
Cast aside into the darkest corner of the world, we strive to overthrow the divine

The Abyss. The Void Realm. The so-called underworld of this place known as Teyvat, exists deep beneath it, far from the reaches of the ordinary. An entirely different world from those inhabited by the surface dwellers.

A place with a will of its own, seeking chaos, havoc, and the destruction of the surface, filled with nothing but poison that will seek to corrupt the minds of those who are unfortunate enough to have ended up in this accursed place.

Many have accidentally wandered into this realm. Whether that was truly accidental or the will of the abyss itself, well, who knows? They were always the ambitious ones, the ones with lofty goals. And the outliers? Well, they were never the same once they stepped out of the abyssal realm.

This breeding ground for chaos and conflict, a place that no one would ever dare to visit…

…is the home of the unfortunate souls within the Abyss Order.

They were once normal human beings, cursed to become a monster for their transgression against the Heavenly Principle.

But is that really the case? If so, what had they done? Was it because of the great sinner Gold? Or was it because Khaenri'ah managed to prosper without the presence of a god? Unfortunately, the real reason is unknown. And those who do know, will never speak of it, lest they incur the wrath of the divine.

One can't help but wonder, what is the Heavenly Principle? Why does the heavens enforce it so?

The heavens, under the pretense of the Heavenly Principle, will unhesitantly destroy an entire civilization should they deem it fit to do so.

If that's the case, what is it that makes the heavens and the abyss so different?

When their so-called divine curse is capable of creating monsters belonging to the void, what difference do they have compared to the corruption within the abyss?

Despite that, the divine, the heavens, the gods within the floating island, they are the ones that have control over this world.

But… what right do they have to rule this world, when they themselves were merely an invader of one?


Within the depths of a certain temple there exists a room filled to the brim with concentrated anemo energy. Chaotic yet powerful, the winds within are akin to a storm, trapped inside what seems to be a fragile looking glass-like rock formation.

Standing next to it, with its ever watchful gaze, stands the Herald of the Abyss. With its hands behind its back, hiding the sword-like protrusion on top of its arms, it patiently waited. Its orders were clear: guard the place until the Prince's objective has been achieved. Should any intruder enter the temple, eliminate them.

The Prince's orders were clear. No one is allowed to interfere.

"Esteemed Herald, there are two intruders currently making their way inside."

Turning its gaze towards the source of the voice, the Herald saw one of the few mages stationed within this temple. "The guards are quickly being dispatched, they are no match for the two of them," sensing the gaze of the Herald, the mage hurriedly reported the current situation.

'Guards, huh….'

Although the Herald itself is a monster, it found that perhaps the most unfortunate among the accursed, are the hilichurls.

A once proud citizen of a thriving godless nation, reduced to a horrible mutation of a human being. Their intelligence degraded, their memory lost, and almost all semblance of humanity within them disappeared. Forced to live the remainder of its days as an abomination, unable to die a natural death.

The people that it once swore to protect, reduced to mere foot soldiers for their own goals.

'For the greater good. For the greater good….'

How many times has this thought passed its mind? How many times more can the Herald justify its action?

"Send the rest of the mages. Do whatever it takes to stop them. The Prince has made his orders clear. Do not disappoint him." Shaking itself out of its thought, the Herald ordered the mage in front of him. "By your will," with those words, the mage disappeared from his sight. The Herald hoped this would be enough, but….

'Just in case.'

Channeling the power of the elements, the Herald coated the sword-like protrusion on its hand with hydro, elongating them and making them a lot sharper than before.

And thus it waited. Should things go well, then the deaths of the intruder shall reach its ears. If not, well, it has been a while since it had a taste of combat.

Focusing its gaze elsewhere, the Herald turns towards the abyssal network scattered throughout the temple.

This interconnected network powered by the abyss itself is capable of being a method of near-instantaneous transportation, as well as an observation tool within the place this network is constructed in.

Turning its gaze towards the pair of interlopers, the Herald spotted a woman with a purple witch outfit and a man wearing a traditional Inazuman outfit making quick work of the hilichurls and the mages it dispatched.

Sparks of electro energy were fired from the hands of the witch and, with the help of the Inazuman man, was spread out towards the rank of mages with the help of his anemo manipulation.

Although the mages managed to put up their shields, the differing elements of each of them prompted the Inazuman man to manipulate the anemo energy surrounding them, causing a swirl of reaction that quickly shreds their elemental shields.

With their means of protection gone, the mages were no match for the two of them.

'One of them is excellent in their elemental manipulation, and the other is capable of flight. This is a problem.'

Though they expected some form of retaliation from the Knights of Favonius, it seems they had underestimated them. The Herald was not surprised though. After all, information regarding the capabilities of the members of the knights itself is hard to come by.

'The Inazuman is most likely a hired hand.'

Despite having the ability of creating an abyssal network, infiltrating a city is no easy feat for them. They are monsters after all, transforming themselves back into a human form is nearly impossible.

'Hmm, maybe if that lector calling itself Enjou could come, it would probably be possible. Unfortunately, there's no point in pondering the what ifs right now.'

Focusing its gaze back to the outside world, the Herald noticed the growing sound of footsteps approaching.

Readying itself, the Herald patiently waited for their arrival.

The moment the intruders spotted its figure, they instantly attacked without hesitation.

The purple witch positioned herself behind the Inazuman, firing multiple arcs of electro towards the Herald while the Inazuman opted for ground combat, firing multiple blades of anemo towards its head.

