
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Battling Shadows and Seeking Sanctuary

The journey through the dense woods after leaving the safety of the cave was fraught with tension and trepidation. The sun hovered low on the horizon, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch and twist with an eerie life of their own. The air grew cooler, and a sense of foreboding settled upon the siblings like a heavy shroud.

Navigating through the labyrinth of trees, Daiyu strained her senses, alert to every rustle and snap in the undergrowth. Each gust of wind carried with it a chilling whisper as if the woods themselves were conspiring against them. Balam, his broken leg encased in a makeshift splint, clung tightly to his sister's back, his breath quickening with every unsettling sound.

Zalgras, served as their unseen guide, whispering warnings and guidance into her thoughts. Yet, even with the entity's guidance, the woods seemed intent on testing their resolve.

The path before them twisted and turned, narrowing into treacherous rocky passages and thick underbrush that clawed at their clothes and exposed skin. The ground beneath their feet was uneven, scattered with fallen branches and hidden roots that threatened to trip them at every step. Their progress was slow and arduous, each forward movement accompanied by a painful reminder of their injuries.

"Elder sister, your hands... they're bleeding," Balam whispered, his voice filled with worry.

Daiyu forced a reassuring smile, her eyes reflecting both pain and determination. "It's nothing, Balam. Just a few scratches. We'll find shelter soon, and then I'll tend to them properly."

"But it hurts," Balam insisted, his voice trembling with genuine concern.

A pang of guilt tugged at Daiyu's heart. She wanted to take care of her little brother's worries, to ease his burden, but she knew she couldn't afford to show weakness. With a gentle squeeze of his hand, she reassured him, "I'll be fine, Balam. We've come this far together, haven't we? Just a little while longer, and we'll be safe."

As the sun pierced through the dense foliage, casting ethereal shadows and obscuring their vision, a chill wind wove its way through the ancient trees. It carried with it a haunting melody that sent shivers down their spines, a lamentation of the lost and the forsaken. Strange shapes materialized in the darkness, dancing at the periphery of their vision, goading their imagination to conjure fearsome creatures lurking just beyond their line of sight.

*Zalgras, I can bear this itching no longer,* Daiyu declared, her mental voice heavy with exhaustion and desperation.

The entity's presence enveloped her thoughts, offering a sliver of respite amidst the agony that plagued her physical form. *Yun Val Daiyu, this one can ease your suffering, if only for a fleeting moment. Let this one heal you.*

Daiyu hesitated, her brow furrowing with conflicted emotions. She knew Zalgras possessed the power to mend her wounds, to provide comfort in the face of their trials. Yet, she also understood the cost, the toll it would take on the entity's own strength.

*No, Zalgras,* she responded resolutely. *I shall endure. Preserve your strength for dire circumstances that lie ahead. The Journey will be long and we will face more trials.*

Zalgras sensed her determination and respected her wishes. Instead, the entity channeled its power to alleviate the more intense pain and weariness that weighed heavily on Daiyu's body. A gentle wave of relief washed over her, invigorating her weary limbs and granting her the strength to continue.

The sighed slightly with relief and smiled realizing at some point Balam had fallen asleep, his small head resting between her shoulder blades as she trudged onward, the dark woods seeming a bit more peaceful and relaxing for a brief moment, yet the respite was short-lived, as the woods seemed to conspire against them once again.

A sudden downpour drenched the forest, turning the already treacherous terrain into a slippery quagmire. The rain hammered down relentlessly, making it difficult to see and obscuring any remaining landmarks that might have guided their way. They trudged through the mud, their clothes sodden, their bodies growing weary with each laborious step. With every passing moment, the feeling of being watched intensified.

Shadows flitted at the periphery of their vision, and whispers echoed through the trees, their words unintelligible yet laden with menace. The forest had become their adversary, an unseen enemy that tested their resilience and resolve.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of struggle and perseverance, their weary bodies stumbled upon a small clearing nestled within the haunting woods. The suffocating gloom that had enveloped them gave way to a glimmer of hope as they laid their eyes upon a tall guard tower standing proudly in the midst of the desolate landscape. Zalgras, their ethereal guide, reassured Daiyu with a whispered assurance that the tower stood empty, alleviating any sense of guilt for their intrusion. With their exhaustion warring against their determination, they trudged forward, their spirits unyielding, in search of shelter and respite from the relentless trials they had endured.

