
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Between Festival Lights and Strategic Nights

On the second day of the Festival of Glittering Tears, hues of gold and crimson adorned the sky, signaling a city bursting with excitement. The Day of Valor had come, a moment to honor the wars once waged and the peace they had achieved.

From the luxurious balcony of the 'Willows Rest Inn', Daiyu observed the unfolding parade. Though calling it a mere balcony was not giving the space justice; it was expansive and grand, equipped with its very own kitchenette that peered over the inn's opulent black and green lobby. For her group, six intricately designed tea tables were arranged, accompanied by plush cushions as four plush chairs were placed near the balcony beside equally ornate tables filled with fruits and meats. The tantalizing aroma of the delicacies Ba Indu had prepared wafted through the air, drawing contented sighs and chirps from her companions Se Mali, Ba Indu, Ba June, La Lei, Na Binh, and Ai Zian.

Elegantly draped in a soft black ensemble that hugged her form just above the bust, Daiyu was an embodiment of grace and poise. The dress, cinched high, flowed seamlessly into a skirt that danced with every step, revealing meticulous gold tiger embroideries, gracefully intertwined with subtle streaks of red. This distinct attire set her apart from her entourage, exuding an air of both authority and allure. Her midnight-blue tresses were artfully gathered and secured with sparkling red and black pins, each glinting with her movements and casting fleeting reflections. Yet, amidst this tapestry of colors and fabrics, it was her sapphire eyes that captivated most; they were sharp, discerning, and ceaselessly vigilant.

"Mistress, please eat something. This lowly one has made you a small plate." Ai Zian gently implored, coming to her side and presenting a tray of pastries. Today her people were dressed in their official uniform as they were serving as her escort. Ai Zian's large frame looked especially formatable in his light armor and light grey and plum-colored uniform.

"Well, I can hardly resist when you offer so earnestly," Daiyu responded with a hint of amusement, she took the plate, before setting her tea aside, to taste the sweet treats, her eyes occasionally darting below to the eager spectators.

The distant thumping of drums grew more pronounced, and banners soon peeked from around the corner.

The group gravitated towards the balcony, their stances a reflection of discipline. All, of course, save for one particular squirrelly young girl.

"My lady, look! Captain Chen! And next to him, a prince! Which one? Tell me, please!" Na Bihn, in her characteristic impulsiveness, leaned too far over the balcony, her clothes fluttering precariously.

Daiyu, with an arch of her brow, replied dryly, "He's the seventh prince and Esteem's sibling. Now, Na Bihn, how about you step back before you decide to join the parade in a more... direct manner?"

Na Bihn, seemingly caught in the momentum of her excitement, paused, processing the gentle reprimand. Her vibrant energy was palpable, almost as if she might burst from sheer enthusiasm. Still, the mischievous maid's antics hadn't gone unnoticed. Nam Cal Liang, the prince himself, glanced upwards, first dismissing the over-eager girl, but then, his gaze found Daiyu. He greeted her with a gentle smile and small nod, stirring quite a reaction from the women nearby.

Eager to share another revelation, Na Bihn started, "Mistress, I think..." but was silenced by Ba Indue's stern look. The older girl seemed to momentarily deactivate Na Bihn, who only after a brief silence, looked down, momentarily humbled.

Daiyu's attention returned to the procession.

At the forefront of the parade, Esteem Nam Ba Weiyuan, astride a magnificent, sinewy black warhorse, presented a figure of stark contrast. The sheer girth of the ruler made the mighty beast strain with every step. Nam Ba Weiyuan's corpulent form, amplified by his ornate armor, jiggled incessantly with the horse's gait, making it appear as though he teetered on the edge of tumbling. The bloated visage, with pale, almost translucent blue-white skin, silver hair, and silver-blue eyes, resembled someone beyond his 35 lunar years in the unforgiving light of suns rise.

Yet, despite the overtly indulgent physique, his gaze was shrewd, darting, and calculating. With every shaky step of the horse, he struggled to acknowledge his subjects, his arm barely raising in a half-hearted wave.

Trailing him was Captain Chen Val Hitomu, commander of the Imperial Shadow Guard. A stark contrast to the Esteem, the young captain was clad in sleek black and silver armor that gleamed ominously under the sunlight. His deep aqua eyes, set against a canvas of blue skin, remained vigilant, scanning the crowd for the slightest sign of threat. A distinctive scar marked its trail beneath his left ear, bearing testimony to battles past and the mutual respect shared with Daiyu. The hair, reminiscent of sea waves, flowed gracefully with his movements.

