
Trash ReinCarnation

An story of a trash who wishes to live peacefully after realizing his weakness. And the story of him 'becoming stronger' by attaining 'happiness.' ——— More like, a Parody than fanfiction until Fanafics continent open. Connected Universe: Holo + Icarus… all my works are basically connected I forgor where I downloaded this illustration should be somewhere in pixiv and twitter.

R4IN · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

26 The World’s First NTR

The reasons for the changes in this fanfic's synopsis is because the backstory of main character is completed.

Not going to mention his past frequently in novel though because Rein's past is 'altered' past of mine

Also, inspiration hasn't been striking me lately


"Huh? Get your fucking ass down here, Franer! You got Othorz's voice bloody wrong!" I heard the voice from far below.

'I knew it! It's definitely dangerous downstairs!'

'Curse this woman! How dare she tries to seduce me through a booby trap!' I inwardly thought as I halted my step.

"Jokes aside, I don't like revenge stories. What should I do with her..." I muttered to myself.

I could leave here at this moment but according to her story, she has been down there for many years and is probably some sort of elf or someone with a long lifespan judging from her voice.

'That's right, let's write her a story.'

'Sasuke's story is too long and boring to compress within three-thousands words... Yeah, that one is good.' I decided to write her a story of a [Bad Ending] of a game called [Happiness Double Room].

The simplified story of it is about a normal person who's regularly bullied by a group of bullies and forced to do their homework.

The normal person (main character) can't do his homework because he has to do multiple part-job to support his family, moreover, the school forbids part-time jobs.

So the school teacher scolds him every day without giving him the chance to talk about bullies or whatsoever homework they're forcing him to do.

One day someone who's like a sister to him returned from vacation and the bullies who asked her out to have fun at hotel in the night or whatever got refused badly which pissed them off.

So, those bullies who saw the main character with a girl decided to torture him to give out her number and the main character gives them.

Then the game choice will divide whether to give the phone number or not and this choice will hugely affect the ending later.

Though if you chose to give the phone number, by the end of the game, the sister will commit revenge for the mc by recording the bullies and school teacher raping her to get the police to arrest them.

'Hmm... This is it. I don't think I need to write the main character's reaction over the video of a group of mob raping the girl. I want the girl to sympathize with the main character that revenge is not worth sacrificing everything.'

I finished writing in about an hour.

Using my blossoming clairvoyance, I took a look at her figure before throwing the paper.

Seems like, she has been down there long enough that her clothes disintegrated. No matter how erotic her body was, it doesn't change the fact that she was scary and probably dangerous.

With the hope to deteriorating her brain as well through the world's first NTR novel, and hopefully, she sympathizes with the main character and won't make the same mistake he does.

'I also had a period when I thought about revenge.'

'After a long thought, I've came to conclusion that sacrificing everything to fulfill my revenge only to attain a temporary pleasure isn't the answer.'

'Neither is giving up everything by committing suicide was the answer.'

'Actually, it's all simple.'

'Just be happy.'

I threw the paper unaware of how much I'll traumatize this girl in the future.


While Rein visited all sorts of production shops, on the other side of the map, Tilda was teaching the princess common sense.

"Tilda-san it's a bad manner to eat while walking! It's also dangerous," Ceri worriedly looked over at Tilda who was about to take a bite of grilled chicken.

"It's okay, it's okay! Do you know why the chicken meat is skewered into the stick?" Tilda shrugged off Ceri's warning before opening her mouth wide.

"It's because so you can eat while walking," Tilda aggressively bit the grilled chicken as the juicy odor ran amok inside her mouth with the grilled chicken sauce painting every single part of her mouth.

"Hmm~♡" Tilda tastefully ate her grilled chicken, causing Ceri to drool slightly, unbefitting her former identity as a dignified princess.

"T, Tilda-san! May I take a bite a little?" Ceri said while gulping her saliva. She had an interest in the foods of a commoner.

