zahard

"Well, of course, visibly," I said with a smile, then a pocket appeared beside me. Headon seeing this was shocked because he was sure that he had not given him anything.

Yuri was also surprised. Was she wrong? Well, it seemed so ... But she wasn't going to get that thought out of her head.

Then she went towards him and touched him she realized it was for real, there was nothing wrong. Meanwhile, Baam had his pocket, and now he understood what they were saying, he just didn't understand how Neil got that pocket.

He was sure that Headon had not given anything to anyone, well whatever he just needs to find Rachel nothing else matters.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am a Class-A guide, and also a tower ranker, Evan Edrok. And she is also a ranker for this tower, Miss Yuri ....", then he started to explain things to Baam about the pockets and a little more.

"Well, it looks like I was wrong," Yuri whispered as he left his pocket and looked at me, who was this guy? Nothing was making sense to her right now, looking at her I just smile.

W-W-Is this guy trying to deceive me? HAHA, because you are very wrong if you think that with just smiles you will win this princess, yuri thought:

"So what's your name?" , I ask her as I raise my hand to greet her

"Ha Yuri Zahard", she said, holding out her hand:

"And yours?"

"Well, just call me Neil," I told him with a sincere smile.

"I see, you can call me Yuri", on the outside she was trying to maintain a strong front however, on the inside she was super excited. 'Kyaa- I am talking to such a handsome man', several thoughts were coming to her mind.

"I understand Yuri, nice to meet you," I tell him. Headon seeing this was getting more and more uncomfortable, damn he never felt like that, like him a guardian? Can it stay like this? Has this guy figured out his plans yet? This is impossible, not even ten minutes ago that he entered here.

"So going back to Headon, just because you don't like irregulars doesn't mean you can lead this boy to suicide, that's unacceptable," Yuri said, returning to his serious tone.

"It looks like you got it wrong princess, I was just giving this guy an appropriate test," Headon said as he twirled his staff.

"And you must also be forgetting that this boy is an irregular, you must know more than anyone that all irregulars are beings with powers beyond imagination," Headon said in a serious tone.

"Err, sorry to interrupt but you guys are referring to me as an irregular, but what exactly would that be?"

"We call irregulars, those who opened the door alone, like the two of you," she said looking at me and the boy:

"This means that you were not chosen to enter the tower, only the chosen ones can enter the tower.

However, rarely, an irregular as you two enter the tower, this was something to stay in the story two more at once, if this is discovered the whole tower would go into chaos ", meanwhile Neil was thinking, 'it all happened because did I break a door? I just wanted a chocolate '.

"And all the irregulars in this tower had enormous power, so irregulars are not well seen here in the tower", she finished explaining with a sigh.

"However, see this guy is completely different! He's absolutely normal! So how can you be so heartless Headon? Sending a child like that to death?" , Yuri was outraged.

"That's why I'm telling you, Headon, why don't you take it easy on his test?"

"Princess ... Well let's twist the rules a little bit," Headon said, twirling his staff.

"Ohhh, really?" , Yuri said with stars in his eyes.

"Yes, just lend him a gun, what do you think?" , Headon asked her, while looking at her.

A weapon? What he's saying all the weapons I keep with me are high-level weapons.

"Ah, now I remember you didn't receive a weapon recently from the king? Why don't you lend it to the boy?"

Ah ... Black March ?! What is he thinking? Even knowing the value of this weapon does he speak as if it is nothing?

I knew this rabbit was a manipulator, Neil thought internally as he looked at Headon.

"Well, lending a gun is against the rules, however if the princess decides to borrow the" black march "I will let it go this time, enjoy that today I am cool," Headon said with a smile.

"Well ... A black march ... It's a little ...", Yuri was finished saying but Headon interrupted her.

"Do you think black march is too much to lend to the boy? You seem to want the child to go up but you don't want to bet something on yourself, I seem to have overestimated him?" , Headon said:

"Well, who am I to counter it? If you don't want to-", Headon couldn't finish because Yuri interrupted him.

"Okay, I'll borrow it this time," Headon, hearing this, smiled broadly.

"Hey newbie, what's your name?" , Yuri said:

"It's baam, twenty-fifth baam," the boy replied.

"Will you climb the tower or will you give up here and now?" , Yuri asked in a high tone.

"I ... I can't give up. There's someone I need to find at any cost"

"Well that's what I like to hear, however you can die before you meet that person, so what will you do?" Yuri said.

"It's okay, I'm going up," said Baam.

"Well, it's okay, come on [Weapon inventory] Visible mode", Yuri said taking a gun that looked like an all black needle and handing the baam.

"This is Black March, I'll lend you just this once", Evan hearing this was shocked how can his princess be crazy?

"Miss Yuri! You can't !! You can't borrow a gun like black march like that !!" , Evan said he was about to infarct with what his miss said.

"Here, boy, take it", Yuri said, baam was all confused he didn't know what to say.

"No ... I don't need to go-", but before he could finish, Yuri started to speak again.

"Take it! You didn't want to go up no matter what? Then live up to her name," Yuri said, giving the gun to baam.

"Thank you. Yuri-Nuna. I promise that I will return it." , baam said as he picked it up.

"Miss Yuri !! How can you trust someone like that, when you just met him!" , Evan did not understand.

"You don't have to worry, I found someone who will return it to me," Yuri said as he looked at me.

Now Evan understood, but even that was completely absurd, was his theory correct?

"Miss Yuri ... You ... Maybe you fell in love at first sight-", but before Evan could finish asking he got punched.

"Quiet idiot," she said with a flushed face.

"Well, my lady, I hope you haven't been wrong," Evan said in a serious tone.

"Well, you know. Tell me when did I go wrong?" , Yuri said in an arrogant tone.

"Well, you know there was that time-", however before Evan finished he took another punch.

'Kekeke, this is getting fun, let's see where this kid is going', I thought internally as I looked at him heading towards the test.

So baam managed to pass the test by igniting the gun he was using, Yuri was afraid however I told her to calm down, and baam easily passed the test.

"I think you better be going, because soon, soon I will take your gun and I will return it to you!" I said looking at Yuri:

"So how do you know you will pass the test and still be able to get that gun?" , Evan said he was still suspicious of this guy, I didn't feel everything today was strange.

"Well, trust me. I'm sure I'll make it, soon the weapon will be in your princess's hand again." I said looking at the dwarf.

"Okay, so I'll trust you," Evan said looking at the princess, who was walking out towards the stairs.

"So, what am I going to do on the rabbit test?" , I say looking at Headon. Headon was sure he couldn't let this guy get out of here or the tower would go into chaos.

"Well, it will be the same test as the boy who just came up, however your test will have more eels", Headon said, hearing this I smile, does this guy think that some of these eels will stop me?

You can call up a guardian if you want me to crush you. I think internally.

"Well, no problem," I say, forming my spear in my right hand, Headon seeing this was shocked. What will that weapon be? He felt her vibration, she was strong, very strong.