
Chapter 81 Kamikaze

Chapter 81 - Kamikaze

Max sends out a Chakra pulse and can detect 62 ninjas, of which they are: 2 Kage-Low, 10 Jounin-Elite, 20 Jounin-High, and 40 Jounin-Medium. These 62 ninjas had cornered the Uzumaki, and also, Max. Hikaru asks Max to escape with a single Clan member from him, but Max doesn't answer. Max after thinking about the situation, had to use the help system, he was very reluctant to use the help, since the help is limited. Max talks to the system to remove the restriction, and the system removes the restriction. Max has the lineage of the Uchiha Clan again and feels better. Max tells Hikaru that he has a method that can save all the Uzumaki, but he has one condition, that they all take a pill that will make them sleep. Hikaru after thinking, and seeing his Clan on the verge of despair, agrees. All the Uzumaki fall asleep, and Max sends him to the Kamui world, he goes to the Kamui world. Uzumaki Mito realizes that his Clan members had died, as the sign on his scroll had disappeared. Max is in the Kamui world, and he prepares everything so that he can go to war. When Max leaves the Kamui world, he prepares for war and activates the trap that his Wood clone had prepared.



[October 08, 14 A.N.N.]

[Point of View, Third]

[before the explosions]

Several people could be seen surrounding a tree, and they had expressions of joy, as they had found what they had been looking for all this time.

During all this time they had thought that their mission would be very simple, since the other party is injured, and they could no longer fight.

Of all these people, it could be differentiated into two very different groups, as they are wearing different uniforms.

The first group had the attire that consists of a long gray shirt, with white bulletproof vests, and on his forehead, he had a headband that represents a Shinobi village, the Kumogakure village of the Lightning Country.

The next group had the attire a tight brown vest, under which they wear a red sweatshirt, and on their forehead, they had a headband that represents a Shinobi village, the village of Iwagakure of the Country of Rocks.

The two Shinobi villages had come together to hunt down a Clan that is feared in the Shinobi world, the Uzumaki Clan, since, out of fear of that Clan, they agreed to a temporary truce to hunt down the last members of the Uzumaki Clan, and collect all the secrets they had in their bodies.

The most important reason, why they are following this mission, is because of the fear of revenge from the Uzumaki Clan, they did not want an avenger to be born, and destroy the Shinobi villages that were responsible for the massacre.

The two groups of ninjas grouped, and began to approach each other on the tree.

The two leaders of the group were far away, while they watched the show, since they knew that the Uzumaki, was seriously injured, and their destiny was already written, they just needed to enter, and kill everyone, if it was possible to capture some, and possess the treasures of the Uzumaki.

This destiny would have been fulfilled, if Max had not existed, since this group of Uzumaki was the last resistance of the Uzumaki, the secrets of their Clan would have destroyed him with them, since it was very dangerous for them to fall into the wrong hands.

When the first group entered the tree, their companions began to follow and began to walk through the passageway.

Another group, mostly Iwagakure ninja, were drilling into the ground, and are making their way to get to the Uzumaki.

"Riku-san, I hope your village doesn't ruin the mission..."-The Leader of Kumogakure said with contempt, while he looked at the leader of Iwagakure.

"Raiden, just because you were the second Raikage's cousin, don't think too much... Don't be too arrogant!... Since your village always messes things up... Because, they don't know how to control themselves." - Said Kamizuru contemptuously to the leader of Kumogakure.

(Author: I guess leaders should have families, so I made up names. Every name has its meaning.)

The two looked at each other with hatred, kept silent, and continued with their work.

The two were separated, by a great distance, since there is still mistrust on both sides, because they both hate each other to death, but he had to fulfill his mission.

The two of them were in charge of protecting the sensor ninjas, as it was a very valuable commodity in their village.

Inside, the ninjas were carefully entering, looking for traps, but so far they hadn't found anything, and they continued walking at a slow pace.

In this group that had entered, there were only two sensors that constantly checked where the Uzumaki were, and until now they thought that they were not discovered, since they had cautiously entered the interior of the tree, and continued advancing.

The other group of ninjas from Iwagakure who were making their to where the Uzumaki were, was much slower, as they didn't want to be discovered, and be responsible for the deaths of their comrades.

The whole group of ninjas is surrounding where the Uzumaki were, both in the passageway, underground, and on the surface, they had covered any escape for the Uzumaki.

