
Trapped In Shadows

Each time she dared to fall in love or have any romantic relationship with someone, it always ended up crumbling, as every man she loved found solace not in her arms, but in the embrace of her sister. The sting of betrayal left scars upon her heart, making her shut her heart to love, with a promise to never let her guard down around any man. This is a tale of a young girl named Emily, along with her mother and sister, Olivia. Emily's mother runs a modeling agency where her sister Olivia acts as a model. Emily always wanted to work as a model, and there were numerous nights where she spent dreaming of being a model. Her numerous requests to her mother were unsuccessful, as her mother always despised her. Her elder sister, Olivia was always her mom's favorite. Olivia inherited all their mother's charms and was loved by everyone. In high school, guys would always come to her just so they could get Olivia's number but Emily didn't mind. But every time she opened her heart to someone, it always got broken by her sister. Guys would date her just to get closer to Olivia. Emily decided to never fall in love again, after she caught her sister in bed with her boyfriend, Jamie. But what happens when she meets Jake? He's been searching for her for a year and just when he thought he would never find her, he saw her at a restaurant, where she worked as a waitress. He's in town for 3 months and he needs to find himself a wife, or else he'll be forced to marry the girl he's family chose for him. Will he be able to convince her to marry him, in just 3 months?

Raven_Dahlia · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1


The glittering night sky of New York City framed my view as I stood on the balcony of our luxurious apartment. The bustling city beneath me seemed to possess a life of its own, with its neon lights dancing in the distance. I had always observed this world from the edge, a place I'd never truly experienced. I was invisible, lost in the long shadow of my sister Olivia.

Growing up, I was only recognized as Olivia's little sister. I think it's safe to say no one ever recalls my name. I don't feel that much offended when outsiders act as though I don't exist, but it hurts when my own family doesn't even care about my existence.

I would be rounding up with college soon, not like anyone cares about that. I always try my best to stay out of my mom's bad book, so she doesn't ask her secretary to cut me off. I still enjoy the little allowances I get plus I still want my fees to be paid.

The only thing that gives me joy is the relationship I share with my boyfriend Jamie. I met him at a cafe and discovered that we'd been attending the same college.

We've been together for 6 months now, and that's the longest I've stayed in any relationship. I guess he's not like the other guys I've dated. I think he loves me for me.

We're planning on moving in together as soon as I'm done with college. Who knows, we might even get married.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Emily." I thought aloud trying to caution myself. The mere thought of starting a life with someone who cared about me was so exciting. I guess that's what happens when you finally find the one.


I just got back home, lectures today were hectic. Yeah, you heard that right. I go to college from home. One would think it was because I had overprotective parents but it's the exact opposite for me. My mom and I had an agreement, she was going to keep paying my fees as long as I remained close. Her words not mine, she doesn't care what I do but she wants to know what's going on in my life at all times.

It was weird but I kept telling myself that, it was just her little way of showing she was worried about me.

Jamie on the other hand, lives on campus. I don't get why she wouldn't let me stay on campus like everyone else, it's not like we see each other every day. Even while living here, it feels like we're in different worlds.

As I made my way upstairs, I heard strange sounds coming from my sister's room. Speaking of which, I hadn't seen Olivia for a while now. We're not that close and she has her place, so I figured she decided to spend time in her house.

I was starting to get worried, her room was just across mine and I heard screams like she was struggling with someone.

I decided to go have a look, it was usually just me and the maids who were home at this time, much less Olivia.

"Olivia, are you in there?" No response

"Is everything alright with you?" But still no response. I know she doesn't like me very much but she can't possibly expect me not to worry about her.

"Who cares if she finds out." I heard her speak but the other person seemed to only whisper, so I couldn't make out what he/she was saying.

"Olive, I know I'm not your favorite person to talk to but I just want to make sure you're okay." I pleaded but after getting the same response, I decided I couldn't keep waiting for her to open the door.

"Olive are you..." My words got stuck in my throat as I saw my very own sister in bed with my supposed boyfriend Jamie. I know, I should have gotten used to it already but I've never really caught my sister in the act before. The guys just break up with me and the next thing I know, they're dating her.

"Jamie?" The word came out more like a question.

"Oh my goodness Emily, can't you just stop being dumb for one second." She glared. "Even a 10-year-old could tell what was going on in this room and just ignore or feel too awkward about it and leave, but you... God, I don't even know what to call you." My sister spoke with so much disgust. But I was the one who was supposed to feel that way not her.

"You can start by calling her naive, then maybe Emily the virgin." I could not believe what I was hearing from Jamie right now. Like, isn't he supposed to be on his knees begging me to forgive him?

"Jamie, how could you do this to me? I thought we talked about this, I asked you this remember, and you made it clear that you have no interest in my sister."

I was almost on the verge of tears here.

"Well, clearly he lied. I mean, who in his right senses would look at the both of us and even take another glance at you, talk more of choosing you." Olivia was right, she has always been the goddess. Always look sexy while I'm the one who never gets tired of wearing hoodies and sweatpants but I was tired. I was tired of always being left behind.

"How long?" I asked the question so casually.

"Excuse me?"

"What?" They answered simultaneously.

"How long have you been sleeping with my sister you pig?" I yelled still not letting a single tear drop from my eyes.

"I'm not going to answer that." He quickly dismissed but I knew Olivia would want to rub it in.

"It's been exactly 4 months and 11 days but who's counting?" She replied chuckling, no sign of remorse for what she did.

"If you like her like you claim to then why did you make me love you?" I kept hoping that I would be able to hold back my tears a little longer. Wouldn't want to give them that satisfaction.

"Don't you get it, Emily, it was easier. I never actually had feelings for you, I've always loved Olive, not you. But it seemed impossible to get her attention. Besides, it was fun watching you be all romantic even if you sucked at it and since I wasn't able to have sex with you then it's only right I let you go now."

What the... Was he being serious right now? Let me go?

"Look, Emily, I know it's hard on you but you should have known this would happen. As long as you have a sister who's as sexy as me, no guys would want you."

" You know what, you two deserve each other. By the way Olivia, you moan like a dying pig, I guess that's why I didn't understand what was going on in there." The look on her face was priceless but I decided it was only going to hurt me if I stayed any longer, so I left them to keep enjoying each other's company.

"Are you sure she won't do anything drastic?" I heard Jamie ask.

"She'll probably cry herself to sleep, that's all." I couldn't help but smile at that.

"Oh I'll cry, but it will be tears of joy," I whispered and proceeded to the bathroom to freshen up with my mind made up on one thing, I was done with relationships. No more guys in my life.