
Trapped in Her Heart

"Love finds it's way no matter what happens....." ..... At the beach. With their hands intertwined together, Sebastian and Ellie were taking a romantic evening beach walk together. Turning towards Sebastian, Ellie smiled and asked, “Seb, what do you like in me?” Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sebastian smiled. Inching closer, he brushed their lips together and whispered, “I like each and everything about you.” ...... This is a story about Ellie Miller, a resident of Seattle, Washington and Sebastian Stewart, a native of Los Angeles. After spending more than a decade trying to live up to his parents' expectations, Sebastian Stewart had lost the true meaning of life. He lived his life in a very systematic manner with each and every second planned and scheduled for something. Many even said that he lived a robotic life. But things changed when someone entered his life and dragged him out of the robotic life he lived in. Not only did she add colors into his boring life, she opened the most beautiful path for him, the path of love and compassion. Like every ordinary woman, Ellie Miller always wanted to have a perfect love story. After witnessing the special bond her parents shared, her expectations for love spiked. Having zero experience in love even after twenty-five years of her existence, Ellie finally realized how beautiful love actually is after meeting Sebastian Stewart. Coming from two different family backgrounds, will Sebastian and Ellie manage to overcome all the obstacles that come their way? Join Ellie and Sebastian in their sweet and beautiful journey of love and compassion where they learn and grow together. ---- Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr P.S: The cover doesn't belong to me :)

Sofia05 · Urban
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301 Chs


"You wait right there, I swear I'll not do anything." Calvin tried to appease Ava who had been running around in circles, making it very difficult for him to catch her.

"Ahh really? Don't you think I am too old to fall for that stupid lie?" Ava shouted.

"What? You are still a kid, a baby." Calvin shouted before yanking at her.

Dodging his attack, Ava ran upstairs shouting, "Seems like the handsome Mr Lewis has grown old."

Calvin frowned and retorted, "You-who are you calling old?"

"YOU." Ava shouted.

"You-just wait Ava." Calvin shouted before rushing after her.

"Hey, don't wreck my house." Noah shouted.



Dashing into a random bedroom, Ava threw the pillow at him and chuckled, "You see, truth always hurts."

Dodging the pillow, Calvin frowned deeper. "I am just twenty-five years old okay? It's a blooming age."

Ava mockingly chuckled and vigorously nodded her head, "Pttfff yeah sureeeeeeeee."

Calvin gritted his teeth and shouted, "You are so dead." Before pouncing towards her.

Not ready for the sudden attack, Ava lost her balance and ended up falling on the bed followed by Calvin.

Ava yelped and closed her eyes, ready to be thrashed by him but nothing happened.

Calvin, who was currently on top of her, was completely awestruck by Ava's beauty. From her rosy cheeks to lips, everything was so mesmerizing. Even her messy hair which was all over her face looked so attractive.

Had she always been so attractive and beautiful? Why didn't he ever notice this beautiful woman whom he almost grew up with until today?

Removing a strand of hair from her face, Calvin said, "You are beautiful."

Biting her lower lip, Ava blushed vigorously. The position they were at was already very awkward and Calvin's gaze was making her feel very nervous. He didn't seem like the usual Calvin with whom she used to joke and prank everyday. He felt different, the look in his eyes felt different.

Eyes, Ava had always loved his light greenish-blue eyes. In fact, everything about him was worth drooling at. His sharp perfect jawline to his perfectly shaped brows, everything was so perfect. No wonder he always gloats about his handsomeness.

Placing her hands on his chest when Ava slightly parted her lips, Calvin caressed her right cheek with his thumb and shook his head. "Never again bite your lips like that in front of any other guy, you have no idea how alluring you look when you do that."

When Ava slowly nodded her head, Calvin closed his eyes and took a deep breath before getting off her. He would've never controlled his wild feelings and desires if it was some other woman but she was not some random woman, she was Ava and Ava was important to Calvin.

Awkwardly scratching his neck, Calvin got up. "Umm, I'll go out first."

Before Ava could say anything, Calvin rushed out of the room.



"Ahh that is so sweet of you Owen but this was just a simple dinner party, there was no need to get gifts." Taking the gift from Owen Fleming's hand, Melissa elbowed Noah.

"Ahh-Oh thank you so much man, you are really very awesome." Noah added.

"Anything for Mel's tasty food."

Owen Fleming was the chairman of Noon Biotic, the leading pharmaceutical company in the country. He was an orphan and had started everything from scratch. His education was sponsored by Noah's father, Samuel Stewart so he had a very close relationship with them.

"Calvin and Ava are fighting again, can you please go and check them out?" Noah asked.

"What? Again? I'll go and check on them."

After Owen left, Melissa excitedly squealed. "Ah this is why I love Owen, he gets gifts every time we invite him. Such a sweet little thing."

"Babe, I thought you didn't want one." Noah asked.

"You kidding me? Why wouldn't anyone want gifts?" Melissa asked.

"But you told Owen that-"

Cutting him off, Melissa snapped, "That is called being courteous and humble okay? When someone gives you something, you first politely say that you don't want it and there is no need to get one but actually you want it."

"Oh is it? So is this why whenever I give you something, you ask me not to buy things for you in the future?" Noah asked.


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