The closer they got, the more excited they became, since they had fulfilled their mission, and very soon it was going to end...

50 meters(m)




The sensor ninja wondered, why until now, the Uzumaki hadn't responded, or have they already given up on escaping for so long.

He watched as his companions advanced, while he was at the back of the group.

10 meters

When the sensor ninja looked at his companions, reaching about 10 meters, his whole body went cold, and he felt the danger, he just instinctively reacted to cover his head and jump back.

"Boom! Boom Boom Boom Boom..."

On the surface, the ninjas who had stayed began to hear various explosions, and the whole earth began to shake, and from one moment to another, where they were standing, the ground began to crack, and the entire ground, where they were standing, collapsed.

The two ninja leaders, only able to react, a fraction of a second late, and could only rescue a single sensor ninja each, took a step back, away from this place.

The explosions continued, while the entire earth continued to shake, the two ninjas continued to back away, and at this moment, they looked forward.

In the area where they had been standing, everything was destroyed, and only a large crater with a radius of more than 2 kilometers remained, dust smoke began to rise that covered the entire area, and nothing could be seen.

The two sensor ninjas spoke at the same time to their leaders.

"¡Riku-sama!, We have to go help... There are still survivors." - Said the sensor ninja, who was rescued by Riku, the leader of Iwagakure.

"¡Raiden-sama!... our companions are still alive..." - Said the sensor ninja, who was rescued by Raiden, the leader of Kumogakure.

"Go!" - Said the two ninja leaders, they did not hesitate and began to go to the place of the explosion.


[Viewpoint, Max]

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom..."

When the explosions happened, I had activated a protective barrier in the cave that I had created with the crystals.

The ground began to shake, and outside the cave, the explosions continued, the passageway was hell.

When the explosions stopped, the shaking of the earth had not subsided and continued.

During the explosions, I had felt how the presence began to fade, and that meant the death of the person.

The people who were down the passageway, most of them had died, and the people who were making their way down the earth, only one survived.

'I think I exaggerated explosives!' I thought, as I felt the destruction, and a large number of deaths from this attack, and continued - 'They are enemies, if I had been captured by them, my life would have been tragic.'.

At this time, I looked at my Wood Clones who were transformed like the Uzumaki, and they are like the exact copy, no one could tell the difference, and spoke to them.

"You know what the plan is... Let's go!" - I spoke calmly, and ordered the Clones, and without any hesitation, we started to leave the underground cave.

As we started to walk out, I was able to observe the destruction it had caused.

As we continued through the rubble I could detect some living presences, and I approached them.

When I was on the enemy's side, I looked at the ninja who was dying, his body was shattered, and I thought 'I can't doubt... They are my enemies!'.

I took out a Kunai, and without hesitation, put an end to his agony, and he died.

I looked at him one last time, and I placed explosive seals on his head so that it would explode, and no one would be able to see the memories of him.

We continue to climb out of the rubble, and start this same routine, on killing the enemies, and continue, since you shouldn't see any survivors.

As we were leaving, I had detected the presence of the two Kage Bajo level ninjas who were approaching.

The survivors are only 19 ninjas, of which they are: two are the leaders, 5 Jounin-Elite, 6 Jounin-High, and 6 Jounin-Medium (includes the two sensors).

The two leading ninjas had been rescuing during the time he was coming out of the rubble.

When I got to the surface, I could see fire, since, during my whole trip, there was no fire, because there was not so much oxygen, plus the same debris put out the fire.

At this time, I focused on one place, looked at the ninjas, only four were in a good state, and the rest were injured, with minor injuries, and serious injuries.

Everyone stared at us with hate, and resentment, while we looked healthy.

At this time, I looked at the two ninja leaders, and I had realized that they are from Iwagakure, and Kumogakure, and I didn't know them, since they never appeared in the original story.

I looked around for a moment, shocked at the destruction it had caused, and looked at my Clones, nodding to them to go along with the plan.

The two leaders stared at me seriously, since I was very different from the Uzumaki, because I was in disguise, and they recognized me for who I am. When they saw me nod to the Uzumaki, they got ready, they didn't know what crazy thing I was going to do.

At this moment, the Uzumaki began to scatter in various directions, they were running away, without saying a word, and the enemy was surprised.

"Capture everyone!" - The two leaders reacted immediately, and gave the order immediately.

