
Heading to Italy

#Chapter6 Heading to Italy

I go back to the same room where I dressed for my wedding, the one that now witnesses the tears that run down my cheeks, as I put on the short white dress that Lucas has left on the bed with a note that says, /"Put this on./" The dress is practically a copy of the same one that I wear in Capri. I no longer understand what he expects from me. Is he trying to torture me with memories?

Now I understand the reason for bringing the suitcase with clothes; it was to travel to Italy. I dread traveling to that place with him. What if he hurts me?

While I can't stop thinking about how my life has turned into a nightmare in a matter of days, I walk the corridors of this hotel until I reach the reception. I see him waiting for me at the hotel entrance, and when he sees me, he approaches and takes my suitcase.

/"It would be nice if you hurry. The pilot is waiting for us,/" he asks me as I follow him to leave the hotel and get into the limousine.

/"Pilot?/" I ask, confused, while the driver opens the door and takes care of the suitcase.

/"Sienna, it's a private plane,/" he responds as if it were something obvious.

He is self-centered, vain, unbearable.

/"¡Oh! Excuse me, Mr. Sandonini,/" I say sarcastically.

As soon as we get into the limo, I sit in the seat, the farthest from him. I cross my arms and stare at the window to avoid seeing his face. I don't want him to realize that I have been crying or to show me weak in front of him. I can't let him defeat me.

I concentrate on observing the enchanting landscapes of Miami. I can't stop thinking about how I'm getting rid of my life as we get closer to the airport. It's unbelieving that my life doesn't belong to me anymore.

/"My parents don't know the real reason you and I got married/" He starts talking out of nowhere, and now I have to turn and see him.

/"What ?!/" I ask, totally surprised.

I don't understand. Lucas' parents don't know about his revenge plan?

/"They believe that we have been in a relationship for five months; the same ones that I have been living in Miami. If you open your mouth to reveal something I have told you, your father will pay the consequences, so now you know,/" he tells me, /"I also need you to sign this,/" and he hands me an envelope.

/"What is it?/" I ask, confused without even opening it.

/"You have the whole trip to Venice to read it,/" He says arrogantly.

I don't know how I will stand in this situation for a year.

I completely ignore his comment and ask, /"Does your family live in Venice?/"

/"Yes, have you traveled there?/" Inquires in a friendly tone, and this change makes me think that maybe he is bipolar.

/"About four times, it's a beautiful city,/" I answer. I must understand that Venice is not and will not be blamed for what is happening to me.

/"I'm glad that you like it,/" Lucas answers. And I can't expect anything else from him. His bad mood is back again.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the airport, and there's a group of people waiting for us.

Once we get out of the limo, a man who appears to be the pilot greets us, /"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Sandonini./"

/"Hello, Felipe,/" Lucas answers. When I least expect it, my now-husband offers me his hand to help me climb the ladder that will take us inside the plane.

I suppose he pretends to be nice to me so that no one in the crew suspects our truth. I get on the plane, and I am speechless at how big and luxurious it is.

/"Two rooms, open living room, bathrooms,/" he says, pointing to the different areas of the plane. I nod my head.

/"Thanks,/" I answer and walk to the seats in the center area.

I take a seat and buckle my seat belt. Once everyone has boarded and settled, I open the envelope that he gave me on the way.

A contract? I ask myself when I see the document. I carefully read every detail. The agreement emphasizes his fortune and asks me to renounce any benefit I may have by being his wife. I don't understand why he didn't give me this document before we got married.

/"Why didn't you give it to me before?/" I ask, raising my gaze to meet his.

/"Because it's not a prenup,/" he corrects me.

/"And what is it?/"

/"It is a document where you voluntarily renounce everything in case of divorce, which will happen in a year,/" He says as he sits in the seat in front of me.

/"What if I don't want to sign it?/" I challenge him.

/"No problem, I will sue your father for breach of contract./"

/"What are you talking about?/"

/"If you don't sign the document, I can blame him for anything I want. Sign in now!/" he demands, and with all the anger I feel for him, I take the pen he offers me and sign.

/"You are the worst thing that has happened to me,/" I let him know with anger while I stand up.

/"Where are you going?/" He asks as I walk away.

/"To a place where I don't have to see you,/" I answer firmly and enter one of the rooms that he showed me before.

I lock the door and sit on the seats inside. For a few hours, I don't want to see him. I wish I have never met him; it's the worst thing that has happened to me. I can't wait for this year to go by as quickly as possible.