
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Contract With A 'Demon'

The luminous eyes moved closer, and she felt air rush past her head as its long tongue slithered out, tasting the air around her. She tried desperately to calm her heart so she could hear more than just its beating in her ears.

*Why should this one trust you? This one could kill you and convince the smaller one to accept the bargain.* Zalgras hissed in her mind, the volume gratefully not at a shatter-the-skull level, yet still sharp and dangerous.

"My brother will not be waking up without treatment, and you cannot help him without guidance." She felt the strange Deja Vu feeling that they had bumbled through this once long, long ago, both of them inexperienced at the time. Yet why did she feel this way? How was she familiar with this creature, this instance? It was more than reading the book or the myths from the past. Somehow she knew this entity well and understood she needed to be more cautious with this moment and the contract that would eventually follow.

*What are your terms?* The creature responded after a reflective moment of silence, its head receding to tower once more over the prone bodies of the two children.

"You will not bond with my brother; you will make a contract with me. You must swear on your ancients that you will never do anything without my permission while our contract stands nor do harm to my brother or me. No matter what the future holds—starting with healing us precisely as we outline, no more, no less. Also, our physical bond will be temporary; we vow upon my brother's life that we will find you a suitable life contract in the future, and you will not be at a disadvantage.

"However, before then, we would request that you accompany us as a lower creature. Where we must go after this is dangerous, we have many enemies which will affect your future existence. We will not fully bind you to our fate." So she finished with one breath, feeling the cold draining her already waning energy.

She was unsure if this would help them avoid the pitfalls she felt might be waiting for them, but her mind was ringing alarm bells that her brother could not be the one bound. Yet, simultaneously, she did not honestly wish to have her body inhabited by a second life force for the rest of her days. She felt the best plan would be for the being to stay within her until its energy stabilized. Then if a different person could not be found to host it, it could reside in a lower life form until they could find a suitable long-term host.

*Why would this one not just stay with you as the host? What is the purpose of this one bonding with two more creatures? Or why not bond with the small one? It is near passing from the mortal realm as we debate here.* Zalgras seemed angry that she would not just surrender the dying child's body to him.

"Do you think we are so ignorant? Bonding has side effects that you may or may not be aware of; he is small because he is one of our young. If you bond with someone so underdeveloped, you will damage his natural development, the bond will be too deep, and eventually, you will not be able to separate from him. At that stage, he will not be just you or just my brother but a melding of the two. This is unacceptable to us; as his sister, his protector, we can not sacrifice him in such a way." Her tone broke no argument; there would be no more discussion of the being inhabiting Balam.

She "felt" they originally had not initially understood the consequences of the creature inhabiting Balam while so young or for so long. All she knew then was that the creature could help them and heal them enough to escape. The effects would not show themselves for many years.

Even though she was an outsider thrust into this body, she had a strong desire to protect the boy and was drawn to help Zalgras. She was unsure whether it was because of the blood flowing through this body or something about herself. She "felt" Balam was her brother, closer than Shine and Vanu had been to her in the orphanage. The creature "felt" like a dear friend she must protect; though wary of these feelings, she would move forward with the intention that helping them both would be the right path. Her gut told her this was true. In uncertainty, she trusted those instincts that kept her and her men alive throughout so many battles.

*What questions did you have?* Even though the darkness had involved them again, the serpent's eyes still shone like hard golden gemstones. She should have been terrified; her sense of Deja Vu made it seem like she had lived this before; then, she had been terrified. A lone girl of fourteen lunar years desperate to protect her brother of five, anger raging through her at the betrayal that had dropped them into this pit with such a formidable monster.

Currently, she felt more nostalgic than fearful, cautious of the path they needed to tread, and filled with questions that had not been explored during their initial meeting. As if she was attempting to choose a different approach in a simulation she had played before.

