
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Memories of the Frozen Deserts, And Betrayal in Rough Waters

The first day at sea proved to be a tumultuous experience as the waters grew rough and choppy, stirred up by the agitated motion of the vessel. Daiyu had shared a meal with her brother, only to witness him becoming violently ill due to the turbulent sea. The scent of sickness hung in the air, mixing with the salty tang of the sea as she helped settle the boy in bed.

Zalgras could ease the symptoms, but with the boy's weakened condition, it could not end the boy's suffering without fully healing the youngling, which it was still too soon to do. Determined to comfort him, Daiyu sat diligently by his side, holding his hand while recounting strange and mysterious tales of flying spaceships and battles in far-off galaxies.

As the sun began to set, casting shocks of dark purple over the water, the rain started to fall once more. The land outlines outside the boy's window gradually disappeared in the gloom and gathering darkness. Na Binh, lighting a small oil lamp, brought the evening meal, but all Daiyu managed to coax her brother into consuming were some palm-sized gluten buns. Exhausted from the ordeal, he fell into a deep slumber, his frail body drained of energy. Daiyu sighed, brushing his soft silver-blue locks away from his forehead, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on his pale, clammy skin.

"Keep him comfortable and see if you can get him to drink the supplement broth. He needs his strength." She instructed the maid, who nodded obediently, watching her mistress as she finally departed her brother's bedside.

Donning her crimson leather cloak, Daiyu made her way to the ship's deck. Standing at the top of the stairs beneath the sheltering roof, she observed the bustling sailors, their movements transformed by the rain-soaked and treacherously slippery wooden planks. Some of them struggled to maintain their footing on the drenched and slippery wooden deck, their secondary physical activity involving sliding and hustling. The constant rough motion had even unsettled her own stomach, dampening her appetite. Sea travel, she mused, was a stark contrast to the weightless vastness of space, though both shared the darkness, cramped quarters, and monotonous fare.

The absence of the familiar engine hum accentuated the stark contrast between starship travel, to which Daiyu was accustomed, and the novel experience of sailing upon the water. The ceaseless sensation of motion differed greatly, lacking the steady thrum that resonated through the hull of a starship. In the vast expanse of space, the air circulated through meticulous scrubbers, yielding a stale and claustrophobic aroma. However, the sea air enveloping her now carried a distinct tang of salt, intermingled with hints of decay, yet retaining an inexplicable cleanliness. Only the familiar scent of perspiration and hastily washed bodies remained unchanged, serving as a bridging thread between her two divergent modes of transportation.

Her ears attuned to the symphony of sailors sloshing through rain-drenched passageways, the rhythmic percussion of raindrops orchestrating a symphony upon the protective canopy above her. The air reverberated with the authoritative commands and confirmations that echoed through the vessel, some evoking a sense of familiarity, while others accentuated her foreignness, serving as a constant reminder of her origins in a realm far removed from her present surroundings.

As her thoughts wandered, venturing towards the vessel of flesh she currently occupied, eliciting fragmented recollections of the girl's genesis in the frozen red desert. This enigmatic terrain remained steeped in unanswered questions, a perplexing puzzle that confounded even the most astute scientists. Nestled amidst towering mountain ranges, the elevated red sands possessed an uncanny ability to chill one's very core, their icy grip prevailing even during the balmy embrace of summer evenings, transforming a mere sunset into a bone-chilling freeze.

However, it was not solely the cold that perplexed those who sought to unravel the desert's enigma. Every few hundred years, a rare phenomenon occurred, when the temperature surged to such extreme heights that the mere act of stepping outside could scorch one's flesh within moments. The rapid surge in heat sparked conflagrations in the forests beyond the mountains, igniting infernos that raged for days. The scarcity of individuals who could recall such an event from previous generations bore witness to its infrequency. Yet, despite exhaustive efforts, scientists remained unable to offer a solar or geological explanation, leaving the mystery shrouded in uncertainty.

Among the enigmas surrounding the frozen red desert, one enigma stood out—the peculiar resistance of the region to the influence of the Maker's seed, a wondrous terraforming device dispatched centuries ago to regulate and populate the planet. The reasons behind the frozen red sands' existence and their defiance of the Maker's seed's transformative touch remained elusive, eluding comprehension.