Nam Cal Liang, having shifted his attention from Daiyu, focused on the parade, surrounded by the columns of soldiers. The melodies from flutes, horns, and drums created an ambiance that resonated even on the balcony.

*I was unaware of Nam Cal Liang's military position,* Zalgras' mental voice noted.

*He didn't, until today. Easier to push him to the front lines and away from the capital, I suppose.* Daiyu's mental reply dripped with sardonic amusement.

*What an unexpected move. How do you think Liang will take such a high honor? And who do you think the Eseetm will send him to subdue first?* Zalgras queried a note of humor in its mental voice.

*I think he will do his duty, he's not strong enough for a rebellion if his idea is to take the throne, he will need to leverage his military prowess to build support.* Daiyu responded as her eyes flitted to a distant spectacle of foot soldiers showcasing an intricate sword dance, their moves synchronized with the rhythmic beats of war drums. The whole city seemed engrossed, with children trying to imitate the moves and bards strumming their instruments in accompaniment.

*If he survives service, the Esteem always appears the idiot, but he has a sharp mind and truly loyal followers hidden in the dark. This is why his enemies are bidding their time and trying to weaken him by striking at the things he truly does care about.* She continued her eyes hardening at the thought of who those 'soft targets were.

*Such as your mother his eighth consort, and your half-brother the sixth prince?* Zalgras' voice took on a conspiratorial tone.

*Precisely, if that does not succeed they will probably aim for the other candidates and frame my brother Balem for the crime with the excuse greed for power has clouded his mind, though I have a plan to protect him from that. News should be coming in a few days.* Daiyu explained to the creature a slightly sly smile gracing her lips as she waved a command at her group as signaled that they were moving to their second location to view the promotion ceremonies.

Her guards formed up around her and her maids with Ai Zian taking the lead. La Lei the flank for the group, his violet eyes watchful and ready for any dangers to his mistress, his form a perfect reflection of his years as a soldier, the terrifying scar running from his left ear to the base of his chin deterring any from approaching the group of girls from behind.

*You didn't answer who do you think they will send the seventh prince after?* Zalgras pressed As they navigated the streets, vibrant sights, and sounds enveloped them. The clangor of mock battles, the laughter from plays depicting ancient war dramas, and the sizzle of street food all contributed to the city's festive ambiance. As they began their journey toward their next location through the bustling atmosphere.

As they approached the end of a particularly animated street, Ba June appeared, steering a carriage with horses. His gold-flecked eyes shone with duty as he assisted the ladies into the convenience, his blue fingers, tinted green at the nails, providing a steady grip. While the rest of the men took to horseback.

They will send him south to the edge of the Kuan Clan territory, a dangerous assignment given the volatility of the region, Daiyu spoke, her voice steady and sure. The weight of her words seemed to blend with the vibrant ambiance of the city, adding a layer of sobering reality to the festive streets they traversed. "He'll be asked to quell the Shythan Horsemen, especially as they get more aggressive toward the end of the hot season and throughout the harvest, gathering provisions for the unforgiving cold months. When they eventually leave the Lito Plains for the forests edging the Ythonix Desert, his dangers will multiply."

As she continued, the team wove their way through a medley of sights and sounds. Lively streets painted in the vibrant hues of festival decorations, colorful lanterns floated in the air, casting playful shadows on the cobbled streets. Children, adorned in bright festival garbs, ran past them with their hands full of candied fruits and painted toys. Masked dancers twirled and leaped to the beat of drums, their costumes sparkling under the sun, while vendors pitched their goods with animated gestures.

"He could fall victim to the wandering tribes or the treacherous beasts of the plains," Daiyu mused darkly, her eyes taking in the street performers juggling flaming batons to the awe of onlookers. "Worse, they could take his life and use it as a casus belli against the kingdom of Onkhan. An age-old dream of conquering them could come to fruition." Zalgras was silent then its thoughts as distant ad Daiyu's as she watched the capital city pass in a whir of sights and sounds.

As they navigated the bustling thoroughfares of the city, the ambiance was a riot of colors, sounds, and scents. Stalls decked in bright silks and fabrics lined the streets, with merchants flaunting an array of exotic wares — aromatic spices, intricate jewelry, and artisan crafts. Children, danced in circles, laughing and playing with wooden toys, while musicians filled the air with entrancing melodies from stringed instruments and drums. The streets were alive with festivity, and even the horses seemed to step in rhythm with the vivacious atmosphere.

