

Emery is a 20 year old girl who lives with her twin brother Brandon ever since their mother was murdered What happens when this girl catches the eye of one dangerous gang leader? "Brandon can you stay on the phone with me? Ashley and Courtney let me leave the party on my own and now someone is following me." "Why the hell didn't you call me to pick you up? Where are you?" Will Brandon get there in time or will the gang leader take her before she even has the chance answer Brandon's question?

AdmireHailena · Celebrities
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Chapter 2


Justin Bieber 😍


"Hey I'm Justin and you can't imagine how happy I am to have my baby girl by my side."

She looked at him as if he were crazy Did he just call me baby girl? What the fuck? Is he mentally ill? "I'm sorry what? I am not your baby girl" he chuckled as she just stared at him not knowing what to do "yes you are, you've been mine since the first day I saw you" he motioned his gang and they all got up and left the room without another word.

Emery looked around the room partially trying to find a way out of this lunatic's home "If you're trying to find a way out good luck, there's an alarm system for every door and window" she furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at him once again "so you're going to keep me here against my will?"

"You'll stay here and you'll love me just like any girlfriend would love their boyfriend" she laughed at him, she didn't know what else to do but laugh "I am not your girlfriend and I will never love you. And as soon as I see my opportunity I will run." she got up to walk away then stopped dead in her tracks "Where the hell is my brother? What did you do to him?"

"Your brother is fine, he wasn't harmed. In fact..." As Justin started his next sentence Emery's brother walked in "What the fuck Justin? Are you serious?" she turned to her brother "Bubba?" she frowned "What are you doing here? How do you even know this lunatic?" she watched as her brother walked up to Justin completely ignoring her questions "She wasn't supposed to be brought up into this! I told you she was off limits!"

Justin watched Brandon as he just decided to walk towards his sister "I'm taking you home, let's go"

"You're not taking her anywhere. She's mine and this is her home." Brandon turned around without saying a word and punched him.

"I'll be damned if I let my sister get killed because of you. Find someone else!"

"She's mine Brandon and she's staying here. Remember I'm still your boss" Justin reminded him and Brandon sighed not being able to do shit else as he looked at Emery "I'm sorry."

"What the hell do you mean sorry? I'm not staying here and he can't force me." Brandon shook his head at his little sister "He can by now people think we've decided to up and move, no one will know you're missing, they'll just think we cut ties with everyone and moved out of the state." he sighed and mumbled "I would know, I did it with mine." She looked between her brother and Justin "so I'm supposed to stay here and practically let him force himself on me? Hell no!"

"I would never do that, last thing I want to do is force myself on you or hurt you in any way." she looked at him "Yeah somehow I doubt that." Soon after she said that most of the gang members came into the living room with girls who they apparently kidnapped by their side, some of them seemed in love with their kidnapper and it was weird How can they be all lovey dovey with someone who took them from their families, friends; someone who took their life away? She looked over at her brother who was sitting down with a girl on his lap, Courtney to be exact she frowned as she noticed the look on her face, Courtney didn't seem to care about the life she had before Brandon kidnapped her. It seemed like Brandon was all she cared about and that was weird and it hurt her to think that her brother was a criminal.

She noticed Justin looking at her from the corner of her eye and she spoke up "If you think I'm going to be like these girls you're out of your mind and you can go fuck yourself. I want to go home, now" Justin shook his head at her words and looked over at Brandon who was shaking his head as well but towards Justin as if telling him to stay seated and not make a move. The girls who didn't seem so in love with their kidnapper stared at Emery in fear that she'd get smacked for what she just said but to their surprise Justin didn't make a move instead Brandon did it for him and smacked his little sister with such force that knocked her to the ground.

The other girls gasped and Emery slowly got up tears streaming down her face.

She didn't bother looking around she just stared into her brother's eyes not noticing that Justin had gotten up until her brother was pulled away from her "you weren't supposed to hit her, especially that hard B." Justin looked over at Emery to tend to her now bruised cheek but she stepped back "Where's the room" was all she said and Justin showed her to the room she would be sharing with him but she didn't need to know that until later

"Your stuff will be brought in soon" he said to her as he stepped closer and caressed her cheek making her flinch away from the pain she was feeling on her face "I'll be back, gonna get you some ice for that" She didn't bother moving away from him and she didn't know why maybe it was because he was her favorite person at the moment now that her brother had just royally fucked up but she didn't move. She stayed in place until Justin got back and pressed a bag of her ice to her face gently making her hiss from the pain and the cold.


Emery had stayed in her room ever since the event that occurred earlier that day downstairs and she didn't plan on leaving the room at all, she was embarrassed and if she saw her brother she would probably stab him a few times to let her anger out; she then heard a knock which she quickly assumed it was her brother "It's not Brandon, It's Courtney" she walked in and looked at Emery "are you okay?"

"Am I okay? What kind of question? No I'm not okay, I'm stuck here and my brother just put his hands on me for no fucking reason! What are you even doing here?"

"It doesn't matter. We're here together now. I'm not so alone anymore, Ashley's always gone considering she's Justin's little sister. She can come and leave as she pleases because they fear every other girl isn't safe on their own." Emery just looked at her not portraying any emotion at all "you'll learn to like Justin maybe even love him like I did with your brother." she started shaking her head violently "I will never love someone who took me from my life." Courtney sighed "we'll see. Get some sleep love" she watched as Courtney left the room closing the door behind her and soon Emery drifted off to sleep wondering...

Is she right? Will I learn to love Justin? More importantly will I ever forgive my brother for what happened a few hours ago?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as well as the previous one. Please give feedback lovelies.

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