
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Weathering the Storm

*This one was remiss, yet the male did not seem to wish you harm, and you needed the rest Yun Val Daiyu. You are charged with the protection of us all. If you are not at your best, we may all perish at this juncture.* Daiyu listened to Zalgras recount the events of the previous night with a mixture of frustration and anger. The voice of the entity echoed sheepishly in her mind, causing an internal growl to reverberate within her. Mentally cursing the being residing inside her, she consigned it to the depths of scorching torment, seething with wrath.

How could it have failed to alert her to the man's awakening, his stealthy movements, and his ability to approach the vulnerable young Balam unhindered? Anger surged through Daiyu, causing her left eye to twitch erratically—a tangible manifestation of her seething wrath.

Zalgras had been unsure of how long the man had actually been awake; it was unaware that some members of her species could so well fake their rest cycle. Upon her waking, it had questioned her about this ability at length, causing her rage to skyrocket. Her left eye was twitching erratically with her restrained anger. The point was not that they could do it but that he had allowed her to sleep through a potentially dangerous situation. It did not matter that it worked out in their favor. The situation should not have occurred. They had opened themselves to untold danger because she had trusted the creature's budding abilities and understanding.

She chastised herself harshly; in the end, it was her fault. She was the one who let her guard down. She had pushed the frail body she inhabited too far on their first day of marching, a rookie mistake. She could kick herself. With a mental growl and a slap, she shoved the embarrassing ideas of how long the man may have been awake unbeknownst to her or the creature living inside her. It was no big deal; she would treat it like she was still in the barracks. He was just another fellow soldier with no alternative motives. No man his age would be interested in such a weak, shriveled girl anyway.

She chopped the vegetables she had pulled out the evening before more violently as she set about making a simple breakfast of fried vegetables, eggs, and rice over the fire. Her brother was still sleeping, and the man was lying still, breathing evenly. Though she now doubted if he was genuinely sleeping so obviously.

*We'll move past it; it's a skill we will work on in the future. Any ideas when the rain will stop?* She mentally inquired, attempting to let go of her anger. She couldn't stay angry at Zalgras, considering its limited experiences and childlike nature. Zalgras had minimal practical experiences to build on, and learning would take time.

*Unfortunately, it will be near the end of the daylight cycle.* Zalgras responded, frustrating Daiyu further. She knew they would move much faster than the original timeline, thanks to preparedness, but the waiting to return and establish their true identities while saving their birth mother weighed on her. It also meant that her brother would remain in his damaged state longer, unable to rest comfortably or feel safe.

She nodded to herself internally as she set the dishes she had prepared on the small table before moving to the sleeping form of her brother. Gently shaking him, she woke him up, and his tiny fist rubbed the sleep from his bright silver-blue eyes.

"Elder sister?" He questioned his voice, sweet and childish in its groggy state.

"Time to eat, little turnip. Get up and wash first. Balam I left a basin for you near the fire." The boy nodded as his body stretched through a large yawn that opened his little mouth almost to the size of half his little face. She chuckled softly while lovingly ruffling his soft blue-gray hair. She stood, lifting the boy gently and setting him on the more comfortable chair by the fire, a small smile creasing her soft pink lips while moving back to the table as the boy began to rinse his face and hands.

"Sir, it is time to eat. If you are done pretending to rest, you should nourish yourself." She noticed the form on the bed flinch sharply at her words, causing her smile to become a bit smug. She busied herself preparing tea as the other two occupants of the cave prepared to eat the meal. She took sharp note that the man refused to meet her gaze directly. Instead, she shoved the matter of what he may or may not have observed the night before to the back of her mind as none important. His conscience would be his own judge of his actions.

Balam, sat with his head lowered, observing the exchange between his sister and the wounded man. His eyes darted back and forth, attempting to gauge the stranger's intentions. He knew that they were in a precarious situation, relying on the kindness of this man for their current shelter.

Daiyu sensed her brother's unease and gently placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She spoke with determination, her voice carrying a touch of pride and protectiveness.