By the time midday's golden rays illuminated the city, Daiyu's retinue reached their destination, alighting in front of a bustling restaurant situated directly across from where the parade concluded at the barracks.

Se Moli, with his fiery orange hair reflecting the sun's brilliance like a beacon, advanced confidently to converse with a keenly awaiting waiter. La Lei's sturdy hands deftly opened the carriage door, allowing the party to descend.

In mere moments, they were ushered past a lively dining area, the clinking of glasses and sizzling of grills filling the space. A spiral staircase, its steps worn from years of service, led them to a grand private chamber, offering an unobstructed panorama of the courtyard below. The scene was dominated by officers and dignitaries, all converging around the Esteem, who, from his elevated position on the main stairs, addressed the multitude.

Clearing his throat, the Esteem's voice resonated through the square, echoing off the ornate architecture and touching the hearts of all those present.

"Dear citizens of The Great Qinmay, today is not just any other day. It is the Day of Valor, a day that we not only remember but also celebrate. We remember those who, with their undying spirit and unparalleled courage, became our eternal protectors. The very soil beneath our feet is sacred, for it has been consecrated by their sacrifices." He paused, letting the weight of his words hang in the air. The audience, rapt in attention, felt the somber pride that the day represented.

"But today is also a celebration. A celebration of the peace that their valor bought us. As we marched in the grand parade, we did not forget that every step we took, every breath we drew, was because of them. Their stories of heroism are the lifeblood of our culture, and today, we honor and elevate those amongst us who've taken on their mantle." With a gentle gesture, the Esteem motioned towards the waiting military officers.

"These brave souls stand on the precipice of greatness, ready to take on greater duties, ready to carry forward the legacy of our fallen heroes. Today, as they rise in rank, it is a testament to their dedication, skill, and the faith Qinmay places in them." He looked towards the horizon, where the suns were high, casting the city in radiating heat.

"Tonight, as we feast and rejoice, engage in tales of adventures, and watch the reenactments of our glorious history, let it serve as a reminder. A reminder that while we honor the past, we also forge ahead, ensuring that the sacrifices of our ancestors were not in vain." The man paused as the crowd let out exuberant applause and shouts caught up in the energy of the man's speech.

The aroma of roasted meats and spiced rice wafted around Diayu' as the food was served, tingling the senses of those seated within the private dining chamber. Against the backdrop of the older military barracks, the corpulent figure of the Esteem, in his resplendent attire, motioned for his younger brother and captain of his Shadow Guard to step forward and kneel on the steps before him, casting a long shadow over Nam Cal Liang, who knelt with no expression on his face, showing no pride, fear or apprehension openly for what his brother might say next.

"Loyal subjects of Kisin!" the Esteem's powerful voice boomed, reverberating across the grand courtyard. "Today marks a new chapter in the defense of our illustrious empire. For his unwavering dedication to our realm, I hereby elevate Nam Cal Liang to the esteemed rank of High Commander."

As a ripple of surprised murmurs threaded its way through the crowd,

"And to bolster his leadership, Captain Chen Val Hitomu of the Imperial Shadow Guard will serve as his second." Captain Chen's deep aqua eyes flashed with a mix of surprise, but he maintained his poise, nodding formally in acknowledgment of the new posting. Pausing deliberately, the Esteem then continued.

"Together, come the first days of summer, they will embark southward. Their mission? To suppress the barbarous Shythan Horsemen, ensuring Kisin remains pristine from their wild onslaughts." Na Bihn, unable to contain her excitement, sprang to her feet and ran to the window, her wide eyes darting between the Esteem and Liang.

*His intentions are crystal clear. As you foresaw, this move is to undermine his own brother.* Zalgras' mental voice drifted to Daiyu, its tone a mixture of bemusement and admiration.

*Yes. Dispatching Liang to the perilous southern territories is his strategy to rid of a potential threat. An obvious ploy.* Daiyu's mental reply carried a shade of bitterness.

"Sending them to face the Horsemen? That's just... dreadfully exciting and frightening!" Na Bihn's chirpy voice exclaimed, interrupting their telepathic exchange.

"It's a daunting mission, Bihn. Yet, in the face of adversity, legends arise." Ba Indue, remarked in his ever-calm tone while pouring a cup of fragrant tea for Daiyu.

