
Alejandro’s Identity

#Chapter63 Alejandro’s Identity

/"Sienna, I'll go to lunch; I'll see you in an hour,/" Raúl informs me, peering into my office.

/"Perfect, I'll see you later./" I answer and watch him leave.

I've spent much of the morning thinking about the moment he left his office since I need to go in and start digging through his things to find clues.

So, I wait about ten minutes, get up from my chair, go to the door, and open it slowly. Noticing that there is no one inside, I immediately start going through the drawers of his desk and filing cabinets one by one.

I'd love to know exactly what I'm looking for because I have no idea. I guess the only thing I need is some document that implicates Raúl in his money laundering crimes, trafficking in precious stones, and drug trafficking. Or at least something related to Lucas's sister. Finally, searching through the folders, I open one that catches my eye.