"Do you know what the effects of a temporary bond may be? How long can you be joined with me before our thoughts begin to merge? Is there a way to remove you without killing the lesser beast you inhabit? Do you have a moral dilemma if you obtain your new host through deception?" She heard her brother's body shiver nearby and knew they must complete these negotiations soon; his tiny body would quickly succumb to his shock, blood loss, or internal damage.

The creature was silent as if contemplating; she heard the shifting of its massive coiled body scales moved, scaped, and rubbed against each other. The creature's tone was almost apologetic and much softer when it finally spoke again.

*This one has never bonded with anything other than the form you see before you, so this one does not know the answer to your first three inquiries; our progenitors gave us this form. Our tribe was attacked before this one could form a bond with our first host. This one's tribe scattered, and this one fell here during our flight. This one was injured and hibernated to heal when this one finally woke; the current host form had lived past its life cycle and grown too large to climb the fragile vines.* Then Zalgras paused momentarily, and she heard it shift closer, its orb-like eyes shifting hypnotically with its movement.

*This one attempted to kill this form many times in vain, hoping that this one could then ascend once free of it, yet every attempt failed. As for the last of your questions, this one's kin does not know your "deception," though we have become adept at obtaining our objectives.* She understood it meant it was familiar with half-truths and bending of meanings. She could almost laugh; it was the same as any political entity or the vipers' nest of a royal court they were headed into. Very well, this seemed to be her life now.

Here in this cold pit, she recognized she had finally died; her previous life had ended in the metal corridor of a space station. Betrayed by one of her sworn brothers, protected by another with the result that their fates had been tragically bound together.

Her eyes shifted in the dark to the direction of the small boy's form; she silently vowed to watch over this new younger boy and this strange, unlikely ally. She would bind her fate to theirs and rewrite the ending of the tragic tale she had been told since she was a child, the only remnant left by her former family. How fitting? Her eyebrows pulled together, creating a deep v-shape between her eyes as she breathed in a calming breath of cold earth-scented air.

"It can not be helped then; do you agree to my terms?" She inquired firmly, her eyes coming up to meet those of the serpent before her.

*These terms seem to be entirely in your favor; what is this one to receive from such a one-sided exchange?* The creature inched closer, bringing its diamond-shaped head so close to her that she could feel the air displaced when its tongue shot out randomly. The serpent's glowing eyes were the size of small angry moons hovering, absorbing her appearance in the darkness.

"You will finally get out of this pit. You will be able to experience a world that even your progenitors could not. As a species that values knowledge, you will be allowed to absorb every aspect of this time's higher society. You will eventually be given a formidable host with high standing. You will also gain our eternal camaraderie. Even if the whole of the universe turns against you, we will stand beside you so you will not be alone. Is this not enough?" She responded by raising her fingers with each point she made, her face sincere in her pledge.

Silence filled the chamber; the creature towered over her, its soft serpentine tongue dashing out and tickling the fingers of her unmoving hand. Nothing else moved as if time itself had frozen in that instance, weighing the outcome of the next moment and the decision that would be made.

*It is acceptable.* The response was a whisper in her mind, a gentle caress of her nerves almost causing her to slump with relief; the corner of her small bow-shaped mouth turned up, her eyes glittering with new energy.

"Very well, let us begin. My brother is in dire need of your assistance. Thus, I, Yun Val Daiyu, hereby propose to enter into a contractual agreement with the entity known as Zalgras, subject to the following defined stipulations. First, I pledge to find a suitable and formidable host for Zalgras, subject to their approval. In the event that a suitable host is not found within the lunar cycle, Zalgras shall inhabit a lesser creature until a permanent host can be determined, and we shall assist in obtaining the new host at all costs. We shall remain a loyal friend and companion to Zalgras, as long as they do not betray the sacred trust bestowed upon them. We vow to fulfill the obligations of this bond to the best of our abilities until our souls disperse upon my bloodline. We make this solemn oath in the names of my ancestors. Should we break this vow, may our energy be dispersed, never to find rest." Yun Val Daiyu's face was a picture of calm determination and unwavering sincerity. Her fierce, dewy eyes projected her honest and heartfelt feelings, leaving no room for doubt as to her commitment to the proposed contract.