When they heard the order of their leaders they immediately reacted, the wounded were left aside, since they had to fulfill their mission.

The two leaders wanted to go where Hikaru's figure was escaping, and when they were about to run, they immediately stopped and backed away.

When the two leaders wanted to go after Hikaru (Wood Clone), I had thrown a Kunai in their path, and I stood in front of them preventing them from advancing.

"His opponent... ¡It's me!" - I spoke calmly, as I looked at them, and I thought 'This cannot be fixed with words... There is only one way... Fight!'.

'Everything is going according to plan...' I thought, and continued 'As the typical war phrase goes: Divide, and you shall conquer!'.

The two leaders looked at me seriously, since my speed was very fast, and Raiden was able to catch my speed, and it was almost equal to his.

Without any hesitation, I dashed forward to attack as they were distracted when I stepped in front of them.


There had been a clash between the three of us, as we started the fight, 1 VS 2. Level Near-Kage Vs Low-Kage(x2).


[Point of View, Third]

Several people could be seen running in different directions while being chased by ninjas.

The people who are escaping are 30, and the pursuers are 14 ninjas from Iwagakure and Kumogakure. Both sides are wounded, but the Uzumaki (Wood Clone) is seriously wounded.

A Jounin-Elite level Kumogakure ninja was close to catching an Uzumaki.

The Uzumaki spun his body in the air and gave him a big smile, and in the next moment, there was an explosion.


When he saw him smile, The Jounin-Elite reacted immediately, and stepped back, but he had lowered his guard when he protected himself, and his body instinctively turned to the side, and a person with a Kunai had crossed where he was. had been.

When the Jounin-Elite felt, slightly relieved since he had escaped death, someone hugged him from behind, and he exploded.


When the explosion ended, only the Uzumaki (Wood Clone) was left, and the seriously injured Jounin-Elite.

The Uzumaki approached the wounded man, without a doubt, ending the life of the Jounin-Elite ninja.

"One less... 13 to go." - The Uzumaki said in a low voice, and ran towards where the others were.

This strategy was used by the other Uzumaki (Wood Clones), to cut down powerful enemies.

The next Jounin-Elite to eliminate him, three Uzumaki had to be sacrificed.

The next Jounin-Elite to eliminate him, five Uzumaki had to be sacrificed.

The next Jounin-Elite to eliminate him, five Uzumaki had to be sacrificed.

The last Jounin-Elite had realized the strategy, they were using suicide attacks, Kamikaze. When he was saved from the attack he went to help the rest.

During the attack on the Jounin-Elite, the other Uzumaki were fighting as well.

The six Jounin-Medium had cornered six Uzumaki, and they didn't realize it was their undoing, as the Uzumaki began to fight them.

As they were fighting, two Uzumaki sacrificed themselves and exploded. In the end, the six Jounin-Medio died, for the sacrifice of two Uzumaki.

"Six down…come on, we have to help the others." - Said the Uzumaki (Wood Clone) to the rest of the Uzumaki, there were only four, and they rushed to help their companions.

The six Jounin-High level ninjas had had a head-on fight with the nine Uzumaki (Wood Clone), and at the end of the fight, only four Uzumaki remained.

The only Jounin-Elite level ninja who could survive arrived late, and saw how his partner was killed by an Uzumaki. When he looked at the corpses of his companions, he rushed towards the four Uzumaki, not looking at the danger. After a moment, four more Uzumaki came as reinforcements.

At the end of the fight, there was only one Elite Jounin left, and 8 Uzumaki (Wood Clone), and now they are facing each other.

At the end of the fight, the Jounin-Elite was dead, and 6 Uzumaki perished, as they had to use the same tactic, the Kamikaze attack.

Only two Uzumaki remained, and they headed to where the main fight was taking place to help.

"Come on... we have to help the Boss!" -

From far away there was a huge explosion, and it could be heard everywhere.


To be continued...


Author: Remember the Clones couldn't fight at their full capacity, as they had to pretend to be other people... that's why they took a lot of casualties.

Double chapter... I publish this chapter, because there was support in the Spanish book... yesterday I published a chapter in advance... now they are the same.

If I see support, I'll post an extra chapter in the week...

Well, that's it, comment, and post reviews if you have time. Also, give away power stones.

See you in the next chapter.

If you like, comment, this ends today's chapter.

I hope you have a good day.

Janjo24creators' thoughts
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