
Trapped in a mansion with my 19 other classmates.

A group of twenty students are transported to another world. What will they do ? will they return can they return?

ihatepower_45 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Chapter:7: The further world.

P.O.V: Andre

"So who are you?" This is the first question I ask the person sitting down before me. Unlike most people, he's quite calm for someone being in a hostage situation, especially with the little wine we have.

"That's a simple question I am Francis Nukefella, the hard question is how did you build this structure here?" He's quite the silver tongue one ain't he.

"Your the one being interrogated here, what's the closest human settlement here?" Using force is usually the fastest method of getting information from someone but our target at least seems important, besides we will need allies in this world.

"That's a question anyone should be to answer, you fellows aren't from around here are you?" Damn, he's quite good, although it's to be expected since we lack the necessary information to go head with him.

"I see, it's simple around a week travel straight north is an island called MagmaFlower Island, run by house Vermillion at least former and to the south around a week by horse is Bladeport run by my family." I see that is means they are at least more place outside, still, that's all we get from that.

"Why are your here?" I say taking out a bottle of wine and placing it on the table.

"That is a bottle of Moonflower wine, it cost a thousand gold coins and even then it's rare, still since I'm the hostage here I'm going to oblige." He says taking the so-called Moonflower wine and pours some for himself.

"I'm here on a hunting trip along with my older brother Fredrick Con Nukefella and a special guest Victor Duk Vermeel." He says with a smile on his face and with a slight shiver after taking a sip of his wine.

"This seems like confidentiality information why are you telling me this, what's your game plan." This is not something you just give away easily, especially to strangers unless it's false.

"I'm the fourth son and bastard at, whether or not this alliance goes through changes nothing for me unless my brother mysteriously dies." Family drama, I've seen it way too many times at this point.

"That's all I need to know, we will accommodate you to the best of our abilities. Unless you try to escape." I say getting up and leaving him inside with the wine.

"Miley goes and calls everyone to the command room, everyone else follows me there." It's time for everyone to show their discoveries.

"I'm glad everyone here, let's get down to business quickly. From interrogating my prisoners, I've found out that there is a close nearby human settlement." This could be a good or bad thing for us but either way, we can't just sit down and do nothing.

"Is that all you found out?" Frank asked looking at me with strange but open eyes.

"No, there is another group out there hunting for something." The unfortunate thing is the fact we aren't even sure of their powers in relation to ours, much less their location. 

"Do you know their numbers, location or equipment?" Those were things that I'm supposed to ask, but gathering everyone opinions on what we have now is a higher priority.

"No, I found it more important to tell everyone here about our current situation, who knows maybe they are right outside our figurative gates." She stops then stands up and say.

"That might be true and I respect your opinion but the more we know the easier it's to plan and besides didn't your team easily destroy a group of them easily." What does that have to do with anything.

"That was a completely different situation, we had the element of surprise on our hand at that point and the difference in numbers wasn't that high. This time we are talking about thousands or maybe even tens of thousands or soliders who maybe even better trained than the one's we fought!" This person, she's just trying to get into my head and take the position of from me.

"This has gotten out of hand, later you can take Tanisha or Nova to do a full investigation if you want Frank. It's best to move onto what we have discovered, for me is the fact that we can turn snow into drinkable water and also the discovery of the purpose of the Sacrifice room." Yeah best if we don't dwell on that subject or else we will get very hot-headed.

"So what does this Sacrifice room does?" I ask watching Frank sitting down and staring at me with a strange smile on her face.

"The best I can describe them are treasure chests from Rpg's." That's an interesting way to put it, but a good one nonetheless.

"So far we have gotten a few items from them, the most interesting one is this scroll." He says putting down a green and brown with strange letters on it, but I can translate it for some reason, Farmer.

"So our decision right who to give it to?" Everyone looks at the people who are the subject of the question.

"I think it's best to hand it to Taylor since she needs to more than me." Andrew says then look away in shyness.

"It doesn't matter to me who gets it, because the group benefits anyway." Taylor says leaning back on her chair.

"With them both basically refusing it we are going to a vote." The power of democracy and its weakness.

After ten minutes the votes are called in and the results are overwhelming:

Taylor: 15

Andrew: 5

It was so bad that even Andrew voted against himself and I'm pretty sure everyone who voted for him gave him a pity vote.

"Here, remember everyone is depending on you." I say handing the scroll to Taylor.

"The final thing is obvious, continuing from farmers is the ability of the Tamer." Oh no, it's that class again. 

"It's best to show you." Frank says viable shaking, what's up with her.

I'm not completely sure why she is shaking but if it's in fear I understand completely.

"Why do we have four horses now?" I say looking at the baby horses happily eating bread from Nova.

"The best part is that they don't require their mother's milk, although they do require actual food, also they will finish growing next week." Tanisha says but to me she's basically spitting bullshit.

"Yep, that's true so as long as we have the food to support it we can have unlimited horses or any animals really." Nova says rubbing the head of the baby horse he's feeding.

"You should just roll with it like everyone else." Jake says looking on lifeless on the baby horse.

"So anyways I wanted to continue our test on the sacrifice room since it's the most mysterious." Frank says silently approaching one of the baby horses who tries to run but face plant into the snow.

"Oh, I see, why not it's not like we lose much." Minus my understanding of the universe itself.

I'm also interested in seeing the process of the sacrifice room. 

With that we gather all the combat-capable people to go with us minus Jake who's arm has been rendered useless:

Gathering into a formation with the bulky person in the front our Priests, Tamers and horse in the centre and the long-range specialist at the back, with everything ready we go into hell prison.

Stepping inside is we put the horse forward and watch a bloody hand slowly approaches it then return back.

"Hmmm that's strange, the last time we came it attack without hesitation." Frank says looking on to the now shaking horse.

"Leroy, shoot the horse maybe it needs blood." I suggest since blood rituals were very common back on earth.

Leroy follows the instructions striking the horse with an arrow, he begins to go on a rampage and but myself and Joshua is forced to block it.

Then suddenly a blood-red hands appear once again then this time dragging the horse along with it.