
Finding the Truth

#Chapter68 Finding the Truth

It was uncomfortable to go in the same car that Raúl was meeting with the Dubai businesspeople. However, it was more complicated to hold my gaze and pretend that nothing was happening when it is clear that he was to blame for Lucía's death and many profound things that had happened to my father and his company. I want to yell and hit him. I wish that once and for all, he goes to jail and never gets out of there. However, I must follow the instructions Agent Miller has given me.

/"Thank you very much for everything, Sienna. I know it's late and that your working hours have ended, but I would like to invite you to dinner to reward you for all this,/" he tells me when we are just a few blocks from the company.

I look him in the eye and try to think of the perfect words to refuse his invitation. /"Thank you, but I can't,/" I answer, but this is not enough for him. At least his smile says that.