

“My secret lover is not Rebecca but the beautiful lady in front of me. Let's build our love story together. With that he goes on his knees “Will you marry me? Andrea gapes at the man proposing to her, who is known for the reputation of being a ruthless billionaire. Fate can be funny and inevitable. Their first encounter was that of her warning him not to cross paths with her in the future, the second was his brutal rejection of her working in his company and now the third was his proposal. Finally caught in his enticing offer of taking care of her sick mother, she signs the contract of acting as his fiancee in public but life takes a drastic turn as many forces, scandals, dark family pasts, and secrets oppose their love story. Will they be able to fight for their love or rather lose their life in the process? Read to find out!

Adaobi_Nancy · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

"M—Mr Hamilton? Andrea stammers not sure how to react.

"What a small world, don't you agree with me, Miss Stone? Lance smirks

Andrea stood dumbstruck. Never in her wildest dream had she imagined being in such a position

Everyone on the table watched with interest. Lance Hamilton is a prestigious billionaire, and how he manages to know someone in her class baffles everyone in the room.

"Uhm, Mr Hamilton, what is the next line of action? One of the panel asks.

"She is disqualified! He answers menacingly… not for once taking his eyes off her.

Andrea gasps at his word. This job meant everything and her final hope. "Mr. Hamilton, uhm sir, please reconsider, I'm a first-class graduate, skilled and capable of acquiring this job," Andrea says in a desperate tone. "Please don't deny me the opportunity because of a trivial misunderstanding or maybe a grudge!

Lance Hamilton scoffs and majestically stands up, his figure tall and imposing. "Personal grudge? Who do you think you're? —when I said you're not capable of the job I meant a shabby-looking person can't be my secretary". He casually let out, taking some lazy steps toward her "Use the exit door, Miss Stone.

Lance walks to the door and turns back to the room "Carry on with the interview!

"Yes Sir" they all chorused and bowed to him…. Lance's eyes darted back at Andrea and he looked at her with disgust before turning to exit the room.

"Mr Hamilton! Andrea yells and he languorously turns to look at her.

"You might have all the authority because you own the company but I don't regret what I did last night," she says then walks closer to him. Robert reacts but Lance beckons him to remain still.

"It's so disappointing that you denied me this opportunity just because I corrected and taught your arrogant self how to be a perfect gentleman." she quickly wipes off the tears trailing down her face. "I wish to never encounter you again in my life," she adds, annoyed at the smirk on his face.

"Mrs Stone, can you please leave the room? One of the panel asks…..

Andrea angrily left the room, ignoring the curious look of the co-interviewees. She waves Abby goodbye and walks out of the Hamilton company. Among the paramount companies in the world and her lifetime dream. All her hope came crashing down. She wished she had listened to her mother and avoided going to the club that night, who knows? They may not have encountered each other.

She made her way to a wooden bench at the town park and sat watching people move over their daily routine, children full of hope playing around the park, lovers staring fondly and enjoying each other's company, but she sat hopelessly, lost in thought. "How will I take care of my sick mother? She thinks bitterly. Right after high school, she worked many part-time jobs just to save money for her mum's medication. But it wasn't enough.

Her phone rings pulling her out from deep thoughts. She looks at the screen to see her aunt's name boldly written on it... she picks to hear the panicking sounds made by her aunt.

"Hello Aunty Jessica, what's wrong?

"Andrea! She pauses to catch her breath "Where are you?

Andrea suddenly becomes worried about her tone. "What's wrong? Where are you?

"Come quickly to City Hospital, your Mother—-

Andrea felt her heartbeat stop for a moment "What happened to mum?

"I found her Collapsed on the kitchen floor, she's being operated on in the emergency room!

Andrea quickly runs to the road, flying down a taxi. "Drive to the city hospital! She almost yells

"Hello! Hello! Are you there? Her aunt's voice echoes from the phone. She had forgotten that she was on a call.

"I will be there soon! She managed to voice out.

"Okay! Her aunt replies and ends the call…

"Please can you drive faster? She says to the taxi driver and the man nods, increasing the speed of the car.

Each passing minute felt like an eternity to Andrea. Throughout the drive, she prayed to God to help and protect her Mother. It's been over seven years since bee mum was diagnosed with " systemic Lupus erythematosus" a situation where her immune system attacks her vital organ, in her case her kidney. Her mother has been dependent on drugs to manage the illness but it kept getting worse, she couldn't work or engage in vigorous activities.

Her heart breaks even more at the thought of her mother hiding the truth that her medicines finished a long time ago. She has to come up with a way to make more money for her mum's treatment.

"We have arrived Ma! The driver announces, bringing her out of her reverie.

Andrea quickly paid the man and rushed inside the hospital, with the help of her aunt, she was able to locate her and now they both sat idly yet panic-struck, waiting for the end of the operation…

The door opened and they both rushed to the doctor with expecting eyes…

"How was the operation?

"Hope she is okay? They both ask at the same time.

The doctors smiled sweetly at them but that couldn't hide his tired face. " The operation was successful," he announces, causing both ladies to hug each other, tears escaping their eyes. The Doctor asks, staring between the two women.

"Who is more close to the patient? He asks them

"I'm her daughter," Andrea tells him, feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

"Please follow me to my office," he says then walks off

Andrea looks at her aunt, who beckons her to follow the doctor while she stays with her sister. She nods at them and quickly jogs to catch up with the doctor.


Andrea walked down the hallways, her heart felt heavy from her discussion with the doctor. Her mother's kidney was failing and she needed a kidney transplant. Since she didn't have that huge amount, her mother would be hospitalized for the time being till the money was complete. She made a mental note to thank her aunt once she reached the room for depositing part of the bill.

Andrea, child—-come sit beside me! Aunty Jessica tells her immediately she enters the room. Andrea walked to her, sat, and rested her head on her shoulder. "I'm tired! She mutters….

I understand dear, life can be tough most times that we feel like giving up". She says brushing her hands through Andrea's hair. "Your mother always says these words to me, when life gives you a lemon, turn it into a lemonade." Andrea smiles fondly while gazing at her mom's weak sleeping form.

"Your mum told me earlier this morning that you went for an interview. How did it go? Her eyes dilate with hope then fall as she notices the sullen look on her niece's face. "I understand! She mutters.

"That reminds me! She stands up brusquely and walks to retrieve a business card from her bag on the table. "I have a friend who runs an exquisite catering business and they happen to have a vacant position!

Andrea's ears pick with interest…. "What's the catch??

"It's a one-day job, to dress up, learn the family rules, serve at the party, and earn money!

"It sounds enticing," Andrea tells her, then pulls out the sandwich from her bag. "I don't want to be involved in any drama with the elite family."

"Come on Andrea, the money you will make from just this one job is higher than the salary you make from part-time jobs in six months! — "You will be paid five thousand dollars."

"Five what? Andrea shouted she couldn't believe her ears. The money was more than her entire life savings.

"Is there anything else I must know? She asks, still skeptical about the whole proposition.

"Nothing much, blend with your team and offer your service—Don't miss this opportunity because it only came due to the sudden sickness of one of her crew.

"I'm in" Andrea declares, her eyes darting to her mother's sleeping form. For the second time today, she felt hopeful again.

"Do you know the family name?

"Not at all, she doesn't disclose it!