
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Altair's first mission (2)...?

The sun was right above my head, this hot weather made my throat dry. I went shopping before we got at the Gomadan dungeon's entrance, such as some isotonic drinks, mineral water, four packs of food that are ready to eat or in other words Bento and the other snacks. Of course, all of this was using the remaining money given by Ayane-san. [Altair]

"Ryoma, do you mind if I store all this equipment in my storage?" [Altair]

"Oh... I though you need to practice before using those skill, of course I don't mind. instead, you lighten my load." [Ryoma]

"Well more or less, do you want an isotonic drink too?" [Altair]

"Give me some mineral water." [Ryoma]

"Catch this." [Altair]

"Ah this map, is this the map of the Gomadan dungeon, I don't know how to read maps." [Altair]

"The first time is like that. I'll teach you the basics later, once you get used to it everything will be simple. Even Miura can read the map of a dungeon." [Ryoma]

"Okay." [Altair]

"Oh that dagger doesn't need to be kept in your storage, you can use it as your main weapon." [Ryoma]

"What about you Ryoma?" [Altair]

"My main weapon is already attached to my waist, and that dagger is just a backup weapon that I rarely use. It's a good thing our class is the same, you'll adapt to it quickly." [Ryoma]

"Thank you Ryoma." [Altair]

"Let's quickly complete your mission, I hope Ayane-san won't be suspicious when I take you home later, the sooner this mission is finished the less suspicious Ayane-san will be of me." [Ryoma]

"Ok" [Altair]

It turned out that the mission was too easy, killing ten slimes way too easy for me to do, it didn't even take a minute. After Ryoma explained the weaknesses of the slimes and their attack patterns, I immediately went forward to finish them off. As an opening I tried to kick the nearest slime, it turned out that its resistance was not too strong, with that kick alone immediately killed the slime. And that was the fate of the following slimes. [Altair]

"Huh? Why is the slime so weak?" (No, it wasn't the slime that was weak but Altair's kick that was too strong for the poor thing.) [Ryoma]

"What are you talking about Ryoma, isn't it natural? Slimes are the weakest monsters, by the way do I have to collect ten crystals from slimes to prove it?" [Altair]

"Huh? Yap. . . That's it." (Actually that's not how your mission works, as long as you can prove that you've killed ten slimes the mission will be completed right away, you can have your party mates record your battle from afar or a witness from a high rank adventurer will suffice. But I'm a little curious about Altair's abilities.) [Ryoma]

"With this, the ten slime crystals are complete, but the mission is too easy, we have just entered this dungeon. Ryoma, can we explore this floor a little? Going home right now is too early, right? I also haven't had a chance to try your dagger." [Altair]

"Sure, but don't take too long." (It's been exactly five minutes since we entered this dungeon. When we entered this dungeon, it was precisely twelve o'clock, based on the time on my phone, and it's just five minutes past twelve now.) [Ryoma]

"Oh Ryoma, can you explain something to me about the Thief class? You said you would show me some moves when we were in the dungeon. [Altair]

"Of course, after all, listening to explanations and seeing my skill doesn't mean you can use it right now, To master it, you must practice it constantly." [Ryoma]

"Ok." [Altair]

Several skills that Ryoma show, I already know and can use it, although I am a little disappointed but there are also skills that I haven't learned at all, for example detecting traps in the dungeon. [Altair]

After Ryoma showed me how to cover up his existence which I had also mastered and was my most important skill because of that skill I could survive in the Dimensional Rift, we saw a slime that was a bit bigger than the others, the slime was about two meters tall with a darker color than the other slimes. [Altair]

"Ryoma, is that the so-called floor guardian?" [Altair]

"Right, it's commonly referred to as a big slime. Wait here, I'll kill that slime." [Ryoma]

"Hold on Ryoma, since the mission is too easy let me try that one." [Altair]

"Ok, but if something goes wrong I'll take over." [Ryoma]

Boost [Altair]

First, I will measure how strong the big slime's durability is, whether this big slime can survive after I use the boost and kick him.