Despite the inhospitable nature of the desert, its remote landlocked geography rendered it a bastion of fortification and a vital capital for the girl's ancestral home. The denizens of this land tended to be strong, free-spirited, and unwaveringly loyal, their resilience forged by the very environment they inhabited. Within the carved caverns of the mountains, sustenance thrived, nurtured by innovative methods that regulated temperature and harnessed advanced lighting technologies, surpassing any other corner of the planet.

Daiyu admired their ingenuity and dedication, even though the ability to grow food abundantly in such a harsh environment made them an incredible target to the roaming tribes and surrounding minor countries. Many wanted their technology, and others wanted their food stores and rare fruits. This also made the girl's people some of the strongest warriors in the planet's history.

Training from the time they could walk and feed themselves, even the children were not excused from learning to defend their home and resources. One ancient myth recounted the tale of a group of youngsters, not older than five lunar years, venturing out to forage in the vicinity, only to stumble upon an advanced scout regiment from a distant land.

Without hesitation, the children launched an assault, swiftly turning the angelic visage of their youth into a fierce force to be reckoned with. The scouting party members found themselves either dead or on the brink of death, their wounds inflicted by the tiny but formidable hands of these young warriors. Daiyu smiled at the memory of this ancient myth; though it was a fact that many youngsters would be given a rattle or a soft plush toy, in Taihar, a child's first gift was generally a weapon made from acacia wood, Her own martial inclinations resonated deeply with this tradition.

She couldn't help but draw parallels between this tale and her own tumultuous upbringing, even as she harbored a pang of envy for the girl's fortunate upbringing and the love and devotion of her parents. The War God of Taihar, Yun Ver Chao, embodied both strength and ruthlessness in his role as a trainer of soldiers and a father. Yet, beneath his tough exterior, he possessed a profound love, ensuring that the original inhabitant of Daiyu's body never felt neglected or unloved during his lifetime. Yun Ver Chao adhered to a set of unwavering values that demanded compassion even amidst the chaos of war, though his mercy could turn to ice-cold mercilessness should compassion prove to be misplaced.

The shrill call of a seabird broke her random thoughts, prompting a deep sigh from Daiyu. She tightened her cloak around her, bracing herself against the elements, before descending the stairs, purposefully moving toward her cabin. Despite the sensation of eyes boring into her back from the direction of the first-class cabin, she chose to disregard them keeping her eyes straight and unwavering.

Entering her cabin, Daiyu was greeted by the sight of two figures clad in black garb who knelt before the plush purple sofa, their presence an emblem of loyalty and unwavering dedication. The air within the cabin carried a delicate fragrance, mingling the aromatic notes of freshly brewed tea with a hint of sandalwood incense, adding a touch of serenity to the space.

Ba Indu, her movements measured and precise, stood near a small table adorned with an intricately designed teapot and delicate porcelain cups. With practiced grace, she poured the steaming tea, its fragrant steam curling upwards in wisps, filling the air with its soothing warmth. Daiyu's gaze momentarily fixated on the tendrils of vapor, as if lost in the ethereal dance before turning her attention to her damp cloak, which she gracefully unfastened and draped upon a sturdy hook affixed to the back of the cabin door. The soft sound of fabric rustling reverberated within the intimate confines, adding a comforting familiarity to the moment.

With deliberate steps, Daiyu maneuvered through the tight space, her every movement exuding a graceful poise. She sank into the plushness of the sofa, feeling its velvety texture against her skin, as if being embraced by a sanctuary of comfort. Ba Indu approached, extending a delicate porcelain cup filled with the fragrant tea, its surface adorned with intricate floral patterns. As Daiyu accepted the cup, she could feel the delicate warmth seeping into her palms, a gentle caress that eased the tension from her body.

"Report." Daiyu's order was simple and precise; a male voice took the lead as she began to sip the soothing floral tea.

"In response to your command, mistress, it appears that another member of the royal family may be among us. Numerous sailors are engaged in whispered conversations about a 'prince' occupying the first-class cabin. Speculation circulates among them that you and your sibling belong to a family of affluent merchants, rendering you potential targets. Many sailors have attempted to glean information from your guards, enticing them with spirits. However, none of your hired guards have succumbed to temptation, firmly rejecting these advances. They have maintained a polite refusal, citing their oath to abstain from drink until the reunion of you and your sibling with your respective clans," Daiyu hummed, contemplating Ai Zian's words, was the seventh prince aboard? What was the catalyst for his return to the Capitol? Was he now a friend or foe?

