

The show started with Dan and Cheryl walk down the runway as a couple and continues with all the males and women before closed by Liam and Bella. The sequences for all the dress always like that as the others can't walk in pair as good as Dan and Cheryl couple and Liam and Bella. Liam walked down in the runway to support Bella who wears 7 centimetres of high heels. However, Liam support was tremendously giving a huge relief for her back. The is only professional such as Tony who knew about Liam support into Bella. The guest was really happy to see the clothes and especially the famous model comes from non-entertainment industry. The reporter is knowing about each individual on the stage tonight.

"WOW… Mr Lorenzo can summon the Choi chairman, Dan the golden brain of Entertainment, Harry the top lawyer and Cecile the judge prodigy. It is not including the other name, the medical field prodigy,"

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