

  Agatha POV

  It’s been a year since Belle and Gian got married because just a few weeks after they were released from the hospital, he proposed immediately and now they are in another country with their family. On the other hand my best friend Zey and Marcus are still going strong even if they are always fighting.

  As for me we are still strong, my husband decided to work at home first because he wants to be hands on to me and our soon baby. From the moment Ethan found out about my pregnancy he became protective and I didn't complain because I knew he just didn't want to hurt us and repeat what happened to our first child.

  I was currently sitting on the sofa while watching tv and eating fruit when I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach, at first I just ignored it but as time went on it was excruciating pain.

  "Manang!" I shouted, so quickly one of our maids approached me.

  "Why ma'am? Do you need anything?" she politely asked me.