Turning her attention to the second subordinate, Daiyu continued to sip her tea, maintaining a calm demeanor. "Fa Sia, your report," she commanded. The two figures remained in a kneeling position, their heads still bowed, resembling dark statues frozen in place.

"The captain appears captivated by you and your sibling. She has issued a strict order that any member of her crew displaying disrespect or rudeness toward the two of you will have three fingers of their dominant hand severed and cast into the unforgiving waters. As for the occupant of the first-class cabin, she has commanded that no one approach the doors. All meals are retrieved by a member of the blackguard," Fa Sia relayed. Daiyu found herself appreciating the captain's way of operating. Fa Sia's words removed all doubt, the occupant of the first-class cabin was the seventh prince, and it seemed his men finally found him.

"Excellent. Rise, Fa Sia. Tomorrow, you will make your way to the Capitol and report any information you find about our return. Take this, the device will allow you to speak directly to Ai Zian by holding down the red button; you can hear Ai Zian's replies after releasing the button. Ai Zian, you must hold the button to speak and release to listen." The woman bowed in acknowledgment, accepting a small palm-sized yellow box with a single red button nestled in the right corner, adorned with a beehive-like mesh on the front.

"Ai Zian rise. This device is for you. Losing these devices will be a breach of our agreement, and you can consider our corroboration terminated if it occurs; exposing the devices to unauthorized people will result in your ultimate termination, are we understood?" Both guards bowed in acknowledgment of her words as they marveled at the idea that a device would allow them to contact each other directly from such a distance.

"Stay away from the person in the first-class cabin, but report any information or rumors that originate from there. Dismissed." Within moments, the cabin was left with only Ba Indu, Daiyu, and the sound of rain pattering against the window.

"Miss, is the person in the luxury cabin very famous?" Ba Indu inquired eagerly, her hands folded in front of her with excitement.

"If my suspicions are correct, he could be the sole surviving brother of the Esteem, the seventh prince of QinMay. Which would make him not only famous but also an extremely dangerous individual. Why are you trying to climb a tall tree for stability?" Daiyu asked, her tone tinged with amusement. The girl's horrified expression turned her face beet red with embarrassment.

"Oh, no, Miss! Such prominent households are plagued with intrigue and hidden dangers. I wholeheartedly believe my grandmother is right when she says that a simple life with one man and a humble abode is the key to longevity. I know my limits. Attempting to catch a tiger by acting like a pig would only lead me to an early demise. A simple man and a simple life—ultimately, that's what's best," Ba Indu responded candidly. A faint smile tugged at the corner of Daiyu's mouth as she stood, gazing out at the rain that gracefully descended past the small cabin window, resembling glistening jewels adorning the night.

*A simple man, a simple life—indeed, there is profound wisdom in those words,* she mused darkly, her thoughts tinged with a touch of weariness and longing. Her gaze, jaded yet searching, met the nocturnal landscape before her.

*Yun Val Daiyu, isn't a life of monotony and sameness rather dull and unexciting? Doesn't the prospect of a simple life devoid of challenges and adrenaline-fueled endeavors leave you yearning for something more?* Zalgrass, curious and unencumbered by the weight of battle scars, questioned her thought with the innocent curiosity of a child.

Daiyu's battle-worn heart stirred, contemplating Zalgrass's words. As she continued to watch the storm gather force outside the window. The lines etched upon her youthful face spoke volumes of the burdens she had carried, but there was a glimmer of something softer hidden within.

*Zalgrass, you perceive the simplicity of life through different eyes, unacquainted with the scars and tumult of battle,* she replied, her internal voice laced with a mixture of resignation and longing. *In the wake of constant conflict and bloodshed, the idea of a life free from the burdens of war and struggle holds an undeniable allure. The notion of finding solace and stability in the mundane motions of existence becomes a beacon of respite.*

*But Daiyu, don't you fear that such a life of simplicity may dull your senses and leave you yearning for the thrill of the battlefield, the exhilaration of overcoming challenges? Isn't there a part of you that craves the complexity and adrenaline that accompanies the fight?" Zalgrass, its curiosity undeterred, probed deeper. A shadow flickered across Daiyu's countenance, a fleeting reflection of the battles she had fought and the battles yet to come.