Wasting no time, the Herald quickly dashed towards the Inazuman, deftly dodging his attack while taking advantage of the gaps between his anemo blades to get itself closer to him. Swinging its right hand, the Herald aimed its blade towards his chest, only to be blocked by a hastily made anemo shield.

Before the abyssal monster could continue its assault, the purple witch fired a concentrated electro attack towards it, squarely hitting the head, stunning the Herald for a brief moment.

Taking advantage of that time, the Inazuman launched himself up in a backward motion. While levitating himself in the air, large quantities anemo energy was quickly gathered towards the base of his right foot.

'Not good, I have to…!'

Before the Herald could retreat, the purple witch manifested a small lantern which seemed to make the elements she manipulated stronger by several fold. With the lantern on her left hand, she used her right to constantly emit powerful arcs of amplified electro towards the Herald, paralyzing its movement.

Seeing that it is trapped, the Herald could only focus all the hydro element he could towards his blade. Crossing both of its arms with difficulty, it prepared itself to block his attack.

The Inazuman, after gathering as much anemo energy as he could, made a kicking motion and launched the concentrated ball of swirling anemo towards the Herald.


Despite the Heralds effort, the sword-like protrusion on his arms started to crack ever so slowly. And, in just a few seconds, the elements surrounding the blade dissipate as it shattered to pieces, with the anemo ball hitting the Herald squarely in its chest, launching it backward.

Towards the source of Dvalin's power.

With force unbefitting of its size, the anemo ball managed to launch the Herald through the rock formation, destroying it in the process, causing wild untamed anemo energy to spread around the chamber they were in.


Letting out a guttural groan, the Herald managed to get itself out of the wall with difficulty. The blade on its hand was destroyed, with cracks spreading throughout its armor-like carapace, alongside sparks of electro still lingering on its body.

'I failed….'

Despite the condition of its body, despite the pain it must've felt, the only thing on the Herald's mind is the sheer disappointment it felt for failing his Prince.

'Forgive me, Your Highness.'

Seeing the approaching intruders, the Herald mustered every bit of energy he had left and dodged their attacks for the last time before making a grabbing motion towards the empty air with its right hand.

Focusing all the hydro element he could gather on its left hand, the Herald fired a devastating water blade towards the intruders before disappearing into the portal it created.


Within the darkness of the abyss, there exists a majestic building akin to a palace. Although signs of decay covered its entirety, it stood tall for who knows how long within the midst of the abyssal corruption. Who does it belong to? Who are the people that created it? Why does such a place exist within this place where nothing but monsters exist? The world may never know the answer.

And within that palace, inside a large chamber propped by multiple pillars on each side, there is a throne that has long since decayed from the erosion of time.

Sitting crossed-legged on top of said throne is a figure with blonde hair. He wears his hair in a long braid, with clothes that expose his stomach. The earring on his left ear alongside several different parts of his clothes lit up with a white glow.

Both of his hands rested on top of a sword's pommel. The sword itself is gold with a hint of white in its center. The blade of the sword is connected to a straight crossguard, with a diamond-shaped hole on the flat of its blade.

The Herald, currently facing the man sitting on the throne, is kneeling right in front of him.

"Forgive me, Your Highness, I have failed the mission you've given me."

Opening his eyes, the figure on the throne stood up, sheathed his sword, and walked towards the kneeling Herald. "Failed, huh," the man calmly said, as he slowly circled the Herald, looking over the condition of its body.

"Tell me everything that happened, from start to finish."

And so the Herald did as he was asked. Everything that happened within that temple, from the intrusion until the final battle, not a single detail was left out.

"I see." Stopping himself in front of the Herald, the man continued "Fortunately, even with its power source cut off, the Dragon of the East is still within our control. Abyssal poison isn't so easy to remove after all. Despite this setback, the plan is still in motion."

Raising the Herald's head with his right hand, he looked directly into its eyes "Rest. And once you've recovered, I have a new mission for you. You are dismissed."

"As you wish, my Prince."

With a final salute towards the man, the Herald opened a portal and disappeared towards the unknown.

Sitting on top of the throne once more, the man, after seeing that he's alone, let out a small sigh.

'Of all the times I could've found you….'

Prior to the Herald's arrival, a lector had visited him with information regarding a different intrusion within the Temple of the Falcon. A pair of intruders: one wearing a uniform of the Knights of Favonius, and the other….

'Who would've thought that I would find you like this, dear sister.'

It has been 500 years, and never once did he give up looking for his sister. Even after the destruction of Khaenri'ah, even when he's busy with matters concerning the Abyss Order, he never once stopped searching.

It's a good thing that he ordered his subordinates to be on the lookout for her, Teyvat is a large place after all.

'I was hoping that we wouldn't ever have to meet in these circumstances, but I suppose Fate is a cruel mistress huh?'

Behind his mask of indifference, deep beneath his burning hatred, lies something that he has buried within his heart for the sake of his goals.


Fear that he would fail. Fear that he would die, never to see his sister again. Fear that his sister would hate him for what he has become.

'I wish things could be better, sister.'

Even when he has finally found his long lost sibling, even when he could visit her now with a simple order if he wants, he chose not to.

He has decided long ago that he will finish what he started.

'I will not let them get away. Not after what they did.'

Replacing the longing for his sister is his hatred towards the divine. The ones responsible for the destruction of the country he loves.

And he will not stop until the heavens pay for what they've done.

'I'm sorry, Lumine.'

Within the throne room, he closed his eyes. Surrounded by the darkness of the abyss, Aether waited. Whether this plan will succeed or not, remains to be seen.

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