Huh? Slime made a sound? [Altair]


After I kicked it, the big slime was thrown quite far and stopped after hit the dungeon wall. With such a large body weight, it's no wonder that the big slime produced a sound similar to a bomb explosion after being thrown that far. [Altair]

"Huh big slime is flying???!" What the heck is that kick? Can class thief do that?" [Ryoma]

"What's wrong Ryoma? I didn't hear you from here, those big slime is still alive I'll finish him off with this dagger of yours, my physical strength isn't strong enough to end him instantly." [Altair]

(What is this moron on about?, which thief fighting with his bare hands? Even though thief's main focus is on agility but I had to strain my eyes to follow the movement he just did, - oh shit he already killed the big slime, I didn't have time to record it.) [Ryoma]

"This big slime is just like any other little slime, I though there will be special moves it can use." [Altair]

". . ." [Ryoma]

"You killed it too fast Altair, although its attack pattern is similar to that of a small slime that spews acidic liquid but its attack speed is different, for novice adventurers the big slime's attack is still too difficult for them to avoid." [Ryoma]

"The acidic liquid, although not too fatal and easily healed using potions, still deals damage equivalent to burns." [Ryoma]

"Thanks for the warning Ryoma, next time I'll kill the big slime even faster without giving it a chance to react." [Altair]

"That's not what I meant... -_-" (Altair's skill really caught my curiosity, damn if I had recorded his actions earlier and used that as an example or asked Louis-san to analyze it. If this is the case, I have no other choice. I'm sorry Ayane-san, Louis-san.) [Ryoma]

"Hey Altair, do you want to explore the other floors?" [Ryoma]

"Sure, let's do it now Ryoma, lead me to the next floor." [Altair]

(Hopefully this is not a bad decision) [Ryoma]

Why Ryoma suddenly changing his mind?, well from the beginning I had also planned to persuade him to take me to another floor. Yup, at least everything went smoothly. [Altair]

Before going to another floor, Ryoma said that his purpose in taking me to another floor was to get me used to fighting the monsters in this dungeon, Ryoma would lead me to a location that he thought was suitable for fighting. [Altair]

Because Ryoma was afraid of taking too long time, we pass through the monster along the way. Currently we were on the third floor where I was found by Louis-san's party, this time Ryoma stopped before entering the area of the goblins who seemed to be led by the goblin wearing leather armor. [Altair]

"Is that the next enemy I have to fight?" [Altair]

"Yes, he is the guardian of the second and third floors of this dungeon. He is a goblin general, his special ability is to command his subordinates to fight more efficiently, besides that he is stronger than ordinary goblins." [Ryoma]

"Is there anything else to watch out for?" [Altair]

"Don't get caught by one of his subordinates, they will rush you as soon as you can't move, do you need help reducing the number of his members?" [Ryoma]

"The formation is like the battle before, if something goes wrong you can take over." [Altair]

"Ok" [Ryoma]

In other words I just need to break their chain of command right, to save Ryoma's time I have to finish it quickly, there's no more time to test the endurance of these goblins, I'm already tired of killing them even before arriving in this world. [Altair]

Boost [Altair]

Slash [Altair]

With that, the goblin general's head was removed from his body, this time there was no one who could give orders to the poor goblins. Not bad, this dagger isn't bad either, are the crystals I collected now enough to buy a weapon like this? [Altair]

(Damn Altair... it's a good thing I had time to aim my camera at the goblin general, although I had expected this to happen after seeing him defeat the big slime so easily, but I didn't expect that the battle would end up as one-sided like this.) [Ryoma]

"Oiii Ryoma... give me a moment to hunt down the rest." [Altair]

(Altair yelled to inform me that he had returned to ki ... slaughtering those poor goblins who didn't even understand what happened to the leader or the friends around him.) [Ryoma]

From the total of twenty-one goblins I killed, there were only six crystals I got, if I add the eleven crystals from the previous floor, there are seventeen crystals in my storage. Is that enough to buy something? [Altair]

"Are monster crystal drops really like this?" [Altair]

"It is inconsistent, sometimes you don't get a single crystal despite killing a lot monsters, but sometimes you get more than that. Maybe your good fortune isn't on this floor..." [Ryoma]

"Then lead me to the other floor again Ryoma, with this much crystal I can't buy anything." [Altair]

(Oh shit, what should I do? Should I agree with his request? Or should I end this expedition? What I need is already obtained, and that footage should be enough to gauge Altair's ability. But seeing that Altair is trying to get out of its own financial situation.... Besides, it's still too early to go home, we haven't been in this dungeon for thirty minutes.) [Ryoma]

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