
Trapped love

What Will make me love you? Never! Not in this lifetime or another. Your presence make me thole, Your face salted my bruises. Even if you brought heaven on earth, I will never be yours. What happens when a fateful encounter turned to an heart wrenching nightmare? Jennie a sweet, loving lady whom a single encounter changed and ruined. Follows the lives of two lovers from the past, how their sweet love turned to deep hatred. Comeback of a betrayed heart, a vengeful heart whose world once collided with world full of butterflies. He was back to open her scars which he as well was unable to heal from. What she spent years hiding from was unknowingly right next to her, haunting her, those charming and loving smiles were now replaced by a malicious bone chilling laughter shaking terror into her. He promised to protect her from bullies but now she was to be protected from him. What's about this second encounter and to make it worse he has blackened completely A striving yet to make ends meet Jennie second encounter of this crushing wild fire. He came to ruined, to set ablaze the yet to solid confidence she managed to muster up. This butterfly wings, he will ripped and burn, rendered into a useless caterpillar state, unable to grew back the Wings to say nothing of soaring up to the sky. But the only thing was the more he hardened the harder he hurt and the more she tried loathing the harder she fell. Excerpt from the book: His hands kept roaming her body, it was akin to dread of mayhem gnawing on her flesh. His pair of eyes blazing with hidden fire, he looked more like a blood thirsty monster who fought his way bloodily out of Asura realm, He smiled before kissing her cheeks and whispered into her ear "I know I disgust you, but nothing to be scared of sweetie, this feeling is mutual, I will make you pay every single bit of what you did to me. This hell we'll both experience. I disdain you as much as you loathe me, I will dragged us both to the pit of hell" Jennie was betrayed, he felt betrayed. This! Could it be changed? Or prevented? Cover ain't mine, credit to the owner 1 chapter update a day Also the FL isn't weak you have to read up to twenty five chapters to understand more about her.

candyblea · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter twenty one: Maybe he would gradually reciprocated her unrequited love

The house was pretty silent and warm, due to the plank-like flooring and the wall style.

Blake glanced at Jennie and smiled warmly, slight wheeling sound could be heard, came into view was a woman who looked abit ill with short curly hair but still possessing a clear and sheer look. She sat on a wheelchair and being wheeled in by an older woman.

The younger woman looked quite pale but she still maintained a brightened smile, Jennie heart squeezed. She felt suffocated, just what occurrence turn this woman into her current state.

Jennie awkwardly gazed at Blake who looked all smiling but it could be said he was this melancholy and lamentable guy who has a tiger by the tail and as well have his hands tied.

She was finally sat on the sofa, she gazed surprised at Jennie before giving a knowing look to Blake who pouted.

"Mom, I told you I'm gonna visit today, you got anything in the kitchen I'm famished"

The woman rolled her eyes and said flatly "Kitchen is right there suit yourself" she gesture to the older woman who left almost immediately before gazing back at Blake "Who is she? Or ain't you planning to introduced her?"

"Mom, be fair alright, I'm famished that I'm almost dying what you have in the kitchen. A toast or something?"

"Few loaves of bread in the kitchen also I still have few groceries. Go make do with that and if you can't then you aren't famished enough. Oh and who is this little angel" her voice turned sweet all of a sudden.

" Jennie" he replied briefly before walking off grumpily.

"How you putting up with him?" The woman who turned to Jennie suddenly asked.

"I really couldn't tell but he treats me fine and nicely" Jennie said sincerely.

"You are?? " The woman asked knowingly.

"Jennie" she said.

"I knew that already, I meant your relationship with my imprudent son, come sit" she said to Jennie who remained standing.

"Ma... Urm...."

"Oh. Call me Martha"

Jennie gulped nervously uttering "I'm his friend"

Martha smiled and said "I'm aware you're in that type of relationship, as you know infact you might not have but I'll tell you anyway, Blake is my only son, I really wished I could do more for him. His few years apart from me turned him cold and merciless.

I haven't seen him smile this genuinely and broadly in a very long time, I could do anything to keep that smile. Therefore If you can't put up to his coldness or behavior sometimes, inform me and I will give him a spank"

Jennie burst out laughing before saying "M... Aunty you're lovely I like you"

Martha hummed and said to her "Please be patient with him, he told me alot about you and I hoped it could remained that way"

"Yes Aunt I will take care of him, I gave you my words"

The older woman who came back with a glass of water which was offered to Jennie who took a sip and place it on the table.

She must confessed, Blake mother isn't as rigid as she had thought. She's warm, sweet, and nice, great!

Jennie who was helping in the kitchen with the older woman she assumed to be the house help. And Blake with his mother playing chess.

Jennie halve the garlic clove after washing the vegetable. The woman had told her to went back but she refused anyway, since it was out of her will the woman could do less.

"You're quite persistent ain't you?"

Jennie smiled and said "yes"

The woman nodded before saying "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, I hope he wouldn't turned out like his father" the lady sighed and add rice into the steaming water.

Jennie stop abruptly and gazed questiongly at the woman who just realized she said beyond. Thus she cough awkwardly saying "Forget It, I never said that alright?"

Jennie looked confused, but she continued with what she was previously doing with various thoughts filling her mind.