"Young Master, we humbly request one more evening under your roof," Daiyu began, her voice resonating with an underlying strength. "The storm still rages, and it would be perilous for us to embark on our journey, especially considering our weakened state. We understand the inconvenience we impose and are prepared to compensate you accordingly." Daiyu inquired as she glanced up; this time, the man finally met her shining blue eyes with inquisitive silver ones. She did not stand on ceremony or bother with formal introductions; she was okay with them remaining strangers until this brief cohabitation was concluded.

"And what form of compensation can you offer in return for our continued shelter? Do you possess anything of value?" The man's voice resonated deeply, with an air of both inquiry and arrogance.

"Last evening, I provided you with sutures that have significantly accelerated your healing process. Without my intervention, your recovery time would have stretched to three months, but now it will be reduced to a mere two weeks. Furthermore, I possess salves that can further expedite the healing process and prevent any complications. In addition to these medical services, I offer to provide our own provisions for our stay. I believe this compensation is more than fair for the shelter we seek." Daiyu's eyes gleamed with confidence as she laid out her proposition.

He nodded slowly, taking a large bite of a fried tender carrot, tasting the light seasoning, and attempting not to drool over the flavor. It was just a carrot; why was it so good? He paused, his eyes sparkled with appreciation, and he realized that the young girl possessed knowledge and skills beyond her tender years. There was something extraordinary about her, a hidden strength and wisdom waiting to be unveiled.

"You have presented a fair proposal, and I accept your offer," He conceded, his voice holding a touch of admiration. "I entrust our well-being to you, Miss. However, I am intrigued by the healing technique you demonstrated on my chest. Could you enlighten me further?" He pressed the subject, a slight twinkle in his serious gaze. Remembering she had washed him and stitched his wounds and that he may have been awake that whole time, she kept the snarl from her face and smiled gently, instead ignoring his completely ambiguous framing.

"By skillfully closing the wound with meticulously sterilized thread, the sutures not only aid in staunching the flow of blood but also initiate a swifter healing process, with the wound securely closed, the exposure is minimized, reducing the chances of infection taking hold," Daiyu explained with a calm demeanor, her voice carrying an air of authority and expertise. Her words danced like delicate brushstrokes, painting a vivid picture of the benefits of sutures.

"This, in turn, leads to a reduction in the overall size of the wound, promoting a more efficient healing process. When coupled with the application of an antibiotic salve, which actively combats potential infections, the healing process becomes exponentially more effective." She elaborated on the use of antibiotic salves to combat potential complications. Her words flowed smoothly, and her explanations were precise, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. Daiyu's knowledge extended beyond mere theory as she went on to enlighten the man about the additional measures taken to prevent infection. Though as the conversation unfolded, Daiyu's sharp senses detected something peculiar about the man's jet-black hair.

*Zalgras, does this man's hair have some kind of pitch or artificial element added to it?* She silently inquired about it.

*His hair fungus is indeed coated in a substance not native to his genetic makeup.* Zalgras confirmed her suspicions, revealing that his hair had been treated with a substance foreign to his natural composition causing it to appear darker than it really was.

She stopped herself from humming in contemplation and instead filled her mouth with a helping of rice, her mind digesting the information. She felt the man was dangerous yet not actively aggressive towards her brother or herself; she would not press him further as long as that remained true.

"Where did such a young girl learn such an incredible healing technique?" The man's follow-up question brought her focus back to her surroundings. His eyes seemed as if they wished to penetrate her soul and dig out all her hidden secrets.

"I have picked up many things already in my short life, though I feel we are not yet acquainted enough for me to openly share such things. But, sir, must have forgotten we have even yet to properly exchange names or greetings." Daiyu's response was laced with a hint of playfulness as she chuckled, deflecting his probing questions. She revealed little, preferring to keep her secrets guarded until she deemed the time right for complete disclosure. Her intelligence and perceptiveness shone through, leaving Cao Liang both impressed and slightly unsettled. With a small smile, she finished her bowl and stood to begin cleaning the dishes.