*Zalgras of the tribe Xizu accepts these terms, in turn vowing to never act against the interests of Yun Val Daiyu or the blood-bonded youngling beside them this day. To assist them in their struggles, although the path may be dangerous. Our physical bond will be temporary, as described by the one known as Yun Val Daiyu. This one believes in the promise of suitable hosts to be introduced by Yun Val Daiyu. This one will be a loyal friend and companion to Yun Val Daiyu for as long as they do not betray this sacred trust. This one will do our utmost to fulfill the obligations of this bond until our energies disperse. This Zalgras vows in the names of the holy ancestors. If Zalgras should break this vow, may our energy be dispersed, never to find rest.*

"Agreed" They spoke in unison seconds before the serpent bit her wounded leg, its fangs slipping into her soft flesh without resistance; an instant before her brain registered the action, warm energy flooded through her with a euphoric sensation of joy and pleasure. The feelings were so overwhelming that they blocked out her pain as blood rushed to her face, causing her soft pale violet skin to glow with a hint of pink.

Her mind felt a distinct pressure, and even more, thoughts that did not belong to her began to invade her consciousness. The sensation swirled her focus, making her dizzy and upsetting her stomach. She began to retch uncontrollably, her wounds exploding in pain once again.

*Zalgras! Concentrate, pull yourself back! This will damage me!* She was unsure if she was only screaming in her mind or out loud, but the sudden discomfort became unbearable. Her head was throbbing again, like an egg under too much pressure she was sure she would break. Her teeth clenched painfully, cramping her jaw as she resisted the pain coursing through every part of her system.

As suddenly as it began, the pressure reduced, leaving a pounding in her temples and her body covered in a thin film of cold sweat and blood. Her lungs heaving with the effort to consume more air, her body half-buried in the grit from her painful thrashing, weak and limp like a puppet whose strings were violently cut.

*Apologies, this one has never…this one did not know.* The voice in her head was soft, sounding almost sheepish in its stuttering apology; Daiyu could have cursed it to the depths but started a focusing mantra instead.

*It is fine. Take a moment and adjust…* Before she could finish coaxing Zalgras, the massive serpent's head sprang up, her leg still pierced by its fangs. She was dragged several feet by her wounded leg along the gritty well floor before its jaw relaxed, dropping her body face down in the grime. Her already ragged clothes had torn more, exposing her soft belly to the dirt and cold.

Curses flowed from her lips like water in various languages unknown to the planet she was now too intimately familiar with. Her body rolled instinctively, feverishly crawling back to the prone form of her brother, gritting her teeth and embracing the pain that flooded her with every determined action she made.

At the same time, the serpent flayed about in the throes of a death that should have happened hundreds of lunar cycles before. Then, screaming with pain and anger, Daiyu rose up on her knees; using all her leftover strength, she could to hop weakly in a frog-like fashion; she was sure her former band of brothers would never let her live down if witnessed.

Landing in a protective crouch over the tiny feverish form of her new brother, as Zalgras' former host body lashed out at random. She took several severe hits from the serpent's sharp tail and did not surrender to the pain even though she was now bleeding from a cacophony of wounds from their fight with the assasin; then the flight from the wolves, the fall into the well, the massive snakes bite, and the repeated strikes of the serpent's tail.

Her vision coming and going with waves of fatigue, Daiyu began to recite a serenity sutra, breathing in pain, forcing it to flow through her, holding on to the soul goal of protecting the small boy beneath her. It seemed like years; the throbbing in her head from Zalgras' invasion, the pain from her wounds, and the dizzying loss of blood all came into focus as the thrashing subsided and the serpent finally died.

"Zalgras, are you alright?" Her breaths were labored as she rechecked her brother and inquired about the newly formed bond.

*This one is unsure; there are many new sensations, this one can not yet categorize; this one is functional if this is acceptable?* The voice was confused, yet it sounded steady to Daiyu.

