
Trapped in the Body of a Possessive Duke Daughter

Synopsis: I want to feel the warmth of a family. I want to feel affection and love. I want to be noticed. Like a child. Becoming an adult means being a slave to life. I'm an orphan who never know what is a 'family?' Until finally I married and had children. Now I am a mother and also a career woman. I got married, had children, and finally I had a 'family' of my own. But it turns out that everything is not as beautiful as I imagined. I still don't feel the warmth of my own family. If I could manipulate time and change destiny, I just want to return to being an innocent child who doesn't know anything so that adults will pay attention to me. God apparently heard my hidden desires and now I have to live as Cellia, the only daughter of Grand Duke Leonhart and am trapped as a small child who is cared for all her life by her very possessive daddy! "No one can touch my daughter! Not even a speck of dust!" "Whoever makes my daughter shed tears, I will kill her even if it's myself!" And my dad's anxiety got crazier when I got a letter of mandate in the form of an application from the crown prince. "When I become emperor, I will marry your daughter, Duke Leonhart. This is an order. Cellia will be my empress and queen in the future!" (Crown Prince) "I won't let it happen! Before that happens, I will become emperor first and no one can have my daughter!" (Duke Leonhart) "But Dad's, I'm sorry. I can't marry you, but I promise to remain your little princess. Forever ..." (Cellia) ____________________________________________ BOOK INFO : Title : Trapped in the Body of a Possessive Duke Daughter Genre : Reincarnation, Age-Gap, Romance, Royal Family, Fantasy, Heartwarming, Angst, Dark, Dragon, Villain, Psychology, magic Author : Yuusa Type : original novel ____________________________________________ A/N : This is a novel with a slow burn romance story ... If you like magic, fantasy stories with slow romance and relationships with an age-gap, you can add this novel to your library!! Btw. Book cover design by me. Every week I will make illustrations of novel characters and some illustrations of scenes in novels. Please follow my ig [@yuu.sa_] to see the updates!. Oh. You also can check the comments in the paragraph to see a little visual I drew and please enjoy the story!!. Thanks for reading!. Don't forget your support and suggestions (powerstone, golden ticket, gift, comment!) so that I can be better at writing ~ ____________________________________________

YuuSa · Fantasy
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66 Chs

41. The Rise of the Dark Wizard Cult


"Hey. Quickly break the rune!" My daddy said and the magic recording was immediately lost right in the scene when a figure in a black robe caught Salamanca after he fell and became unconscious due to Baskerville's attack on him.

I remembered the scratches on Sala's back. It turned out to be That's how Salamanca got that big scratch.

But it seems like that happened quite a long time ago. Maybe a year ago? In the magic recording earlier, Sala's hair was still short like me and she still looked smaller than the Salamanca I met. Maybe around three years older than the Salamanca in the magic recording?.

"My Dear, what are you doing here?. You can't come in carelessly like this when dad is talking to guests..." said dad. He seemed quite angry, but dad controlled his emotions quite well so he didn't yell at me and tried to speak nicely.

"Forgive Cellia, Dad.."

"Okay. Let's get out. Daddy have to finish dad's work first, okay?. We'll talk later after dad is finished..."

I nodded and went out reluctantly. Dad walked me out so I couldn't eavesdrop on dad's conversation anymore. Ah, I'm so worried about Salamanca.

But there was something else that made me curious about the magic recording earlier and that was the black-robed figure who saved Salamanca!.

I'm sure it was Enzi!.

Even though it wasn't very clear, I saw the dragon wing brooch that Enzi was wearing on her robe. It was a brooch from me when Enzi also gave me the same thing, namely an amethyst crystal in the shape of a lily flower.

Oh, my goodness. I just remembered about the crystal from Enzi. Where do I put it?.

I then ran to my room and searched all the cupboards and drawers so that Vio who saw me became confused and curious.

"Young Lady, what are you looking for? I will help you find it ..."

"Cellia can do it self!" I said. I still remember Enzi's message when he told me to keep the secret about his being able to remove crystals from his hands from other people. That means I also have to keep the crystal that Enzi gave me a secret, right?.

Oh yes. Was that time a mana solidification process so that Enzi could make crystals from his hands?.

If true, that means the process of mana compaction does not only occur due to excess mana disease, but can also be controlled by itself?.

But isn't it the process of solidifying mana that makes the body of someone suffering from excess mana feel excruciating pain, right?.

What about what Enzi did at that time?. He made a crystal in his hand. Does his hand hurt when making it?. Or can this really be done with magic?.

"Gotcha!" My mind screamed. It turned out that I put the crystal from Enzi in the drawer box under the lily crystal ball that my daddy bought at that time.

I took the crystal and looked at it. These crystals sometimes look like amethysts, but when exposed to sunlight, for some reason the color seems to change to amethyst mixed with blood. Purple mixed with red.

I tried attaching this Lily flower shaped crystal to the ribbon on my outfit and it looked suitable and pretty, but unfortunately I couldn't wear it because this crystal is really just a crystal. It doesn't come in the form of a brooch that I can wear, even though I want to wear it like Enzi who wears it all the time.

For now I will keep this crystal and maybe when I grow up I will make this crystal into a brooch or maybe even a necklace?!. Ah no. For a necklace, the pendant would be too big if I used a crystal from Enzi and I didn't want this crystal to be cut to turn it into a pendant.


A week has passed.

Finally, the day I can learn magic has arrived! Yeah, even though dad will only teach basic magic, but that's enough to silence my curiosity for a while before I can finally enter the academy later.

"Well, first let's release your mana. Dad wants to see it..."

