

  Ethan POV

  I slowly went to the room where the nurse said where Agatha was, I saw that the door was open so I immediately saw her. All I wondered was when I heard how she talked to the doll she was holding.

  What happened to her?

  Why is she like that?

  I slowly walked closer to her because she didn’t seem to notice my presence because she just focused her attention on what she was holding while talking to it.

  "Agatha." I call her name.

  She immediately startled to hear my voice, she looked at me and her eyes quickly widened.

  I was about to take a step closer to her when she started shouting.

  "No! Don't come any closer!"

  I don't know how I will feel at that moment because of what she said. What's happening? I tried to take another step but she just kept shouting and started to cry so I immediately stopped.

  I heard the door open and Belle hurried in as if she had just arrived.