
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Vytal Festival (2/2)

Alex was sitting in the crowd watching Weiss and Yang fight two people. He pulled a pill out of his pocket and swallowed it.

He instantly felt his mind-expanding he then thought 'Having your mind expand is a strange feeling indeed.'

He then stood up and walked out of the area. He went to one of the popcorn stands and bought some popcorn he was enjoying his meal when Glydna and Ozpin walked up to him.

Ozpin: "Alex I need you to follow me to my office."

Alex walked with Ozpin and Glydna to the office Glydna looked annoyed throughout the walk.

Glydna: "Can you please stop eating."

Alex then stopped himself from putting another piece of popcorn in his mouth he then sat down in front of Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Alex I know how unique you are compared to the others."

Qrow: "Unique? He looks like an ordinary brat to me."

Alex: "And you look like an ordinary drunk Hobo to me."

Qrow: "Are you testing me pipsqueak?"

Ozpin: "Alex Qrow calm down both of you."

Alex: "Alright I'll calm down."

Qrow: "Tsk."

Qrow started to drink from his flash and Alex looked at Ozpin waiting for what he was about to say next.

Ozpin: "This may not be easy for you to understand. But the grim have a leader and her name is Salem she is humanity's enemy and now she is targeting you."

Ozpin: "Because of this we will need to protect you."

Qrow: "What's so important about him anyway?"

Alex sighed and raised his arms they transformed into claws. Qrow widened his eyes and looked at his flask.

Qrow: "Did I start hallucinating?"

Alex: "No you are not hallucinating I assure you that these claws are real."

Ozpin: " Do you see why we need to protect him from Salem?"

Qrow: "No I don't understand. So he can make his arms into claws what's so important about that ability that it makes us have to protect him?"

Ozpin then put his scroll on his desk a holographic screen appeared in the middle of the room. Then it started to play a video of Alex regenerating Qrow looked at Ozpin and said.

Qrow: "You know you should've shown me that at the beginning."

Ozpin: "Well I believed that Alex showing his claws was enough of a demonstration."

Ozpin: "Anyways can we take some time to appreciate coffe-."


Alex and Qrow looked back and saw James Ironwood enter the room through the elevator. Ozpin smiled and said.

Ozpin: "Welcome James it is great to see you at Beacon again."

James: "Yes I can see Beacon didn't change since the last time I've been here."

James said while wiping some dust off of his shoulders James then looked at Alex and said.

James: "Boy, did Ozpin inform you of the truth of this world yet?"

Alex: "Yeah he did. So know what? I'm guessing you didn't bring me here only to talk about Salem?"

Ozpin: "You are very smart Alex. I also brought you up here to show your powers to us."

Alex: "Why? Didn't you record my fight with those grim? You could show the footage to them instead."

Ozpin: "Well we want to see them in action this is one of the reasons I brought Qrow here."

Qrow: "What?"

Ozpin: "I want you to fight Qrow then after we see your battle we will know how to train you properly."

Alex smiled and cracked his knuckles Qrow then smiled and said.

Qrow: "This battle will be fast brat."

Alex: "I could say the same thing."

Qrow suddenly launched himself forwards but was stopped in place by Glydna.

Qrow: "Hey! Why did you stop me Glydna! I was about to whoop this damn brat's ass!"

Glydna: "Do you not see where you are Qrow!? If you were to fight now innocent lives may be at risk!"

Qrow then realized that underneath them there were civilians. He then walked away he took a sip of his flask and leaned on the wall. James looked at Qrow in disappointment Qrow then suddenly turned around and looked at James revealing his crimson blush.

Qrow: "What you looking at!?"

Alex: "How the hell did he get drunk off of one sip!?"

Alex was confused and watched as Ozpin rubbed his scalp. Qrow then gripped Jame's shirt and they started to argue. Glydna went on her scroll and watched teaching videos Ozpin was fixing the bowtie on his favorite coffee cup.

