
Trapped in a mansion with my 19 other classmates.

A group of twenty students are transported to another world. What will they do ? will they return can they return?

ihatepower_45 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Chapter:6: Future

P.O.V. Jake Fallburg

It's been a wild day for everyone we are still getting used to the taught of horse and the possibilities it lies ahead. But that's not our problem.

Our group purpose is research and development. Specifically, my section is on metal forgery along with Victoria. The other group consists of Tashakay, James and Felecia who's is doing chemical research.

Unfortunately, we don't have all the necessary equipment to fully go into weapon production, so no guns or even cannons. So for now we are just testing out the use of our powers.

"So with [forge], we can just take anything a force into a specific shape." Victoria says taking up a smooth cuboid shape iron ore.

"I'm not sure, I haven't tested it yet." I say taking up one for myself. If everything goes right we are able to easily begin manufacturing many things like utensils.

"Alright then in a count of five we will try our best to create a shape close to this sword." I say placing down a 3 feet shiny iron sword in front of us.

"it's not necessary to get the length but just the shape." She nods then almost immediately begins to work on the ore.



Our hands begin to be immediately covered by a strange red aura and all around us the humidity begins to rise.

Slowly but surely the iron ore begins to be shaped into my desired shape. For some reason, I can hear strange voices in my head guiding me telling me everything. My hands and I just go with the flow and after minutes, hours I'm not sure we are finished. 

"Well, you tried that's all I can say. The shape is okay, it's the length and quality is the problem." Victoria says touching and examine my sword. 

"It would seem I need a lot more practice unlike you." Yeah, the results speak for themselves.

Mine is filled with cracks and even two times shorter than the original design we were using as a base. While Victoria's sword is almost exactly the same as the one place before us in all respect except strength. 

"I barely grabbed and it almost broke even mine is able to be held although isn't a worthy or even usable weapon." I say barely tapping the surface of the sword to not fully break it.

"For some reason, while making despite already having the design down in my mind the structure was completely vacant." She says stretching out her hands then sitting down and observing the base sword.

"I had the opposite problem I could easily envision the structure but not the design, in fact I wanted to constantly open my eyes to take another look." It was probably me just overreacting but it still cost us two lost ore but at least we have an idea on what to do now.

" let's try again another time, best to take this time to consume the information we just gain." I say talking up the original sword and mine while Victoria takes up her sword carefully.

"Look at second place "sword" if you can even call it that." Tasha says while holding her stomach and pointing towards the sword. Ignore her doesn't understand the appeal of science. 

"It's not like we did any better we failed at every test we tried as well." James says sighing placing down multiple basins filled with a strange liquid.

"Like everyone here we gain two abilities, one called [combine] and [investigate]. With [combine] we are able to easily fuse two similar items together creating a stronger version, the problem is mixing different items together, when we tried to everything exploded even one of the basin." So using our powers will be a lot more troublesome than we thought, how very annoying.

"Despite that, we have figured one thing and that makes us millions of states ahead of you my rival." Not this again please stop, it's cringe.

"[Invesigate]." James eyes suddenly get covered in a white aura the dissipate. 

"I just scanned you and I can tell that your arm hasn't healed yet, why is that the case." Wait he can see through clothes.

"That ability a little creepy, I suggest you not use it for anything else but work." I say clenching my burnt arm despite me doing that I feel no pain, in fact I feel nothing.

"No it's that kind of ability,  I can't see through clothes but I can tell the status of things like, your burnt arm and even the structure of both of your swords." He says with an evil laugh and bending his back.

"He's telling the truth, I can also see that your arm is still burnt, maybe allow Frank to see it." Felecia says staring at my right arm.

"Yeah, I will, so what have you found about your ability Tasha." My arm is the least of our problems.

"Nice topic change Jay, my power has been a complete success, [Strength] allow me to reinforce anything I touch and [weaken] allow me to make something softer, I've yet to test it on any living creature unless you volunteer." Tempting but no.

"Could you demonstrate your ability on Victoria sword." If her ability can reinforce metal making cannon might not be so hard or even far out of reach. 

"Stop a side second place, number one is here." For the love of God, give that one argument a rest.

"[Strength]." Tasha entire body begins to overflow with a pink aura as it slowly flows out from her and enters the sword. Despite all that it looks bend and it's barely changed.

"Let me see if anything has changed." Victoria says taking up the sword and doing thrust and even slashing motions. I see the last time we tried to even move it slightly fast it bends, now it's considered a real sword. 

"How long does the enchantment work for?" If it can last more than an hour we can use it to jump-start our test on cannon production. At least possible design-wise, not enough iron Unfortunately. 

"An hour afterwards it deactivates itself, also I can't use it on the same item twice so that's a downside, on the other hand it feels the more I use it the stronger it becomes." Even with that weakness, we can work with it.

"This makes it official, I Jake Fallburg announces our first project called project fireworks."