*There is truth in your words, Zalgrass. The complexities of life on the battlefield have become an intrinsic part of who I am. They have shaped my identity, my purpose. But amidst the exhaustion and weariness, there lies a quiet desire for a respite from the constant struggle." She admitted, her voice laced with a mixture of resignation and determination.

She paused, her eyes momentarily distant. *To simply be, to experience the ebb and flow of life's gentle cadence alongside a partner, free from the weight of war and its ceaseless demands. There is a profound allure in the simplicity you speak of, even if it may seem unexciting to some.* Her words caused her constant companion to go quiet and Daiyu let the conversation fade as she turned toward the bath Ba Indu was organizing behind her.


The relentless rain and howling winds held the ship captive, its hull swaying in sync with the tempestuous currents for an additional two days. But finally, like a blessing from the heavens, the sun emerged, casting its warm rays upon the deck and offering a refreshing breeze to propel them further on their intended voyage. On the fifth night, as a steady drizzle transformed into misty dampness that permeated every fiber of the ship, Daiyu received a special invitation to dine with the captain in her quarters.

The captain's first-class cabin was on the same level as her own. the space, though marginally more spacious than her own economic accommodations, exuded an air of refinement. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting vibrant landscapes, reminiscent of the captain's ancestral homeland, a fictional country with echoes of India and an Asian temperament.

The tantalizing scent of exotic spices filled the air, intermingling with the comforting aroma of freshly cooked food. Five hearty platters adorned the table, each one a culinary masterpiece in its own right. Vibrant colors and intricate presentations showcased the captain's impeccable taste and culinary expertise. Fragrant rice dishes, infused with a medley of herbs and spices, were accompanied by succulent curries, their flavors marrying together in a symphony of taste.

In the center of the table, a clear broth vegetable soup shimmered invitingly, its delicate aroma promising warmth and nourishment. The soup, a testament to the captain's commitment to wholesome and comforting fare, was filled with an array of colorful vegetables, their flavors melding together in perfect harmony.

Captain Ai Akina's violet-skinned figure radiated a sense of pride and hospitality as she welcomed Daiyu with a genuine smile. Seated across from each other, the two women prepared to indulge in this culinary delight, their chopsticks poised in anticipation. Ba Indu, ever graceful, moved with practiced elegance, serving them with utmost care and precision.

As the feast began, the room filled with the symphony of flavors and the soft clinking of chopsticks against porcelain. The delicate sound of soup being sipped and the occasional murmur of appreciation punctuated the silence. The captain's eyes sparkled with delight as she watched her guest savor each bite.

"I admire you, Miss Yun!" Midway through the meal, the captain broke the silence, her voice resounding with admiration. Reaching for a cup of robust, scented rice wine. Daiyu mirrored her companion's gesture, her tired nerves welcoming the warm burn that coursed through her being.

"I don't believe I have done anything noteworthy; perhaps you wish to enlighten me why you feel this way?" She inquired as both women picked up their chopsticks to continue their meal.

"You are far too modest; in fact, your story is an inspiration and does great honor for the Great Frozen Kingdom. Perhaps it would be clear if I disclosed that my family is from Andei." The captain's voice filled the cabin, her words resonating with deep pride and awe, and carrying a weight of personal connection and reverence.

If the original Daiyun had been there, she might have blushed with the thickness of the captain's hero worship. However, the Daiyu that currently sat across from the captain was not a girl of fourteen lunar years but a woman of about forty. She had seen many campaigns and survived countless theaters; instead of blushing, she lowered her head and smiled softly.

"My story has been greatly exaggerated. I feel a deep sense of shame that the true heroes of that day are not remembered as much as my juvenile and overly emotional actions. The greatest honor should be bestowed upon my father and those who fell so that we could stand that day." She responded before eating slowly and signaling for another glass of wine to be poured; if the captain provided, she would not ignore good wine.

"I would not dare to trivialize the sacrifices of those brave souls, for they gave everything to protect the very essence of what I hold dear. But can you honestly deny the sheer inspiration that arises from a seven-year-old girl, not yet past her first blush, standing unyielding against the mightiest warriors of the Blood Grass Tribe, defending her kingdom and her father?" As Captain Ai Akina spoke, her voice carried the weight of a timeless epic, each word laced with personal significance and profound meaning.

