
Traveler's Will: Chronicles of the Lost Worlds

This is the tale of the Traveler, a man driven by a quest for meaning and a thirst to define his own worth. Follow him, as he journeys through a world shrouded in darkness. As his story is told, he shall confront his deepest fears in a relentless battle for survival. His path is fraught with cruel sorrow, wandering, and the relentless pursuit of freedom from a cruel fate. Bear witness to a journey fueled by unmatched will, where one man’s struggle shall be the catalyst to ignite a legend! ~ Synopsis, courtesy from BrokenAmbition --- Q/A: Is this your first attempt at writing a novel? Yes, this is my first attempt at writing a novel. English isn't my first language, so I would appreciate any help pointing out grammar mistakes and other errors. I'm excited to share the world I've been building since my teenage years. What can readers expect in terms of progression? The first arc, consisting of roughly 50 chapters, will introduce the main characters, the power system, and some world-building concepts. Following this, the story will be packed with action, adventure, numerous battles, mysteries, and clever plots. How will the writing develop? The writing will continue to improve in the later chapters. There may be some inconsistencies between the early chapters (1-23) and the later ones (after chapter 23). I plan to rewrite the earlier chapters in the future, but please bear with me as I manage a heavy work schedule. What should I expect from the story's pacing and focus? The novel has a slow-to-medium burn pace. It is character-focused, with a rich blend of world-building. Some details will be revealed through dialogues, while others will emerge from the background composition. Think of it like an orchestra: the characters are the main instruments, with the world-building, power systems, and society forming a slow-burning backdrop. What makes this novel unique? The power system is based on psychological aspects such as personality, traits, and flaws. It incorporates duality, meaning nothing is static or set in stone. A weaker character can defeat a stronger one by exploiting the opponent's flaws and traits, emphasizing strategic thinking. What are the tones of the story? The story has its dark elements, exploring societal struggles and madness. However, I also love the sense of adventure and fun, so readers can expect some lighter, humorous moments. How long are the chapters? Each chapter is approximately 2000 words. What is the chapter release schedule? I aim to release at least five chapters a week.

vorlefan · Fantasy
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51 Chs

A Pact of Brotherhood

They quickly organized themselves as Joe and Raffin emerged from the tunnel, positioning themselves near the bell and focusing intently to overhear the conversation.

"Tomorrow's the day, right?"

"Yes, I hope everything goes smoothly. They deserve a chance at a better life, especially that young lad who lost his only parent so young..."

"He's talkin' 'bout me?" Brian muttered under his breath.

"Here," Joe said, retrieving a small pouch from his robe. His fingers brushed against the worn fabric, momentarily lost in memories.

"This pouch contains the letter and some gold for them," he said, snapping back to the present with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"Why's that, if you don't mind me asking?" Raffin asked, scratching his head as he accepted the bag.

"His mother," Joe said softly, as Raffin's eyes widened in surprise.

Before Raffin could fully process Joe's revelation, a sharp intake of breath from above caught their attention.

Brian, perched on the rooftop near the bell, suddenly dashed down, causing roof tiles to shatter as he descended.

Raffin raised an eyebrow, but Joe's expression remained unchanged, as if he had anticipated it.

Brian crashed onto the snow-covered ground, the impact reverberating through his tense body. His chest heaved, and his breaths matched his racing heart.

Advancing towards Joe, his eyes blazed with fury, his fists clenching and unclenching as he grappled with a torrent of emotions.

"What do you know about my mama?" His voice trembled as he spat out the words.

Joe mumbled a brief prayer before addressing Brian, his voice calm and measured. "I can't tell you now, Brian. You need to undergo the awakening process first. Only then will I share everything with you."

Brian's mind was a whirlwind, each thought a gust of frustration, swirling faster until it spilled over, unable to be contained.

"You're always keeping secrets, Joe! It's about my mama, damn it!"