"You are indeed correct; it seems the young master's name is Balam. However, I indeed can not follow his address of 'elder sister,' nor is 'Sir' a proper address for myself. You both may address me as Cao Liang, or simply Liang is fine." She frowned. There was no such blessing as 'Cao'; she wondered if he was attempting a play on words. She shrugged it off, noticing her brother doing the same. If the man wished to remain more secretive, they were the trespassers with no room for grievance.

"Very well, you may refer to me as Daiyu; my brother is simply Balam." The man gazed at the black jade name tablet at her waist, trying to read its finely etched characters, wishing he had gotten closer to it the previous evening. He found it completely impossible to read the fingernail size characters, especially as she busied herself with cleaning. He kept his face neutral while nodding thoughtfully. It was fair he wished to hold his secret close. She was more intelligent than most girls her age to hold her words so tightly.

"Miss Daiyu, how did you and young master Balam happen to find yourselves so deeply entrenched in Toli Forest? It is not exactly well traversed." The man known as Cao Liang asked as she returned to the table to collect his empty dishes.

"Disasters do not walk alone, and we were accompanied by quite a few during our travels," Balam spoke into the air that had begun to tighten with tension. He could feel his sister becoming more guarded and agitated with the man's pointed inquest.

"That is exactly how it happened, my wise little turnip," Daiyu replied, a chuckle escaping her lips, acknowledging the irony of their predicament her words laced with a sense of weariness.

"But fear not, for though we may be battered, we remain unbroken, do we not, elder sister?" Balam's words rang with unwavering optimism, eliciting a broad smile from Daiyu. The older man narrowed his gaze at the young boy, observing the wisdom and maturity that seemed beyond his years.

"As he said, that is how it is, Master Liang." She couldn't help herself; she giggled her response before moving to lift her brother and carry him back to the bedrolls. The man hummed with dissatisfaction, realizing that pressing the siblings further would yield no better answers.

A tender moment followed as Daiyu attended to her brother's injury, assessing its healing progress and offering words of praise and encouragement. The sight touched a chord within the man, intensifying his curiosity. Especially since the boy's coloring seemed somehow related to the QinMay royal family. Yet, Daiyu, despite her proximity to the boy, seemed unrelated to the continent or its rulers.

"Do you not have any questions for me?" he asked, genuinely intrigued by the siblings' lack of curiosity and absence of fear towards a stranger in their midst.

"Master Liang, we will borrow food, fire, and company; however, we shall never purposely borrow trouble from anyone." She responded with a soft smile, a hint of sharpness in her eyes. The man couldn't hold back his laughter, admiring her straightforwardness, even though a part of him felt disappointed by the clear boundary she had set.

"Master Liang, did you craft all this furniture yourself?" Balam interjected, diverting the man's attention away from his sister. As the conversation shifted towards furniture-making, Daiyu took a seat by the fire, engrossing herself in the cleaning of her sword.

*Yun Val Daiyu, this one has recently begun experimenting with discerning sound wave patterns and has discovered something shocking.* Zalgras informed her its mental voice was quite like a mental whisper.

*Within a radius of five hundred paces, there is a group of armed beings with the same composition you have outlined as males of your species conversing about 'finally murdering the bastard prince.' Although I am unfamiliar with the terms 'murder' and 'bastard,' the vibrations in their sound waves indicate hostility,* Zalgras revealed, causing Daiyu's heart to skip a beat. She suppressed the sudden rush of adrenaline and fear that surged within her.

*It would seem this one's presumption could be deemed as truth by your response.* The entity noted sensing its host's agitation.

*Yes, you are correct; how many males, by your count, are they headed in this direction?* She inquired, her mind racing to find a plan.

*There are three individuals, slightly larger in stature than the man known as Cao Liang. While they are not directly headed in this direction, there is a distinct possibility that they could stumble upon this location if they continue on their current search trajectory* Daiyu cursed inwardly, her frustration and anger simmering. How could their luck be so abysmal? Did she carry the burden of some other past life where she was an embodiment of pure malevolence? She seethed silently, unable to comprehend how even in two lifetimes anyone could accumulate such a magnitude of misfortune.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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