Her fiery orange eyes blazed with intensity, capturing the essence of a story that had been etched into her soul. The captain leaned forward, her presence commanding attention, as if recounting a tale of valor and heroism passed down through generations. Though she had not witnessed the events herself, her voice carried the echo of her father's account. She vividly described the moment when Daiyu's father was struck down from his horse, the despair that gripped his trembling hands, as if all hope had been snuffed out.

"But then, in that very moment, a minuscule streak of black, like a wisp of smoke, pierced the despair. You, Daiyu, leaped from the city wall, riding a supply rope toward the crimson-stained sands. In that instant, my father's heart skipped a beat, fearing you might lose your fragile grip and plunge to your demise." The room seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the captain's narrative. Each word was like a brushstroke on a grand canvas, painting a picture of the tumultuous battle and the unwavering resolve of a young girl. The air crackled with anticipation as the captain's voice swelled with emotion. Losing all honorifics in her exciting retelling.

"He says the memory of the shock he felt in the next second will keep his heart pumping for another hundred years. You defied fate, landing atop the enemy's second-in-command, your daggers finding their mark in his heart! With a resounding cry, you rallied the troops to hold the line, to defend their leader. And in the midst of that chaos, you spun like a leaf caught in a storm of blood and sand!" A sense of awe permeated the room as the captain's words painted a vivid image of the daring act. The tension built, and the atmosphere grew electric as if the listeners could feel the weight of the battle and the pulse of adrenaline coursing through Daiyu's veins in that long-ago moment.

"That moment, that indomitable display of courage, ignited a fire within my father and every man who fought alongside him. How could they do any less than a child? There are few, Daiyu, with such unwavering bravery and fortitude. We are forever indebted to you, for your battle cry and your resolute actions saved not only my family but three generations that day. That, my friend, is truly worthy of my praise." The captain's hand slammed onto the table, punctuating the climax of her retelling. Laughter and astonishment intertwined as if the room itself joined in the recounting of this remarkable feat. Her short blonde hair danced with each movement, a vibrant halo framing her animated features.

"I was but a child, riding a tiger without fully comprehending the gravity of the situation. We were fortunate that fortune favored us that day. The sensible course of action, with the leader incapacitated, would have been to retreat and defend the walls until reinforcements arrived. Those men should never have heeded the words of someone of my rank, particularly a mere child. We were all fools, yet it seems the Maker holds a special fondness for simpletons and fools, for we defied every blade pointed at us." Daiyu lifted her cup in a solemn salute before drinking her own cup of wine, her voice soft and slightly distant as memories of that raging bloody day drifted through the fog of memories left by the original host. A sharp pang of grief stabbed her heart as the vision of the original owner's father momentarily plagued her.

Smoke, red sand, and the metallic tang of blood lingering in the air. The sight of armored bodies, their once resplendent red and black armaments now tarnished and stained with the mark of battle, was all too familiar. Among them, the dented chest plate of a valiant leader, its heroic red tiger emblem barely recognizable, bore witness to his valiant struggle to defend a small, frozen town.

"If they had followed the conventional strategy, half of our remaining troops would have perished in the retreat, leaving the town defenseless. The enemy would have slaughtered everyone before reinforcements arrived. Proper strategy, regardless of its perceived foolishness, guided you that day, and lives were saved. Wasn't that precisely what your father was teaching you?" The captain spoke, a smile of genuine joy gracing her face as she savored a creamy blue pastry.

"This is true to a degree. So does your family still live in Andei?" Daiyu inquired trying to change the subject. The Captain nodded vigorously, not waiting for Ba Indu to serve more wine but taking the task up and pouring for herself from a fresh bottle.

"Indeed! We have been the proprietors of the largest dye shop in the south for three generations. Our secret techniques are renowned for producing the most vibrant and long-lasting fabric colors in all of Taihar. Though many of my kin venture far and wide, we always return to our roots, ensuring that Andei remains a steadfast bastion, like the dust that binds it together until the end." Daiyu nodded, her blue eyes fixated on the wine in her cup, its warmth gradually easing the tension in her ever-vigilant nerves. If not for the slow detoxification process of Zalgras, she might have already succumbed to sleep at the table.

"So your family is one of the original three that settled Andei? Why are you so far from home then?" Daiyu probed, knowing full well the significance of the answer. There was only one prominent merchant family in all of Taihar associated with dyeing—their sprawling factories employed the majority of the town's populace, their thriving business supporting the local economy. The captain's smile widened, a flicker of mischief dancing in her orange eyes.

