
Trash From Afar In The Count's Family

What if the one who arrived wasn't Rok Soo but a kid from a farm in the US? How would a different perspective change things?

Almyboi · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter I

"... time… ...le"

"...up,Young… …ale"

"It is time to get up, Young Master." a soft neutral voice spoke from nearby as the man lounging in a master bed with drapes drawn slept deeply whilst hugging a large pillow. With a groan the youth rolled onto his stomach, hugging the pillow, before blearily cracking an eye open to look at the impudent source of noise interrupting his slumber.

When the young man blinked a few times he stared at his surroundings with a flat expression on his face. Internally though… he was having a complete freak out nearing panic attack.

* * *

'What is happening right now? Why is some old guy in a suit staring at me? Why are there drapes on my bed? Wait, this isn't my bedroom, where in tarnation am I? Ooookay deep breaths- crap nevermind, that old guy is staring at me like the last pringle in the can, maybe I should pretend to fall back asleep? Or would that be contrary to what he said earlier… hmm yeah bad idea.' With a mind in a tizzy the boy took nigh seconds to come to a conclusion and slouched into a sitting position on the bed, continuing to hug the pillow as he opened his other eye and looked to the man before him, the elder not having twitched a muscle since speaking.

"Cold water," the boy said as he looked at the man before him, 'Please give me a cup of cold water to help me wake up, mister, and then tell me where I am pretty please. Also, please let me go. I'm just a farm kid, my kidneys wouldn't sell well I promise.' was what he had meant to say but just attempting eye contact seemed frightening with the steel that hid in the innermost chambers of this man's eyes as he watched the boy like a hawk.

"This Ron assumes young master does not mean that he wishes for a cold bath but rather would like a glass of cold water?" The newly dubbed 'Ron' said as he tilted his head slightly as he rested his arms behind his back as he stood ramrod straight before the bed.

The 'young master' nodded mutedly at the man before watching as he left the room and waited until the door closed completely before sliding his legs off of the bed and getting up, clutching the pillow in his arms as he looked around the room before him.

The door that Ron left in was fully closed on the wall adjacent to the foot of the bed and the the right was a door that looked to not have any form of locking mechanisms, same as the door a few feet from it on the same wall, must be complimenting rooms for the bedroom, one of them must be a closet of sorts and the other might just be a washroom. The lad took a quick but intense glance over the room as he stood in the center. 'I can't seem to spot any hidden cameras or obvious listening devices, there isn't even a ventilation system anywhere and I don't see any sign of electrical lights, just candles and oil lamps, whoever brought me here really pulled the bull's horns to make this look authentic.'

He thought as he then looked down at the pillow he was still clutching. He quickly tossed the pillow onto the bed with a slight flush. 'Dang it, I'm not a child! No wonder that Ron was staring at me, I bet he thought the kidnapee was some overgrown child.' The boy thought, not considering the fact that servants are tasked with assisting they're lieges with getting up in the morning. Looking to the two doors along the right wall, the boy went to the closest one deeper in the room and opened it partially as he shielded himself halfway behind the door. Noting that it was a bathroom the boy walked in and spotted a large ornate clawfoot tub that had steam wafting up from the water in it. Turning he saw a sink and full length mirror, walking in front of the mirror there was a moment of short-circuiting within the boy's mind as he froze where he stood.


'I'm a guy?'