Brian whirled around, his boots etching sharp arcs in the frost-dusted earth. He sprinted to the weapons rack and grabbed his spear, the cold metal igniting a surge of determination. Without pausing, he plunged into the shadowy forest.

Joe sighed, breaking the silence as he turned to Asdras. "Fetch your sword, he'll need you."

Raffin silently watched as Asdras dashed after Brian, sword in hand. "They'll be okay?"

"May Saint Rose bless us," Joe intoned as he swung open the church door. "Follow them, stay hidden, and watch. In time, you'll understand why I asked this."

Brian dashed through the winter forest, his boots crunching on the frosted ground as he navigated the labyrinth of trees and underbrush. Each breath formed frosty clouds in the icy air, mingling with the scent of pine and decayed foliage.

Suddenly, he froze, his eyes widening at the sight of six wolves ahead, their mottled fur blending with the trees.

The world narrowed to the sound of his heartbeat as Brian faced the snarling pack.

He tightened his grip on the spear, its tip touching the snow. With a sudden lunge, he thrust it forward, drawing a line between him and the pack.

The wolves circled silently. The first wolf lunged with bared fangs, but Brian twisted aside, thrusting his spear forward. The tip pierced the wolf's flank.

The wolf yelped and retreated, but two more advanced claws scratched the icy earth.

Asdras concealed himself in a nearby tree, tightening his grip on the sword's hilt. Each growl and each movement below intensified his readiness to act.

He watched Brian roll away from snapping jaws, a streak of red marking his escape. The desperate dance was filled with snarls and clashing metal against flesh.

The fight escalated into a deadly ballet as Brian's spear found its mark repeatedly until the wolves' cries were swallowed by silence.

The last wolf fell with a thud, its eyes dimming as life escaped.

A gust of wind swept through, clearing the remnants of the skirmish and leaving Brian gasping for breath. He plunged his spear into the frozen ground and leaned on it for support. His body shook with relief, exhaustion, and lingering anger. The snow beneath him was stained with blood, tufts of fur, and torn leather, marking the aftermath.

Brian's face shifted through emotions like a tide washing over the shore.

First came anger, a tempestuous flame gnawing at his soul, ignited by the mystery of his mother's absence.

Neither his mother nor his father remained by his side now, and despite having friends and people caring for him, the seed of loneliness seeped into his veins.

Asdras approached and gently patted Brian's shoulder.


"In the end, it seems we're both cursed," Asdras said, glancing at the dead wolves.

Brian retrieved his spear, clutching it firmly. He held it parallel to his nose, peering at his reflection in the metal. He sighed and turned to meet Asdras' gaze.

"Promise me," he whispered, a shy smile flickering. "That we'll stand tall, unbroken by any curse fate throws at us."

Brian thrust his spear into the air, and Asdras placed his sword atop it, sealing their promise with a grin.

Brian broke the silence with eager words. "How about a fight?"

"You've got energy to spare."

They retreated swiftly, boots scraping the frost-covered ground, opening a gap between them. Their eyes met in a silent nod, and as if on cue, they surged towards each other, breaths forming clouds in the chilly air as steel clashed.

The battle began with Brian's spear cutting through the air, his movements a blur of speed and precision. Asdras, relying on instinct, skillfully dodged the strike.

As the fight intensified, Asdras blocked a thrust with his sword, his reflexes sharp. In a fluid motion, he landed a swift kick to Brian's leg.

Brian leaped back to evade, but Asdras's assault continued. A well-timed punch sent Brian tumbling to the icy earth.

"You lost again, Brian," Asdras said, grinning as he offered his hand. "But that spear attack was impressive."

"Aw, c'mon, Asdras," Brian grumbled as he got to his feet. "Could you go easier on me? I'm covered in dirt and my eye's puffed up."

"You asked me to train with you," Asdras shrugged.

"Dammit!" Brian yelled, adjusting his clothes. "Let's sleep. I'm tired."

Meanwhile, Raffin emerged from the shadowy woods, breaking his silence with murmured words. "They'll have a good chance of surviving the Eruption."