"I would love to say it's because of the adventure, but the truth is my stepfather attempted to arrange a marriage for me; I disagreed with the idea and fled for the sea. I think I won the lion's share of the bargain." She said this while winking and opening her arms to encompass the cabin and the whole vessel.

"Are you striving to attain an 'Honor Token' from the Frozen Palace?" the captain pointed playfully at Daiyu's nose before tapping her own with a somewhat unsteady finger. The young girl nodded in response.

In the Great Frozen Kingdom, if a citizen achieved notable wealth or honor outside the confines of their family, bringing recognition to their ancestors, they could petition for an 'Honor Token.' Its acquisition granted an audience with the Esteem of Taihar, though it did not guarantee the fulfillment of the petitioner's desires. Yet, many had used such tokens to arrange their own weddings, secure titles for their descendants, or even obtain pardons for family members accused of crimes.

"I will drink a cup to your endeavor; may it be a success, and you achieve all the happiness the Maker can grant," Daiyu said with a bright smile, a plan forming in her mind. She would need to flush out a few things, but perhaps she could help Ai Akina while improving her own future prospects. It was worth a decent sober pondering, at least.

The two women laughed and conversed deep into the night, emptying wine bottles at a staggering pace, their bond growing stronger with each shared moment.

Exhausted, Daiyu returned to her cabin accompanied by a fatigued Ba Indu, only to find Ai Zian waiting. He promptly dropped to his right knee, offering a deferential salute.

"Report," she commanded, her voice tinged with exhaustion as she wearily settled onto the sofa, while Ba Indu slumped unceremoniously into a chair at the nearby table. As the room filled with tension, the man's voice cut through the silence

"A member of the Black Guard slipped away from the ship shortly before Fa Sai, vanishing into the waters like a ghost. He swam ahead with the stealth of a shadow, and once on land, he wasted no time in sowing the seeds of deception. Like a silver-tongued serpent, he spread a treacherous rumor that the sixth prince and his Taiharn sister would grace Ashi Port aboard 'The Flying Serpent.' It seems they aim to use you as a shield. At this very moment, Fa Sai awaits orders at an inn known as 'The Sleeping Lion,'" he disclosed, his voice tinged with solemnity, his head remaining bowed as he delivered the weighty news.

A deep sigh escaped her lips, mingling with the air like a gust of wind, as she wearily massaged her forehead, feeling the burden of her position pressing down upon her like a mountain. The situation had become a tangled web of deceit, and she found herself at a crossroads, her mind racing like a wild stallion, searching for a path through the labyrinth of strategies and choices.

"The seventh Prince wishes to be the fisherman while forcing the snipe and clam to fight? He would throw my brother and I into muddy waters for his own gain?" Her words dripped with anger and resentment. It felt like rescuing this prince was akin to picking up a rock only to have it crush her own foot. She sighed, a tinge of determination creeping into her thoughts. *He will have to face the consequences in the future.*

"It seems I will be striking a deal with the Captain sooner than anticipated. Ba Indu, go to Balam's room and ensure our belongings are packed swiftly. Ai Zian, instruct my guards to dress inconspicuously before we disembark tomorrow afternoon. We will leave a message at 'The Sleeping Lion,' indicating the location where we will regroup and organize before proceeding to the Palace. For now, inform Fa Sai to secure rooms for us tonight; I leave the choice of names to her discretion." Her words were firm and decisive, prompting immediate action from the two individuals.

Growling softly with frustration, she exited her room, determination fueling her steps as she made her way back to the Captain's cabin. She needed a new ally, a confidante, and she needed one quickly. Behind her, the maid and the guard exchanged glances, their thoughts lingering on the rough currents and the late hour. How did their young mistress expect them to reach the shore in such circumstances? The ship would require several more hours to navigate its way around the shoreline to the port, at the earliest, early midday according to the crew's estimates.

Their new master was truly mysterious, yet they continued as directed, trusting she would have a way. Ai Zian, especially after seeing the magical 'communications device,' felt this master had many more incredible secrets; the idea of how heaven-defying the young girl could possibly be, thrilled him and gave him courage. Then, with a thin smile, he hurried to complete his assignment.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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