
Trash Of The Counts Family (Novel)

Author: Gxbi
Ongoing · 149.8K Views
  • 256 Chs
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What is Trash Of The Counts Family (Novel)

Read ‘Trash Of The Counts Family (Novel)’ Online for Free, written by the author Gxbi, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: the novel trash of the counts family, also known as lout of the counts familyupdate: on hiatus


the novel trash of the counts family, also known as lout of the counts family update: on hiatus

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Jonas was a young College Student at Kibich College. He was gifted to stop the Armageddon but had no clue. His mother knew it from her grandmother but kept it secret. David, his father was a soldier. He was recently dishonorably discharged from the forces for disobeying a direct order. A decision that saved his life, his colleagues and the hostages. In both College and at home, Jonas life was hell because of his gift. The Clairvoyant, the mysterious antagonist, was in search of the identity of the gifted. His goal was to rule Earth. Only the chosen stood in his way. He infiltrated high ranks of the government and corrupted several officials who swore allegiance to his cause. He used them to commit unusual crimes among them callous murders just to flash out the gifted. For years, he was searching eliminating each that was born. Jean and John, KCPD homicide detectives at Kibich central precinct were busy trying to solve the crimes without mountable success. They encountered puzzles and riddles inscribed on bodies that they had no clue of solving whatsoever. In their desperation, John came across an article written by one Rebecca Maya many years past. The attention catcher was the article’s talk about the end times. Since the nature of death mimicked the work of a beast, they classified it a lead worth their time. That took them straight to David's home, former Rebecca Maya’s residence in search of clues. Jessica, Jonas mother and Rebecca Maya’s granddaughter, whom is well affirmed to the history, repudiated to help in the name of protecting his son. Jonas’ safety was the very reason she kept the secret from him and his father David until; she could not anymore. Before they left the compound, Jonas and his father, whom were away, arrived and changed their perspective and the course of everything. Jonas astonished everyone by knowing Jean, though he never knew of her line of work, whom he had never met in person. Among the strange dreams he had was her image. He showed his records of the dreams to them for proof of his story. Besides Jean's image, there was the first puzzle the detectives had found on the first victim. The detectives took Jonas with them for more investigations. His father, who was already aware of his son's gift offered to help as well. Aware of his military background; Jean went against protocol and approved him to accompany them. On arrival at the precinct, that which was meant to be investigations turned to something else. Jonas and his father became consultants to help the detectives make sense of it all as the mysterious murder cases increased. As they made efforts, Jonas was learning about his gift and the enormity of the gift and task ahead. Besides the extinction theory, which by then had become a fact, they uncovered deep darks secrets and colossal government conspiracies. With his identity exposed and known to the Clairvoyant, he fought them with everything he had at his disposal. From corrupting members of the task force to killing anyone and everyone that stood in his way. This action left a trail of bodies and sorrow on its wake. Besides Jonas and his great grandmother’s journals, the team discovered a higher power that was helping them. With all their skills coming short, they finally resulted to the church for answers. Putting the church, journals and their skills in play, they managed to identify the Clairvoyant and sent him back to hades.

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Las identidades de la señora Dejan sorprenden a toda la ciudad de nuevo

—Qiao Nian vivió en la casa de la familia Qiao durante 18 años antes de que sus padres biológicos la encontraran. De repente, todas las familias adineradas de la ciudad se enteraron de que la familia Qiao tenía una hija falsa. —La verdadera hija de una familia acaudalada sería talentosa, gentil y amable. —Una hija falsa no sería capaz de adquirir ninguna habilidad y no lograría nada. —¡Todos querían ver cómo de miserable se volvería cuando regresara a su barranco después de ser expulsada de una familia rica! —Qiao Nian también pensaba que sus padres biológicos eran pobres maestros del condado de Luohe. —¡Quién iba a imaginarse que su hermano conducía un Phaeton que valía trescientos mil yuanes! —¡Su padre biológico también era un profesor que enseñaba en la Universidad de Tsinghua! —El gran jefe de la familia de escorias se convirtió en un lamebotas y se inclinó ante su abuelo… —Qiao Nian se quedó boquiabierta. —Ehm… ¡esto no era lo mismo que decir sí! —Después de liberarse de la familia de escorias, Qiao Nian pudo ser ella misma. —Era la estudiante más sobresaliente en el examen de ingreso a la universidad, una estrella de transmisión en vivo y la heredera de una invaluable herencia cultural… Sus identidades se revelaron y cuando comenzó a aparecer en las búsquedas populares en la ciudad, la familia de escorias se volvió verde. —Los antifans se burlaban: «¿Cuál es el punto de intentar fingir una imagen? ¿No te estás pegando a mi hermano todos los días?». —Qiao Nian respondió: Lo siento, pero creo que ya tengo pareja. —Hermano Top: @Qiao Nian. Permíteme presentártela a todos. Esta es mi hermana. —Abuelo adinerado: Querida nieta, ¿por qué trabajas tan duro? ¡Si quieres una bicicleta, el abuelo te la comprará! —Los ricos y poderosos de Pekín propagaron el rumor de que el Maestro Wang escondía a una esposa en su lujosa casa. No importaba cuánto intentaran persuadirlo, nunca la llevaba a conocer a nadie. Si le preguntaban, siempre respondía con la misma frase. «Mi esposa es del campo y es tímida». —Esto sucedió hasta que un día alguien vio al noble y frío Maestro Wang sujetando la delgada cintura de una chica mientras se escondía en un rincón de una pared y murmuraba con los ojos rojos. «Cariño, ¿cuándo me darás un título?». —[Hija falsa proveniente de una verdadera familia adinerada] + [Dos grandes jefes]"

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The Prince's Revenge Bride

Volume 1 Billionaire Maxwell Sterling gets hotel attendant Isadora Aurelia pregnant and offers her a maid's job in his mansion to keep the secret hidden. Isadora, disowned by her family, accepts. However, life in the mansion is difficult, with Maxwell's inner turmoil, her ex-boyfriend's appearance, and the threat of Maxwell's jealous wife, who discovers the truth and seeks to destroy Isadora. Escaping the mansion, Isadora finds herself in the path of Prince Orion, a powerful and intimidating figure who becomes her new source of fear and dread. Volume 2 As Isadora's due date approaches, she flees her dire circumstances, only to cross paths with Prince Orion. Desperate for help, she's presented with an offer from the prince, but it's a harsh and unsettling proposal that makes her skin crawl. With no alternative and in excruciating pain, she reluctantly accepts the prince's condition, unwittingly entangling herself in the complexities of royal family life. Now, she's trapped in a web of secrets and lies, and things take a dark turn when she's falsely accused, putting her very life at risk. She's gone from the frying pan into the fire, with no clear escape from the clutches of the royal family's treachery. ****** "Please, help me!" Isadora begged, her voice trembling with agony. Prince Orion's expression remained unmoved, his voice devoid of empathy. "I'll do anything, just don't let me die," Isadora pleaded, her cries intensifying as the rain began to fall. The prince's gaze locked onto hers, his pause hanging in the air like a challenge. "All you have to do is..." he said, his words trailing off, leaving Isadora wondering what terrible condition he would impose upon her.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1
Volume 2 : .
Volume 3 :vol 3


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i loved this novel when i was young, literally second to the first korean novel i read and is still my second top favorite even now.


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