
Trapped in Her Heart

"Love finds it's way no matter what happens....." ..... At the beach. With their hands intertwined together, Sebastian and Ellie were taking a romantic evening beach walk together. Turning towards Sebastian, Ellie smiled and asked, “Seb, what do you like in me?” Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sebastian smiled. Inching closer, he brushed their lips together and whispered, “I like each and everything about you.” ...... This is a story about Ellie Miller, a resident of Seattle, Washington and Sebastian Stewart, a native of Los Angeles. After spending more than a decade trying to live up to his parents' expectations, Sebastian Stewart had lost the true meaning of life. He lived his life in a very systematic manner with each and every second planned and scheduled for something. Many even said that he lived a robotic life. But things changed when someone entered his life and dragged him out of the robotic life he lived in. Not only did she add colors into his boring life, she opened the most beautiful path for him, the path of love and compassion. Like every ordinary woman, Ellie Miller always wanted to have a perfect love story. After witnessing the special bond her parents shared, her expectations for love spiked. Having zero experience in love even after twenty-five years of her existence, Ellie finally realized how beautiful love actually is after meeting Sebastian Stewart. Coming from two different family backgrounds, will Sebastian and Ellie manage to overcome all the obstacles that come their way? Join Ellie and Sebastian in their sweet and beautiful journey of love and compassion where they learn and grow together. ---- Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr P.S: The cover doesn't belong to me :)

Sofia05 · Urban
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301 Chs

Golden opportunity

Los Angeles.

"Arrrggghhh..." Ellie Miller groaned before sticking her hand out of the warm blanket.

Her hand waved around her bedside table, trying very hard to look for the alarm clock that was screaming its lungs out.

"Damn!" She cursed before sticking her head out. Grabbing the alarm clock, she shouted, "Fine Mr. Clock, I am up now so shut up!"

Scratching her head, she yawned and stretched her body before burying her head back in the pillow, all ready to doze off to sleep again.

After a few minutes, she widened her eyes in shock and yelled, "Fuck Ellie, you are fucking doomed," before jumping out of the bed and rushing towards the wardrobe. "Oh God, I am so dead." 

After grabbing a random white top and a pair of skinny jeans, she took off her nightwear and started changing her clothes.

"You are an idiot," she murmured before trying to fit into her pants but eventually lost her balance and ended up landing on her butt.

Wincing in pain, she cursed her pants for being too skinny. She then somehow pulled herself up and started rubbing her butt cheeks which still felt sore.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, Ellie patted her chest. "Don't freak out Ellie Miller, we can do this."

When she was done changing, she grabbed a random scrunchie from the dressing table and tied her hair into a ponytail, then she rushed towards the washroom to brush her teeth, wash her face, and make sure her hair was in place. 

When she was all done, she grabbed her file and hurriedly left.


Looking at all the mess in the living room and the multiple unopened boxes, Ellie scratched her forehead. It had been a week since she moved into a two-bedroom apartment, but she hadn't put away her things yet. 

Squatting down, she joined her hands and murmured, "I am sorry Mr. Box but I swear I'll deal with you when I come back. Wish me luck!" Grabbing the apartment keys, she took a few deep breaths before leaving her apartment.


Ellie Miller is from Seattle, a city in Washington. She had just moved to Los Angeles a week ago to find a decent job for herself. After graduating from Seattle University and working for some small companies for a few years, she wanted to try something big and different.

When her childhood best friend told her about a vacant job in the company she was working at, Ellie decided to give it a shot.

Ellie Miller is an ambitious, smart, kind, humble, and fun-loving twenty-five-year-old woman. Coming from an ordinary family, she had her own struggles but she never complained. She was happy with whatever God had given her and lived for the moment without caring about what would happen next.

Not only did she have a fun-loving and kind nature but she was beautiful too. With her greenish-blue round eyes, brown hair, and all her curves at the right place, she could easily attract anyone's attention and could captivate them in the web of her natural beauty.


Stewart International Group.

Hopping out of the taxi, Ellie rushed towards the tall building.

"Ellie Miller you are so fucking dead," she murmured when she saw her friend standing near the entrance of the building with her hands on her waist.

Melissa Powell rushed towards her unpunctual childhood best friend and yanked at her, "How can you be late El? And what the fuck are you wearing? Didn't I ask you to wear something formal? You are—"

Pouncing into Melissa's embrace, Ellie sighed, "Ahhh Mel I missed you so much."

The small flame of anger that was burning inside Melissa quickly dissipated and she hugged her best friend tighter, "Ahhh I missed you too."

Pulling back, Ellie gave her a guilty and innocent look. "I am sorry, actually I forgot to set my alarm and—"

"We will talk about your alarm later, which I am very sure that you slammed it off. You are already late for the interview, El. We gotta rush." Without waiting for her to finish her silly excuse, Melissa grabbed Ellie's hand and dragged her inside the building.


Inside the building.

"Hey Patricia, this is Ellie Miller and she is here for the interview," Melissa said before raising Ellie's hand.

Waving her other hand at the middle-aged woman, Ellie smiled. "Hey, Patricia."

"24th floor, the president's office. Hurry!" Patricia snapped.

"Thanks, Patricia." Melissa blew a kiss at her and rushed towards the elevator.


Outside the President's office.

"Alright, are you ready? Are you nervous?" Melissa asked.

"What if I say I am?" Ellie questioned back. She was really very nervous, so nervous that her hands were turning cold. Working in a company as big as Stewart International Group was huge and she didn't want this golden opportunity to slip from her hands.

"Okay El, breathe with me." After taking a few deep breaths, Melissa added, "You can do this, babe, it's just an interview. I know you will rock this."

Ellie nodded and gave Melissa a hug before entering the office.


Hello ^__^

As most of you know, this is my fourth novel :)

For those who are new, my other works are:

• Unexpected Encounter: They were mean to be together

•One last time

•The Devil’s love

This book is also taking part in the NEW SPIRITY AWARDS 2020, under the ‘SWEET LOVE’ theme.

I hope you all will love and support my work like you always do <3

Please don’t forget to leave a review and comment :)

Happy reading ^_^

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