'Is this really the people that the world relies on for safety?' Alex thought with a little bit of worry. Alex then went and called an elevator his round was near and he felt that he would be fighting someone he knew.

//Timeskip Chan jumps into Smash Ultimate!//

Alex stood on one side of the arena on the other side stood a tall tan man with black hair and wolf ears. He wore a T-shirt and short pant's he also had gauntlets on his hands the gauntlet had iron claws on the knuckles.

The area was randomized the area turned into a run-down city on one side and on the other there was a forest Alex then waited for Peter to count down.

Peter: "Three, two, one! Let the battle begin!"

Alex then ran at the man he dropkicked the man in the chest knocking all of his air out. To continue his attack Alex got up and took out two black pistols he began to fire at the man.

The faunas blocked some of the bullets using his gauntlets he then aimed at Alex and a part of the gauntlet opened revealing a minigun.

He began to fire his minigun at Alex. Alex ran into the forest and hid behind a tree he then peeked out from the tree and saw the faunas but his muscles were bulging and his aura was visible and looked like flames.

'I don't think aura is supposed to be visible when not taking damage.' Alex thought while the faunas ripped out a tree from the ground and threw them around.

'His semblance might be like Yangs in a way... That's it! He must be getting stronger from every attack!' Alex thought and watched the faunas from afar 'So how do I beat him? If I can't attack him then I'll have to make him beat himself!' Alex thought.

Alex then appeared from behind the tree he stuck his tongue out and the faunas took the bait. The faunas roared in anger and charged like a bull. Alex rolled out of the way and the tree that he used to be behind was nothing but a stump.

Alex looked at the faunas hoping to see if its aura got damaged even a little bit. Instead, he saw the faunas' aura grow stronger and the faunas' muscles grow larger.

'My plan didn't work at all!' Alex thought as Oobleck announced the enemy's semblance.

Oobleck: "Hmm it seems that Prism's semblance allows him to get stronger from his own anger! An amazing semblance if I must say so myself!"

When Alex heard this he felt a little stupid and thought 'Damn it the answer was so obvious.'

Alex looked at Prism who seemed a little bit weaker after the praise that Oobleck gave him. 'Alright so make him become calm and then through him out of the arena this should be easy.'

Alex: "Hey uh Prism right! You have an amazing sense of fashion!"

Prism: "T-thank you no one ever told me that before."

Prism visibly got weaker Alex then slowly walked to him.

Alex: "Sorry."

Prism: "Huh why are you sorry?"

He then uppercut Prism making him fall down on his knees.

Peter: "Oh! Wasn't that exciting! Now Alex is the winner of this battle!"

Alex then turned around and was met by a hulking version of Prism. 'Oh shi-' Alex thought as he was picked up 'Get me Pain manipulation right the fuck now!' Alex thought and exchanged the air for the ability.

He then removed any sense of pain for himself. Alex watched with a little bit of discomfort as Prism ripped off Alex's leg.

Many people in the crowd threw up and some arguments between humans and faunas that were not a part of Vale broke out.

Prism wasn't done yet he began to beat down Alex until Alex decided he had enough. Alex grabbed Prism's fist and thought 'Damn he was strong enough to instantly shatter my aura with one grab.' Alex thought impressed at Prism's strength.

Alex slowly stood up and looked around both of them were surrounded by Atlas robots. Alex then chopped Prism's neck and also via blacklight looked into his memories.

He figured out what made Prism angry it was an illusion made by one of Cinders minions. Her name was Emerald and her semblance allowed her to create illusions it was a versatile ability.

Alex: "Stand down he's unconscious."

The robots understood his commands and stood down but they still took Prism away. Alex then left the arena.

This is probably my favorite chapter so far! Just to let you guys know I'm going to derail from the plot now there will be character development for Ruby, Yang, and all characters I want to develop. Anyways if there are any mistakes or things I could improve tell me. Bye and have a great day or night!


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