"Should Liang emerge triumphant from this ordeal, he'd transcend mere heroism; he'd be immortalized in legend." Ai Zian leaned in a corner of the private room tall and assured, shared with his thoughts.

"True. But those southern wastelands are treacherous. The Horsemen are a formidable adversary." La Lei, now inside and sitting with his compatriots sat furthest from the group the left side of his face self-consciously veiling in the shadows of the room, and spoke up in a soft thoughtful tone.

Se Mali, taking a moment to glance around ensuring he was out of immediate earshot of those loyal to the Esteem, leaned in conspiratorially to a nearby confidant. With a smirk that belied his faux concern, he whispered to Ba June.

"The Esteem sending Liang to the south? It's like gifting a sheep to a pack of wolves. Quite the 'promotion', don't you think?" He chuckled softly, the gleam in his eyes revealing that he was all too pleased with the potential outcome of such a perilous assignment. Ba June, pausing a moment to let Se Mali's words linger in the air, finally responded in his signature style.

"The strongest trees grow facing the wind, Se Mali. The Esteem may believe he's planting Liang in barren soil, but sometimes, from the harshest grounds, the most resilient plants emerge." His gaze was distant as if seeing a potential future that few could fathom.

"A wolf's gift can sometimes forge a lion," Daiyu replied nodding to the men.

"To endure is a test; to triumph, a monumental feat. Time will reveal the outcome." Ba June agreed his tone grave and even.

"While the winds and soil may shape the tree, it's the roots that decide its survival. Liang's journey will test him, but if he's as steadfast in his beliefs and crafty strategies as we've seen, he'll find a way. We all prepare, adapt, and overcome – that's the essence of survival, and that prince is a survivor" Ai Zian added thoughtfully moving towards the table to sit and join the meal.

Na Bihn's eyes darted between the speakers, her head tilting slightly every time a new perspective was shared. With an excited squeal, she bounced on her heels.

"Oooh, all this talk of tests, trees, and triumphs! But come on, have you seen Liang? He's so handsome! If anyone's going to beat those scary Horsemen, it's got to be him. Daiyu, don't you think he'd look so good by your side? I mean, as an ally! Purely strategic, of course!" She interjected with typical Na Bihn enthusiasm. She punctuated her rambling with an exaggerated wink, oblivious to any raised eyebrows or sighs of exasperation from the group, especially Ba Indue who, for a moment, pinched the bridge of his nose in subtle frustration.

*I am glad I have seen she is not an average representation of female offspring of your species at that age, I am sure if she were you would have all died out many millennia before now.* Zalgras interjected mentally complete confusion registering in its tone.

Daiyu's gaze grew contemplative, the weight of futures seen and unseen pressing upon her. She looked across the room at her faithful comrades, a crew that had become more family than subordinates. Each with their own story, each with their own stake in the fate of Kisin. Daiyu took a deep breath leaning forward, her serious visage catching the group's attention.

"Though Nam Cal Liang has wronged us in the past, each treachery carries with it a promise of recompense. He owes us, and now might be the very moment we call in that debt," Daiyu began, her voice a calm but firm timbre that resonated with authority.

"The South, with its unpredictable wastelands and formidable adversaries, holds the key to more than just political power and territorial conquest. It may well be the pivot upon which the future of Kisin, and indeed our destinies, turn," she continued her words a whisper but their gravity reverberating throughout the room.

"Are you suggesting you accompany the prince to the South?" Ai Zian leaned forward, his eyes tinged with concern but also trust in her abilities. Daiyu nodded slowly, shocking the group. She met his gaze, offering a solemn nod. Whispers of disbelief fluttered around the room, but Daiyu held up a hand for silence.

"Yes, the southern territories present danger, but relegating Liang there could be The Esteem's gravest miscalculation. He's more than just a handsome prince," she remarked, directing a knowing look at Na Bihn, who blushed in response. "Na Bihn, beauty might charm, but it's loyalty, intellect, and courage that truly matter." Her wink brought a soft chuckle from the group.

"And what do you suggest, Daiyu? If you're hinting that we should intervene, that comes with its own set of risks." Se Mali, never one to miss an opportunity to press an advantage, interjected while leaning in with a raised bushy orange eyebrow.

