
Trapped Marriage: My Husband is a BAD BOY

"I have pleased numerous women on this bed, including the older ones," Chris said, smirking at Suzy, "You are the only one who refuses to come here." "Then, that makes me a fortunate woman. I am the only one who will never share the same bed with you," Suzy asserted. "What if I make you beg me to worship you?" Chris asked, his grin taking a mysterious edge. "That is not going to happen ever," Suzy retorted firmly. Chris chuckled, his fingertip trailing from her forehead down to her jawline before pausing at the elegant curve of her collarbone. "It will be fun to break your walls, Suzy. I wonder how you will sound when you moan my name with this pretty mouth of yours," he breathed against her mouth in a hushed whisper. ~~~~~ Charming and elegant Suzy Watson had kissed success on her feet at the age which many young women couldn't dream of. But who knows, her own mother will be the reason for her grave downfall? Desperate to save her hard work of blood, sweat, and tears, she seeks help from the most successful Billionaire Onetti family only to get her life mingled with a BAD BOY in the name of contract marriage! Chris Onetti is the heartthrob as well as the tempting heartbreaker of countless women, who is also the sole heir of Onetti's family. Love is a game for him and women are his outlet of desire. But deep inside him existed a broken heart that is once butchered mercilessly. When two people, Suzy and Chris from completely opposite sides collide in a head-on crash, who will win the tug of war? Will the contract marriage heal their hidden wounds or will fate plug out an utterly different trump card? ~~~~~ Story is coauthored by me and Emma Wales. The story will be different from the Badboys stories you've read till now. Try at least 40 chapters to understand the flow of the story and also the characters. ~~~~~~ Thank you "shadowprincess96" for helping me with the synopsis. Follow me on Instagram: rayoflight_pcy Emma's Instagram: @mysterious_itself

Light_ray · Urban
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106 Chs

Moan my name

Chris gently applied the brakes as he pulled into the penthouse driveway. After unfastening his seatbelt, he glanced over at Suzy, who was fast asleep in the passenger seat. 

He briefly contemplated waking her but ultimately decided to let her continue resting, allowing her to sleep peacefully. 

Exiting the car, Chris walked around to the passenger side with the intention of carrying Suzy inside. He opened the door carefully and cradled her in his arms, ensuring not wake her. Once she was in his arms, he gently shut the car door using the key.

Inside the bedroom, Chris laid Suzy down tenderly on the mattress and took off her flats. He noticed some strands of hair had fallen on her cheeks and brushed them away without disturbing her slumber. After covering her with the duvet, Chris placed the keys in a drawer and walked around to his side of the bed to sleep.

As he lay down, Suzy's advice echoed in his mind how he should carry out some projects to get into the eyes of the board of directors. 

People had always seen him having a carefree life, wasting his family's money, but no one ever tried to find out why he actually did that. To him, this lifestyle was a means of escape from a painful reality.

While those around him had grown up in loving families, Chris had never experienced that kind of warmth. His father's affection was reserved primarily for his half-siblings, leaving Chris feeling like an outsider in his own home. 

In school, he observed parents coming daily to pick up their children, forming close bonds, but he remained a solitary figure in their midst, plagued by an unshakable loneliness.

'I will become the chairman,' Chris thought. 

With all those things in mind, he switched off the lamps and settled in for the night. His back was toward Suzy and he shut his eyes, ready to fall in a deep slumber. 

However, his eyes shot open when he felt Suzy's arm wrap around him, her hand resting on his chest. 

Chris tilted his head, puzzled by when Suzy had shifted so close to him on the mattress. He sighed and threw her hand away, prompting Suzy to turn to the other side in her sleep, taking the duvet with her.

"She has sleeping problems," Chris mumbled to himself but lacked the energy to engage in a tug-of-war over the blanket. Resigned, he drifted off to sleep without it, letting the night take them both into its embrace. 

In the morning, Chris woke up on his own, but he felt a weight on his chest. Looking down, his eyes landed on Suzy, whose head was above his chest. Her face was directed at her, but she was in a deep slumber. 

A mischievous smirk appeared on Chris' lips and he extended his hand out to pick up his phone. After taking a picture of her, he grazed his finger over her cheek. 

As Suzy's eyes fluttered open, she was met with Chris's warm smile. She rubbed her eyes, gradually realizing the position she had been in. Hastily, she sat up on the mattress, her expression one of bewilderment, while Chris also sat up, propping himself on his elbows.

"I feel lighter now," Chris remarked, his smile still present. "You moved over to my side," he pointed out.

Confused, Suzy questioned, "How did I end up here?"

"I, your husband, carried you here," Chris replied, revealing a picture he had taken just moments ago. "See, you were using my chest as your pillow," he pointed out, showing her the evidence.

Suzy's eyes widened in surprise, and she quickly implored Chris to delete the picture.

"No," Chris refused as Suzy lunged towards him in an attempt to snatch his phone. She protested, "This is wrong, Chris. You can't take pictures of me while I'm asleep."

Tensions rose as Suzy tightly gripped his wrist, determined to retrieve the mobile from him. 

"Well, I took it as a memory. You cannot snatch such rights from your husband," Chris said as he didn't let his grip loosen.

"Taking anyone's picture without their consent is wrong," Suzy said. 

"Sadly, I have different views toward my wife," Chris replied with a smirk. "I will delete it if you divorce me," he demanded.

Suzy chuckled and still attempted to take the phone from him. She was now on his lap and lowered her gaze to again ask him, but seeing their closeness, Suzy stopped moving her hand. 

She blinked a few times and moved away from him when Chris tightly pulled her up. Their bodies pressed together and their hands dropped on their own. 

"Since you cannot divorce me, then at least fulfill my needs, Wife," Chris said. He had turned off his phone and put it on the mattress. His large hand moved to the back of her head. 

"I already fulfilled your wish by asking Grandpa to let you use your cards," Suzy replied decisively. 

"Not that, Suzy," Chris said. His gaze lingered on her lips and then her eyes. 

"So, you accept that you are a womanizer," Suzy proclaimed. 

"I was never a womanizer. I only had fun," Chris asserted. 

"Leave me. I don't wish to get late for the office," Suzy stated. 

"I have pleased numerous women on this bed, including the older ones," Chris said, smirking at Suzy, "You are the only one who refuses to let me get close to you." 

"Then, that makes me a fortunate woman. I am the only one who will never allow anything to happen between us," Suzy asserted.

"What if I make you beg me to worship you?" Chris asked, his grin taking a mysterious edge. 

"That is not going to happen ever," Suzy retorted firmly. 

Chris chuckled, his fingertip trailing from her forehead down to her jawline before pausing at the curve of her collarbone. 

Suzy felt her breath hitching, but she didn't let any kind of expression be visible on her face. 

"It will be fun to break your walls, Suzy. I wonder how you will sound when you moan my name with this pretty mouth of yours," Chris breathed against her mouth in a hushed whisper.