
Trapped love

What Will make me love you? Never! Not in this lifetime or another. Your presence make me thole, Your face salted my bruises. Even if you brought heaven on earth, I will never be yours. What happens when a fateful encounter turned to an heart wrenching nightmare? Jennie a sweet, loving lady whom a single encounter changed and ruined. Follows the lives of two lovers from the past, how their sweet love turned to deep hatred. Comeback of a betrayed heart, a vengeful heart whose world once collided with world full of butterflies. He was back to open her scars which he as well was unable to heal from. What she spent years hiding from was unknowingly right next to her, haunting her, those charming and loving smiles were now replaced by a malicious bone chilling laughter shaking terror into her. He promised to protect her from bullies but now she was to be protected from him. What's about this second encounter and to make it worse he has blackened completely A striving yet to make ends meet Jennie second encounter of this crushing wild fire. He came to ruined, to set ablaze the yet to solid confidence she managed to muster up. This butterfly wings, he will ripped and burn, rendered into a useless caterpillar state, unable to grew back the Wings to say nothing of soaring up to the sky. But the only thing was the more he hardened the harder he hurt and the more she tried loathing the harder she fell. Excerpt from the book: His hands kept roaming her body, it was akin to dread of mayhem gnawing on her flesh. His pair of eyes blazing with hidden fire, he looked more like a blood thirsty monster who fought his way bloodily out of Asura realm, He smiled before kissing her cheeks and whispered into her ear "I know I disgust you, but nothing to be scared of sweetie, this feeling is mutual, I will make you pay every single bit of what you did to me. This hell we'll both experience. I disdain you as much as you loathe me, I will dragged us both to the pit of hell" Jennie was betrayed, he felt betrayed. This! Could it be changed? Or prevented? Cover ain't mine, credit to the owner 1 chapter update a day Also the FL isn't weak you have to read up to twenty five chapters to understand more about her.

candyblea · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter five: It hurts, it really hurts

Jennie glanced around nervously, she had started feeling regretful towards her decision, she had arrived at the garage more than an hour, but the people who showed up weren't those she came for.

Infact this mysterious man with an nigh blank business card seemed odd, but she couldn't helped it either, it could be said she had her mind made up.

She dressed simple yet she looked stunning and beautiful in her worn out dress, her innocent pair of eyes were mesmerizing and at the same time captivating.

She glanced at her wristwatch the dozens time, it was now past 10pm, although she was to be blamed for arriving earlier than required. She left home at eight pm and arrived at nine pm. She was always considerate what if she was caught in traffic or an incident came up. Jennie was the type who always prepared for the worse.

It was now eleven pm, With utmost certainty she knew she had been successfully pranked, how could she believed the word of unknown man.

But when she turned to exit the underground garage a black rolls Royce drove into the garage.

The headlights flashed on her, she didn't think much about it because she was acquainted with this... Alot of headlights had flashed at her on this same spot, even some people mistook her silhouette for someone else.

Thus, she didn't bother stopping but she was surprised when the car ceased moving and halted before her.

Came out of the car was a man with an ordinary face but was cladded in black pants and shirt, his black sun glasses make him looked more intimidating, his aura was splendid, he was as well taller and bulkier, one glance one could tell he doesn't joke about fitness.

But it wasn't a lie if she said she knew not this man, but the most astonished part was that the man stopped before her and said impassively " You arrived quite early miss Jennie"

She shivered with fright slightly, she couldn't deny being intimidated. but she had thought of this possibility, why scaring away moreover this hyped boss might saved Brian. What if she underestimated this and she has herself to blame later in the future.

"Yes" she replied not daring to look him in the eye.

"Good. I'll be taking you to meet my boss" he said complacently.

"What?" She almost screamed out the rest but she could only swallowed the rest of the vulger words _the fuck_

But who could boss this cold man...

She smiled awkwardly before uttering "yeah, right?"

After entering into the car, it droved out of viste garage, inside the car, the atmosphere was pretty tense, Jennie didn't uttered a word likewise the man.

Soon the car arrived at an unfamiliar mini mansion.

It pulled over and parked inside the garage.

" We are going in now miss" said the man indifferently.

Why is her chest hammering right at this moment? It seemed the caged nervousness within her had just been let loose, she kept gulping nervously

She wasn't compelled, her coming here wasn't being compelled or coerced, so why backing away at this instance, she had come this extent why scaring away.

" Actually... Wondering either you had a change of mind or ain't coming down" the man scolded apathetically gazing intensely at her.

Her face flushed with shame realizing she was still in the car, and with the current situation seemed like this man has been talking to her for sometimes now.

"Ah! yes" she replied coming out of the car. The building looked not that huge but the exterior looked awesome, quite an eye catching decoration

She walked in under the lead of the man , she was certain the said person might be an acquaintance of her parents or some close relations because she stepped out of social life years ago.. that explained why she has less friends. Except the older lady, Lydia.

The exterior screamed perfection, the interior is as well amazing. After sitting down for a while she heard footsteps, she had thought it was the cold man but couldn't help glancing back. her sight was greeted by a pair of long legs, further up a firm and broad shoulders, but on getting to seeing the face, it was unexpectedly the face that still haunt her dreams, the face that suppressed her to this state.

Her face suddenly squinted, and her expression turned black and ugly, while her originally closed lips were now slightly open but quavering with fury, Intense anger and hatred was visible on her face.

Out of annoyance she stood up and marched towards the door her very steps wobbling unnoticeably.