"Risk is the bedfellow of greatness, Se Mali," Daiyu responded coolly. "If we can forge an alliance, converting the tribe from adversaries to allies, the implications are vast. It's not merely about a prince's accolades. A stable South benefits us all. Balem and I aren't seeking a throne; we seek peace. We were branded 'cursed' by The Church of The Maker and subjected to years of torment in that forsaken monastery, all at the behest of the devious Empress. She began this clandestine war. Now, it's our turn to settle the score. Among all our foes, the seventh prince is perhaps the least threatening. We'll journey south, grow in strength, win the hearts of the people, and become an indomitable force that no one would dare challenge." Daiyu informed her group before taking up her teacup and taking a long sip.

The room, warmed by the collective aura of its occupants, pulsated with energy. The initial shock of Daiyu's words gradually gave way to reflection and discussion. Each voice, rising in turn, carried its own perspective, its own hesitations. Ba Indue, a quiet voice of reason, was first to break the ensuing silence.

"Mistress" she began cautiously while refilling her mistress' cup, its steam curling up in delicate tendrils, "you speak of forging an alliance, but remember the southern tribes have their own dynamics, their own loyalties, storied from there are the things parents tell children to make them behave. How do we ensure that they'll see us as allies and not invaders?"

"While Ba Indue has a point, let's not forget we also have our own assets. I've traded with some of the southern tribes before. They respect strength and cunning. If we play our cards right, they might just accept us." Se Mali smirked, playing with a silver ring on his finger, his sky-blue eyes now shining with possibilities and ideas.

"My concerns lie not just with the tribes but with the seventh prince himself. How do we know he won't betray us again once he sees an advantage in doing so?" La Lei, his voice subdued, interjected with a hint of worry.

"The prince is a tactician, not a fool. He knows the power dynamics, and he understands that allying with us would benefit him greatly, especially against the Esteem. Trust, however, will need to be earned on both sides." Ai Zian replied thoughtfully, leaning back. Na Bihn, ever the spirited one, piped up with her usual optimism.

"But think about the potential rewards! Not just politically, but think of the treasures, the stories, the alliances, and oh, the grand feasts with the southern tribes!" Her enthusiasm was infectious, bringing a hint of a smile to even the gravest of faces in the room.

*This endeavor, while perilous, presents an opportunity. Dangers abound, but so do possibilities. From what you have outlined to me, human alliances once forged in adversity, often stand the test of time. Just don't get us killed, or perhaps find me a new host before heading south." Zalgras mentally conveyed its thoughts.

"The winds of destiny blow in unpredictable directions. Sometimes, you have to sail against them to reach your desired shore. Mistress, your intuition has often been our guiding star. If you believe this is our path, then we'll walk it, come what may." Ba June, with a gaze that seemed to pierce the horizon, shared his profound thoughts. Daiyu found herself pondering once again on his mentor, the 'hermit wood cutter.' She harbored a hope to someday meet the sage who had shaped such an oddly perceptive young orphan boy.

"I value each of your insights. This won't be an easy journey, but together, I believe, we'll find our way." The group nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of determination and concern.

Just then, the rhythmic beats of festival drums began to echo through the air, signaling the conclusion of The Esteem's advancement ceremony and the onset of the evening festivities. A lighthearted tension-breaking moment was needed, and Na Bihn sensed it.

Rising swiftly from her seat, she twirled into the center of the room, her arms extended, imitating the southern tribal dances she had heard tales of, albeit with exaggerated flair and comic awkwardness.

"Prepare yourself for the fiercest southern warrior dance you've ever witnessed!" she proclaimed with a mock-serious tone.

The room watched in amusement as Na Bihn stomped her feet and gyrated, tossing an imaginary spear and letting out a playful battle cry. Finishing her performance with a dramatic and intentionally clumsy collapse onto a pile of cushions.

"Okay, so maybe I'll need a few dance lessons before we head south!" She exclaimed her face flushed from exertion and embarrassment.

The room erupted in laughter, the tension dissipating. Even Daiyu, despite her usually serious demeanor, chuckled.

"Perhaps we should add 'dance diplomat' to our strategy," she quipped.

"With moves like those, the tribes might just welcome us out of sheer entertainment." La Lei, added while suppressing his laughter.

Na Bihn stuck her tongue out playfully at La Lei, but her laughter was infectious, and soon the entire room was alight with merriment. The weight of their serious discussion was momentarily lifted, replaced by camaraderie and shared joy.

Outside, the festival's lights began to illuminate the night, casting vibrant hues against the darkening sky. Inside, the group shared light-hearted banter and wrapped up their meal. With Daiyu granting her attendants an evening off, they excitedly chatted about the festival's attractions they were eager to explore.