"Good enough; you must now focus, or we are all dead. I know you can use your energy to repair the damage done to our bodies. Please start with my little brother, his external form is slightly different. Still, you can compare the similarities of our internal makeup to repair the damage. Just focus your energy, you can see in this way, and your energy can guide you in the task. He is male, and I am female. You will notice subtle internal differences; I need you to focus on the parts of our systems that are similar. My base internal elements are undamaged; you must make his internal base system match mine." She felt that there was once a conversation about the differences between men and women and why they were very similar but for a few differences. She didn't feel like explaining the types of anatomy to Zalgras at this juncture; healing and survival came first. She felt the creature would understand it if she described the situation as if fixing a broken machine.

"If you focus, you will notice you can stimulate his body's natural ability to correct these errors. Ease into it, do not flood his system. As for the limb, do not waste your resources on this. We do not wish you to need to hibernate due to overexertion and minor damage will not hinder our goals." She slowly pulled herself back, kneeling beside the boy, her hands gently pressing his fragile arm. It felt so bony in her hands, too thin for a boy his age. Much too malnourished for the body of a prince.

Unfamiliar yet familiar memories of their harsh treatment during the sibling's years in exile at the holy temple filtered in; through the entire ordeal, this young boy could still show his sister a bright smile, putting on such a strong facade to bring her joy. Even though they were fed stale buns and old vegetables for most of the five years, she found ways to protect him, but to her shame it felt like not enough.

She had only been nine lunar cycles old when she had been banished to Holy City with the infant prince. The priests were not kind or forgiving followers of the Maker; few indeed followed her teachings of mercy. Instead, they used the generous donations from The Esteem and the other loyal followers to line their pockets. Most of the higher-tier priests drank the best wine. They ate the most succulent meat, serving pilgrims who visited the Holy Temple stale watery porridge and barely edible vegetables.

A few actually devoted to The Maker's calling were kind, secretly helping the siblings from time to time; with these meager resources, along with the training passed down to her by her birth father, they were able to grow and avoid poison traps and assassins.

Though still cowards, she would remember these acolytes' kindnesses in their times of need. These memories took root in Daiyu, fueling her desire to protect and seek justice.

After a long pause, a soft, warm glow emanated from where her hands touched her brother, and slowly his breath began to even out, sounding less wet and harsh. The pain mostly subsided from his gaunt face as his lips gained a soft, healthy hew.

*This one believes the internal damage has been corrected; this one ignored the limb as requested.* Her lungs deflated with an audible whoosh, her body almost collapsing with relief as some of Daiyu's stress subsided.

"Great job Zalgras; now, could you kindly repair my lower limbs? With this, we can move to a safer location." The warm sensation moved from her hands and began to tingle through her calves as the fractured bones fused into their original positions. The bleeding gashes made by the serpent's fangs closed, leaving behind smooth, flawless skin and healthy lean muscle. Instead of pain, a gentle, comforting heat was left behind.

*This one has completed this task. What of your other damage?* Zalgras inquired gently.

"We can bind them; no need to worry; they will heal on their own in time; we need you to conserve your energy. I know you are weak after the transfer and being so long with your old host. However, if there is a way to help me see in this inky place, that would be very welcome." She stood slowly, her back, arms, and ribs protesting but functional. A moment later, her eyes felt warm, less tired, and she could see the area around her more clearly in shades of gray.

The well was towering, built so deeply she was sure only giants could have created it. Her eyes trailed vines that climbed desperately towards the lip of the dark carved stone structure. Disappearing into a black that even the enhanced sight could not penetrate. She heard the storm, yet the rain did not reach them. Small water flows streamed down the edge but were absorbed into the gray granular material beneath her feet instead of pooling.

Another strong feeling took hold; there was a secret here. One that would help them in the coming days and shelter them to keep them safe until the storm passed. Then, turning slowly, Daiyu saw a jagged human-size hole in the base of the well.

*Zalgras, are there any other life forms down here?* She thought about the question attempting to see if she could mentally communicate with it.