She had wondered, the white family were the top family in C city but seeing the house occupied by Martha, she couldn't help having mixed thoughts.

Mr Anderson particularly worked in one of the company owned by the white which Blake happens to be the heir.

Jennie Pocket back her phone after sending text to her mother informing her she will be spending the night at friends.

Going back at this hour might put them in peril so she decided to stay the night and set off the next morning.

After dinner, Under the moonlight sat two figures, the luminous dots appeared in the cloudless portion of the night sky adorned with bright radiating body, they were stars. Jennie head was resting on Blake shoulder while Blake kept brushing her hair with his hands.

Blake looked at the innocent pair of eyes, he knew he loved her very much he couldn't imagined a life without her, maybe like how his life lacked purpose until he met her.

He leaned closer and locked his lips with hers, Jennie who hadn't expected this widen her eyes but after being kissed she relaxed and opened up. Giving him the access to explore her mouth.

Their tongue syncing intermingling with accelerating breaths.

Jennie wrapped her hands around Blake neck and let out uneaven loud breaths, she was lifted and sat on Blake laps, she felt hot, and unfamiliar itching for something enveloping her, but Blake broke the kiss abruptly to catch their breaths.

He brushed her hair from her face and kissed her forehead before asking quietly "Won't you ask me"

"What?" She feigned ignorance and confusion, nothing make sense, of course she was curious but what if it was something he disdain recollecting?

"Everything!" He said

Jennie still sitting on his laps shifted uncomfortably because of something hard poking her belly. "You can tell me when you're ready. Don't force yourself"

Blake chuckled and kissed her lips "You're naughty aren't you?"

"..." 'of course, who wouldn't be perverted by him!'

Blake poke her cheeks with his finger and said "This Is it, i was Six when mom was picking me up from school, the car which had been tampered with, as expected we had an accident and mom protected me. Resulting into the driver loosing his life and mom as you see pay the price with her leg while here I am unscathed. She protected me but my father having known what had happened.

On the bed in the hospital, he dispose of mom and file for divorce, their marriage wasn't of love it was an arranged one, they were betrothed afterall.

Mom told me the hall and white family were best of friends, They, who thought they could bring the family stronger by marrying mother to father.

The first time he came visiting, who would have thought he would fell in love with one of the maids daughter, instead of mother.

But due to the persistency of grandfather, dad was forced to marry mother, but in his heart he only loved one person.

Mom irrespective of the ill treatment she received from dad despite the forced intercourse between them, she still held on to the string of hope which was me!

After the accident, Father only buy her this house after he claimed the shares given to her by the Hall late grandpa through marriage. Which was long known to mother but was helpless to do a thing.

As if it wasn't enough, she crawled to him begging him to let her see me but all he did was getting her thrown out, she was bedridden for months with no one to take care of her, due to excessive pondering and thinking she was diagnosed with high blood pressure which later resulted into that worsening her previous condition. She pleaded just to see me one last time but I was locked away from my peers all I experienced during childhood was reading finances.

I felt different, I wanted to see mom but he wouldn't let me unless I do his biddings, I started plotting my revenge. Sooner I'll be of age and take over the white businesses, I'll give mom what was taking away from her, and the comfort she ever wanted.

Mom was infatuated with flowers that's why I planted a garden just for her and when she move in she will have all what she ever wished for.

Jennie wiped away the tears belatedly coming down her face, He actually went through this lot, The man doesn't deserve the title 'father' he is basically a scumbag. She sniffles and said somberly "I'm sorry I wasn't there, I'm sorry you have to went through that, I'm truly.."

She was cut off by a kiss, he wiped her cheeks before murmuring "Isn't your fault baby, it has nothing to do with you. It's all his fault and I will make him pay in millions fold"

Jennie nodded and pointed to the cloudy sky "it's about to rain"

"Yeah" Blake nodded in affirmation "Let's head in before it started pouring" Jennie stood up but lost her balanced and fell on Blake who managed to caught her. Eyes locked, their breathing accelerating.

Jennie quickly stood up with flushed face and said "I'll be sleeping with Martha"

Blake on the other hand didn't object he only said "Mn"

Both raced into the house and Jennie quietly let go of Blake's hand before walking towards the door, she hesitated for a while before running back and tiptoed to match Blake height and kissed Blake on his lips. "Goodnight"

"Yeah, sweet dreams baby"

She opened the door quietly and tucked herself under Martha quilt she has it hard to close her eyes, looking at the woman who laid sleeping peacefully,

Things aren't always what it seemed, for example looking at the mirror, literally it was a reflection but on a contrary, the said reflection was the real us, the broken self and the flaws, the hidden pains and burning anger, the thirst for revenge gnawing deeply into the marrows.

What Jennie was certain of was, it would hurt for Blake to love someone else, and her having this unrequited love, how hard it would have been if she was betrothed to someone she loved only to be stabbed countlessly with his love for another woman, Jennie knew Martha wouldn't have endured the pains only because they were married but.. because she was in love with him and she was secretly hoping.. maybe the man would gradually reciprocated her unrequited love. Beneath this beautiful calm face was what could be described as a huge scars and yet a strong woman.

She forced her eyes close till she finally slept, drifting off to Dreamland.

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