"When you were born, your element was earth, but after the blessing at the temple during the festival, it seemed like your element changed to sky..." said dad again.

From the books I read, the type of element a person has will influence the types of magic they can use.

Daddy took out an amethyst crystal shaped like a celestial globe. Inside the crystal it looks beautiful like a galaxy filled with thousands of stars.

"Honey, channel your mana here, okay?" said daddy.

I stretched out my hands and held the celestial globe crystal then started to close my eyes and concentrate by remembering everything that His Highness Yvone had taught me before to feel the mana around me and channel the mana that had been managed out so that it could be used for magic.

Slowly, I felt a gentle flow flowing out then my hand became warm then slowly turned cool when the mana had left my hand.

"Oh, it seems my guess was wrong. Your element is still earth. Doesn't change into sky element even though you get ether mana. But that's not a problem ... you can still use high level magic because it has ether mana and make low level magic have double the power with ether mana" explained daddy.

It's complicated and I still have to process the explanation. Well, basically I can still use magic as long as I have mana. The trick is, the plants will continue to grow as long as I water them, no matter the type of soil.

Unless you don't have mana but you were born with the sky element. It's like you have plants in fertile soil, but your plants will die if you never water them because you don't have the water.

"Okay, let's practice the first basic magic, namely Heliaz..." said daddy. He then wrote runes with mana on the ground and a small plant grew there.

"Alright, now channel your mana into this plant. You will be able to feel it as soon as you touch this plant and will know how much mana you have to spend on this plant so that it can grow..." said dadsy.

I returned to focus and channeled my mana into the small plant in front of me. Dad said it right. Automatically, I know how much manaI have to spend on this plant. So I have to maintain this dose. You shouldn't give him too much mana or less than the required amount.

At times like this, I suddenly remember the magic recording from that time, so I can't stop thinking about Salamanca.

From my bad activities, namely eavesdropping on my dad's conversations and documents about Salamanca which I secretly saw in my daddy's office, I got the reality that it turned out that Salamanca was the daughter of the Lulan kingdom.

She was the only daughter of king Laiv. Salamanca has one older brothers and a sister, but the thing that makes Salamanca receive different treatment is because of one thing. Apparently, Sala was born without mana, so her father, King Laiv, had the heart to do something evil like that.

In yesterday's magic recording was the scene where his father forced Salamanca to forcefully release his mana using the threat of his Baskerville totem. And that is impossible.

When I heard my dad's conversation again, I received news that Salamanca was going to be sent home, but some of them were also hesitant to send Salamanca home because they felt sorry for the cruel actions of King Laiv towards his own daughter.

Everyone is in a dilemma. If Salamanca is not returned, this will be a serious problem for both kingdoms. The Yevonia kingdom's relationship with the Lulan kingdom will definitely worsen. For this reason, all officers handling Salamanca are trying to find a solution, including my daddy.

I heard yesterday that daddy is willing to adopt Salamanca as his daughter if Sala is not returned to the Lulan kingdom. He even intended to talk to King Laiv himself personally.

However, if only daddy went, it would be rude because what he would meet was a king and the problem that would be discussed was a serious problem that could worsen relations between kingdoms. That's why His Highness Yvone will come along with daddy to represent King Alan.

I'm so worried. Should I come too?. I don't want anything to happen to dad ...

"Dear, what are you thinking?. Your mana control is starting to become unstable. You're not focused... look, the plants are wilting," said the daddy.

I came back and saw a plant whose green leaves had turned brown because I gave it too little mana. Even though the plants have grown and even flowered!. I just found out that the plant my dad gave me to practice basic magic was a lily plant.

I panicked and suddenly poured a lot of mana into my lily plant, but daddy immediately touched my hand and my mana flow stopped. Dad decided which way out.

"Darling, calm down. You shouldn't spend a lot of mana like that or it will harm yourself... you could immediately lose a lot of mana drastically," explained the daddy.

Dad then looked at me and noticed my anxiety.

"Is there something bothering you, My Dear?"

I shook my head. If I say I'm worried about Salamanca, I'm afraid of making daddy carry another burden. But it seems I can't lie to daddy. Daddy's eyesight was sharp and he noticed my lie.

"Come on, tell dad. Don't keep it to yourself if you have a problem... Dad will help you," said Dad.


"My Lord!"

Vincent suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He remained like a shadow warrior.

"What wrong?"

"The Princess of Salamanca was kidnapped by someone and it might be from a dark wizard cult..."

"What!?. This is bad. Have you deployed troops to look for her?"

"Yes, a squad led by Marquess Vallois has been deployed to search for her and His Highness Yvone asked you to meet him ..."


What happened?. Salamanca kidnapped by a cult of dark wizards?!. What's that?. An evil organization containing dark wizards?. But why did they kidnap Sala?!. What is their goal??.

The process of learning basic magic with my daddy had to end quickly because of the disappearance of Salamanca and the appearance of a cult of dark magicians who kidnapped her.

Daddy left me alone along with Vincent who he ordered to help me practice basic magic. But at times like this, I become increasingly unable to focus on studying. I'm more worried about Salamanca. Even though Sala and I have only been together for a few days, I already think of Sala as my own little sister.

Ugh. I really wanted to follow daddy secretly to see the chaos that was happening!. If my time magic hadn't been sealed by His Highness Yvone, I would have been able to go to the past to stop Salamanca's kidnapping!.





Suddenly I heard a small explosion which caused the glass to shatter, but I saw that nothing had happened in my residence. Vincent didn't appear to be on alert because someone was attacking this residence.

So what sound did I hear just now?. It seemed like I was the only one who could hear the sound of the large shards.