
Trapped love

What Will make me love you? Never! Not in this lifetime or another. Your presence make me thole, Your face salted my bruises. Even if you brought heaven on earth, I will never be yours. What happens when a fateful encounter turned to an heart wrenching nightmare? Jennie a sweet, loving lady whom a single encounter changed and ruined. Follows the lives of two lovers from the past, how their sweet love turned to deep hatred. Comeback of a betrayed heart, a vengeful heart whose world once collided with world full of butterflies. He was back to open her scars which he as well was unable to heal from. What she spent years hiding from was unknowingly right next to her, haunting her, those charming and loving smiles were now replaced by a malicious bone chilling laughter shaking terror into her. He promised to protect her from bullies but now she was to be protected from him. What's about this second encounter and to make it worse he has blackened completely A striving yet to make ends meet Jennie second encounter of this crushing wild fire. He came to ruined, to set ablaze the yet to solid confidence she managed to muster up. This butterfly wings, he will ripped and burn, rendered into a useless caterpillar state, unable to grew back the Wings to say nothing of soaring up to the sky. But the only thing was the more he hardened the harder he hurt and the more she tried loathing the harder she fell. Excerpt from the book: His hands kept roaming her body, it was akin to dread of mayhem gnawing on her flesh. His pair of eyes blazing with hidden fire, he looked more like a blood thirsty monster who fought his way bloodily out of Asura realm, He smiled before kissing her cheeks and whispered into her ear "I know I disgust you, but nothing to be scared of sweetie, this feeling is mutual, I will make you pay every single bit of what you did to me. This hell we'll both experience. I disdain you as much as you loathe me, I will dragged us both to the pit of hell" Jennie was betrayed, he felt betrayed. This! Could it be changed? Or prevented? Cover ain't mine, credit to the owner 1 chapter update a day Also the FL isn't weak you have to read up to twenty five chapters to understand more about her.

candyblea · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter two: What is it to die?

The next morning, she kept shifting on the bed uncomfortably, her hair disheveled, She barely slept last night, if she was to use a mirror she would have seen two ugly bags staring back at her.

She rubbed her face and yawned,

Stepping out of the bed, she saw a cute small figure sleeping next to her.

"Brian" she called almost in a whisper.


She patted him gently, the other party turned his head to look at his elder sister face. Very bright and at the same time hollow... "Mn"

He felt bittered, his fragile heart ached, he was just this dead weight and liability, rendering all his Jennie efforts in vain.

"Wake up Brian, time for school"

He pouted, shook his head and went back under the covers "Don't wanna"

Jennie smiled and yanked the cover off him "Come on, you promised remember"

He sat up lazily and slurred with drowsy expression "I want to sleep more"

It was already good enough that she woke him up later than usual but must he be so unbridled to sleep some more? She pressed back her tenderheartedness and fatigue before masking on a fierce look "You don't want to be scolded do you?"

Lifting his tear-stained face to look at Jennie, Brian flashed a smile and said "I know you wouldn't"

"Aunty Lydia promised baked cake but if only you don't get late for school" Jennie tried coaxing but the little boy on hearing the word cake, His misty eyes brighten up and fixated on Jennie.

"Pinky promise?" he asked

Jennie was grinning on the inside, she managed to hide her mischief, infact Aunty Lydia won't be around anytime soon, she only rolled her eyes and said "Why Don't you go first and come see for yourself when you're back"

"Jennie..." Called the little boy as he stretched his hands around Jennie's neck and innocently blinked his pair of eyes, his face beaming full of smiles "Jennie I had a dream last night"

Jennie noticed his delighted mood, she was as well eager to know the dream content,

"You mind telling Jennie what you dreamt of". He shyed away from Jennie, this younger brother is fond of sneaking into her bed at night.

"I dreamt I became a surgeon" he said smiling but the smile soon vanished on his lips with no traces, all left were unshed tears and sadness. Jennie heart squeezed, she drew him closer and hugged him patting his head, she heard him said again.

"I also dreamt Jennie became successful in the future and gave birth to a baby" he went quiet for a minute before continuing "When little Brian is gone, that baby will replace...." Jennie couldn't take it anymore, she covered his mouth with her hand but she could still heard his muffled screams..

"I just want to live and became a surgeon, why ain't I given that chance"

Hot tears were sliding down his cheeks..

Jennie couldn't broke down in his presence, she could only tried comforting. "Little Brian won't die" who was she kidding, the little boy facing her looked withered as if there was no nourishment, no matter how much one looked, the kid looked ill.

Whitening lips, at least his facial features were delicate, and his pair of blue eyes that could still be looked at. But she couldn't think of him dying, she will tried all she could to save him.

She finally retrieved her hand..

"But Jennie, I heard him said little Brian will die, I don't want to die, I don't want to be apart from Jennie. I want to live!" his eyes were full of tears now, Jennie couldn't control it any longer, she wept as well.

A year ago after Brian was discharged from the hospital, the doctor summoned her into his office, her world broke apart when she learned her brother has less than a year and half left if they were unable to carried out a surgerical operation, he is going to die.

Brian who happens to overheard the conversation was a little boy who understands not what death meant.

He didn't asked Jennie either, but inside his classroom one day when the teacher was done teaching, she asked. Any questions?

He asked the bothering question... "What is it to die"

The teacher who was dumbfounded for a moment before answering. she knew to die isn't only to stop living, the feeling of not seeing the deceased person anymore, loosing them forever, those smiles wouldn't be seen anymore the pain and guilt loved ones felt, she as well knew what it felt like, she stared at the innocent boy for few seconds before she answered sincerely. "To stop living, and undergo a specified death"