But his charming voice echoed in a wickedly amusing manner, he said "running away huh?, Hmph so pathetic"

She gulped, not listening to any of his nonsense. She was about to opened the door when the other person used his Trump card. "Such a cute little boy, you really wanna watch him die?"

She halted, her legs softened, the hatred brewing inside of her was subdued by his words, this devil incarnate, Why hadn't she thought this might be him! Was it because she hasn't saw him in the past five years or because of her loathing him as such! or how much hatred she abhorred against him or actually disdain thinking about him.

" Jennie " he called firmly before he added " I can help Saving him remember?"

The word reached her innermost core. She wanted to cry but she swallowed the somewhat bittered saliva.

Slowly she turned back, thinking she had no choice left than to comply and listen to what he has to say, she couldn't let Brian die after all.

"Good, baby, just good, I was right afterall you haven't changed abit" he said, his voice and overall expression carried along nothing but aloofness, and pride with abit of mockery

She squeezed her face with her vivid discomfort expression she said trying hard to control emotions." Now what"

He smiled, his demeanor was calm and composed, he simply stated "At least take a seat, a reunion shouldn't turned out this way, i however can't eat you even if I desired"

She carefully sat, her inside in turmoil, despite all the pains he caused her why appearing now, why was he back, both were never meant to met, Her present situation was none other than his handiwork.

His upper lip curled up, he sat on the fur couch, crossed his legs before saying "Be my slave for three months and I'll help Saving your brother, let me explicitize some things, being my slave included opening those legs whenever I'm sex starved"

Her eyes already squinted but now was blazing with fire hidden within, Therefore she spranged up almost immediately and spat furiously. "Son of a bitch, go fuck yourself you fucking asshole, What did you think of me? a whore?"

He smiled, an amused expression flashed across his face so he said interestedly "Is that a compliment? moreover when did you learn to curse this much?".

This infuriated Jennie alot, she restrained herself from pouncing on him and strangle him till he's breathless. For that she didn't bother waiting another seconds and left the mansion immediately.

Inside the mansion sat a man with frozen expression, his smile revealed alot of caged emotions, his eyes darkens and he glared at the door.

This seemed very interesting, he hasn't seen her get this annoyed except that day.

The little she saved was spent on taxi.. despite taking taxi she arrived home some minutes to 1pm.

After struggling she finally fell asleep, the next day, very early in the morning she went directly to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, it was very disheartening seeing him in this condition, his lips had turned bluish gray, he looked much thinner, his breathing was as well much slower, it was useless pleading to the doctor. she could only buried her face in his small palms weeping profusely.

Suddenly, small hand grasped her hair and a frail voice called "Jennie?"

She gazed up, surprised. "Jennie you crying" he asked again and coughed slightly.

she wiped her tears nervously and quickly masked her crying face with a weird smile "No, never! Jennie isn't and would never cry.. "

"But... But the tears" he stuttered.

Caught in the act, how is this explained, she rubbed on the small fingers and said "Those aren't tears silly! They're sweats" she hurriedly wiped her face, holding his small hand she kissed down on it.

"Jennie you don't have to cry, if I die like he said just go back to how everything was okay? Pinky promise?" He said seriously, he doesn't looked saddened his expression was firm. Although she had expected of him to cry however he doesn't, as well doesn't appeared scared, couldn't be her brother had his mind made up? but he was still a little boy who doesn't deserve to die.

"You won't die alright?"

"Will mom and dad be there as well?" He asked again.

It hurts! It really hurts! The pain in her chest hurts!

"You won't die, I gave you my words, you really won't" she managed to said

"Are you certain I won't?"

"Yes baby" she tried to concealed her fright but she really couldn't With heaviness of heart she went back home, thinking back, some encounter aren't meant to be.

If only she could organized her thoughts she knew she going crazy, Brian is dying and him? He decided to came back, but what for? Why Exactly was he back!

However what she knew was she will run thousands miles to save him, even if she had to do more than kissing this rod she definitely will.

With tears flooding her face she picked her phone and call the contact with heavy heart.

Her very heart at that moment beating erratically, her mind convulsing with uneasiness, is this what it Actually felt like... Close to loosing loved ones.

She felt lost, and guilty for her incapability of saving Brian, she was interrupted by a voice "Miss Jennie" not mistaking it was the voice of the man who came to pick her up then.

"Please can I talk to him" the him she was referring to was understood by the man, after a solid minute an arrogant voice said from the other side " I believed you have something to say?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat, her teary eyes blinked rapidly before saying.

"Can you please reduce it to a month, I'm willing to do your biding and whatever you want of me within the month but please save Brian"

He said lazily "Not even close, ain't satisfied.. you have something else to say"

She cried the more hearing this, the hand holding the phone was shaking vigorously, her grip tightened more.. the phone might broke anytime soon.

"Blake" she said in a voice full of irritation rather than apologetical.

"Urm.. Blake, yeah I thought about it... Never knew my name sounds this cool" he said but what n his voice, this unwavering pride could be detected.

Jennie sniffles silently before returning to persuading him.

"One month please?"

"Not satisfied as well but sounds cool, I shouldn't have considered it, But Blake is generous" He declared.

Jennie gritted her teeth and said "you know what?, I disdain you Blake"

"Yeah, I'm aware"

Jennie could hear him chuckling so she said "And Brian??"

"I will take responsibility for his treatment, the contract has been prepared already. Looking forward and patiently waiting for the queen to come and sign it" with that he hang up, Jennie wiped her cheeks and dropped the phone beside her before she went into the bathroom.

Two update because I failed to upload a chapter yesterday, I'm sorry it was due to some issues but it has been sorted

candybleacreators' thoughts