"Yes! I thought you would say that so I bought another one for you, whoops, before that, your right eye... It's glowing in pink," Tilda said before giving another grilled chicken to Ceri.

What Tilda pointed out was Ceri's right ey

"Ahh... Sorry, haha," Ceri bitterly laughed before the pink light on her right eye disappeared.

"I know you're curious about the first man you've become interested in but you shouldn't show it in front of too much otherwise, he may think you're an easy woman," this time around, it was Tilda who warned her.

"It's not like that... it's just when I notice it... my eyes were already following him..." Ceri said shyly.

"Hoho, you shall tell me more," meanwhile, Tilda looked interested over Ceri who began eating the grilled chicken.

"It's like, what he's saying and his personality doesn't match up! At first thought, he may seem cowardly and unreliable but he's actually thoughtful and reliable mhmh," Ceri paused her sentence to eat.

"*gulp* back when he proposed to us to run alone while the town is in danger, that's because he was thinking for our safety and he could've run all alone... though this is just my assumption," Ceri said before taking more bite of grilled chicken, she thought it tasted good.

"That's true, that's true," Tilda was all ears on what Ceri had to say.

"Then, in the end, he came back it's like he is the protagonist of one of the many stories I've read. Saving everyone while all scared... I think that's pretty cool," Ceri was chatty and taken by the mood, she blabbered whatever was in her mind.

'Oh, that's right, Ceri doesn't know that Rein was inflicted with [Cruelty Trauma].' Tilda thought inwardly as she continued to listen on Ceri's chatter.

"Just before, when he received a gift from a bypasser, he was hiding a smile and when they're gone, he grinned like a child, treasuring the necklace(a gift he received) like it was his life," Ceri paused and thought deeply.

"If I describe his nature, he is someone who seeks attention probably from the past of being ignored by everyone else. Not to mention, their attention-seeking nature of his has a good drawn line and he will never try to seek attention in cost of someone."

"He's also a sensitive person with hidden colorful expressions. He's easily hurt, and easily pleased and because of this, he's afraid and embarrassed to show her emotion so he wears a 'cold' mask in front."

"He also heavily treasures his relationship no matter how early it was formed. I was surprised when I found out you guys have formed party not too long ago and that was enough to risk his life to protect you guys."

"I think he's a naturally kind person who has a few achievements that caused him to think low of himself. How was it, Tilda-san? Am I right?" Ceri showed a satisfied expression like a student who answered every question in the exam.

"Oh, you're talking about my skill," Tilda then figured out Ceri's intention on why she started blabbering about Rein's personality.

As one of the few friends, Ceri had since childhood, and due to the circumstance, Tilda had told her secret to Ceri which she hadn't revealed even to the Gushavus family.

Therefore, Ceri played a characteristic guessing game with Tilda.

"It's about 95 percent right. So in the end, do you like him or not? Just saying but, he's pretty interested in you," as her childhood friend, Tilda was interested in Ceri's love life.

"You know my circumstance, even if I like someone, I can't be with them or I'll disappoint them," Ceri showed a bitter face, refusing to answer Tilda's question.

'Woah, this girl is a pain in the ass... Oh, I think I was the one who influenced her to think like that, Rein-san will do something in the end.' Tilda didn't try to change Ceri's mindset because she knew it was futile.

A mindset formed in childhood and confirmed in adulthood (her father's death) was something hard or close to impossible to change.

"That's right, what I said today should be kept secret from anyone! It's embarrassing... And Rein-san is an easy man so he'll find a partner to bond with sooner or later," Ceri tried to keep Tilda's lips tight.

Thus conclude the girls' talk today.

Will Ceri's affection exceed her worries? Or will Rein change his capture target after finding out that there's no way to progress his romance with Ceri? The author is very much lacking in inspiration for future chapters!

Planning the novel isn’t that hard but writing the process to your plan is always the hardest thing to do for me.

I wanted to finish this chapter onto the days before going on to the next action but I’ve written everything I thought by the moment Rein exited the library.

1,500+ words

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