*No, this one's original host body was sustained by a localized energy field generated somewhere below. This one has shifted the granular material as much as possible with no limbs to get closer to the source.* She nodded, one eyebrow coming up; that was the secret; there was something special about that energy field she was feeling.

Now that she had time to evaluate it, the air held a soft electrical feeling, much like standing in the engine room of a battle cruiser. The small hairs on her arms tingled from the air's static charge.

Bending down while thinking on the matter, she contemplated the history of Ksin as she gathered some of the thicker vine material; it would be used as a temporary brace for Balam's leg. She felt that much of their current situation could be improved once she found the energy source.

Completing the makeshift brace, she gently lifted her brother into her arms. She carried him into the opening she had seen in the well's stone wall. Inside, she found a small path led to her left, and a slope seemed to lead down to her right. Dim light could be seen below, illuminating a shadowy tunnel.

She moved her brother's tiny body into the passage to the left, gently placing him against the cave wall. The space was noticeably warmer out of the open air but not ideal for an extended time. Hopefully, the secret would not take too long to unravel.

Yun Val Daiyu looked at the child's tiny face, her eyes pinching in concern as her lips pressed tightly into a straight thin line.

*What is this sensation?* Zalgras asked, sounding displeased and uncomfortable.

*It is known as 'concern.' I am worried about him waking up without me near and becoming frightened.*

*Concern is then a negative thing? So this feeling is a negative thing?*

*It can mean you have an interest in something essential or troubling. I care for the youngling; the boy is my blood, and my desire to keep him safe makes me concerned for him. It does not feel good, yet it is not wrong that I have this concern. It guides me to make decisions that will protect him and myself, and in that direction, you as well.* Her response was automatic, as if she had attempted to explain many things to Zalgras before, and his question was typical. Using her finger to write in the soft earth, Daiyu left the boy an explanation telling him she was nearby and would return soon.

*The youngling may not see it; however, if it puts you at ease, this one can monitor his conscience state and inform you when it changes. After this one used our energy on him and corrected the internal problems, a residual bond was formed.* The young teen nodded slowly, her heart settling as she turned away.

*Let me know when that happens or if you lose the connection while we are exploring. Also, if you must know this current feeling is relief combined with expectation, you will learn these feelings well soon.*

She straightened again and looked at the sloping tunnel. A wave of fatigue rolled through her, yet she forced it away, shaking her head and focusing on the dimply eliminated hole in the earth. Her instincts and the strange gut feeling told her salvation lay below, so with one last glance at the form of the small boy that had suddenly become her whole world, she knew that every step she took deeper into the unknown could bring about their doom, yet faith told her salvationlay below.

The slight warmth that enveloped her brother's frail form starkly contrasted with the chill that crept up her spine as she stepped further down the sloping tunnel. The dimness seemed to swallow her whole, and the silence was deafening, with nothing but her heart pounding in her ears.

Her muscles tensed, and she tried to push down the sense of dread that gnawed at her very being. But it was too strong, too overwhelming, and it made her hesitate for a moment. But she couldn't afford to hesitate. She had to find a way out for her brother's sake. Then, with a deep breath, she steeled herself and continued forward, each step taking her deeper into the unknown, closer to whatever lay ahead. The tunnel seemed to stretch on endlessly, with no end in sight, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was descending into the depths of hell.

The walls were slick with moisture and strange, unidentifiable smells wafted through the air, causing her to gag. But still, she pressed on, driven by the knowledge that salvation lay ahead in the dimness. Her footsteps crunched on the gravel, the only sound in this confined, empty space, and it felt as if the very earth was waiting for her to make a misstep.

She couldn't help but wonder what horrors resided in the darkness, what kind of monsters were waiting to pounce. But she had no choice but to continue, to brave whatever lay ahead. Her brother's life depended on it, and she would not let him down. With a trembling hand, she reached out and pushed aside the thick curtain of cobwebs; she moved further into the unknown.