As they entered the clearing, the stormy sky loomed overhead, still pummeling the children with thick angry droplets. The guard tower, with its imposing presence, stood as a beacon of refuge against the tempest. Daiyu and Balam approached the tower with heavy hearts, their minds filled with weariness, their bodies shivering with cold. The door to the tower left ajar, welcomed them into its sanctuary.

Daiyu wasted no time, her focus solely on her brother's well-being. She gently settled Balam into a chair near a crackling brazier, ensuring his comfort. The interior of the tower revealed signs of recent occupation, suggesting that the guards stationed there were temporarily absent, likely on patrol.

"We shall rest here for a moment and await the guard's return, you remember what I told you? From her, until we reach the gates of the Imperial complex we must be strangers brought together by circumstance." Daiyu spoke softly, her voice soothing as she tenderly smoothed his damp hair.

Balam nodded in understanding, his trust in his sister unshakable. "Yes, elder sister, I will do as you have instructed."

While Balam found solace by the warm brazier, Zalgras whispered to Daiyu's thoughts, alerting her of an approaching male figure. She carefully lifted Balam back into her arms, ensuring his safety, and ventured outside the tower once more. Placing an axe she had found atop an old stump, she positioned her brother upon it, concealing their harness within her pack. Then, with weariness etched upon her face, she sank to the damp earth, leaning against a log as if seeking a moment's respite.

Suddenly, a deep voice shattered the tranquility of the clearing, jolting Daiyu from her feigned rest. Startled, she blinked open her eyes, panic and vulnerability flickering within them as if caught off guard by the stranger's presence.

"Oi! Who are you?" the guard bellowed, his voice carrying a mix of suspicion and authority.

"Miss Yun!" Balam exclaimed in a slight panic, recognizing the potential danger they faced. Daiyu turned her gaze toward the guard, taking in his disheveled appearance and poorly maintained armor. She felt a surge of disdain for his lack of discipline and care.

Oh, how easy it would be, the guard contemplated for a moment, to rob these children. Their fine clothes and delicate skin hinted at a comfortable upbringing, a wealth that could bring him immediate gain. But as he glanced at their seemingly empty packs and observed their tired expressions, a flicker of empathy stirred within him. They appeared to be running on fumes, their struggles evident. As they say 'Planting seeds of mercy reaps a harvest of lasting rewards', but he had to play it touch so they understood his mercy well.

"Explain yourselves. Who are you? How did you get here? Are you spies?" the guard interrogated, brandishing his sword, albeit clumsily. Daiyu fought the urge to scoff at his lack of finesse and training.

Gathering her composure, Daiyu assumed an innocent demeanor, her eyes shining with a mixture of fear and hope.

"Good sir, my name is Yun Val Daiyu. We were part of a religious pilgrimage, and our caravan was attacked on the way to the Capital from The Xagmos Temple. In the chaos, the young master and I were driven into the treacherous woods, only to be set upon by a pack of wolves. One of our guards managed to provide us with this meager provision pack during the struggle, but we have been hopelessly lost and running low on supplies. Might you help us find lodging and a place to purchase a hot meal?" Daiyu stood slowly, her sword already stowed away, and allowed her lightweight pack to drop to the ground with a near-silent thud.

The guard's eyes lingered on the seemingly empty pack. Unbeknownst to him, they concealed valuables, but Daiyu remained composed, relying on her quick thinking to navigate this delicate situation.

"If you can, sir, I am sure our families would be eternally grateful and reward your valor. Although my name may hold little weight in these parts, I have relatives of some renown in the Capital. Assisting us would undoubtedly bring you great benefits," Daiyu added, her sapphire eyes gleaming with a hint of persuasion.

"Of course, Miss Yun. That's precisely what the auxiliary guard is here for. Fortunately, you are not far from town, and the finest inn lies just along the main road to the south. If payment is an issue, there is a more affordable option to the north, on the opposite end of town. Which one would you prefer?" The guard's thoughts shifted to the possibilities of future wealth and recognition, he felt he had scared them enough. A sly smile crept across his face as he considered the rewards that might await him.

Daiyu appeared thoughtful, contemplating their choices. "Which one is closer?" she inquired, feigning indecision.

"The one to the south," the guard responded, eager to accommodate their needs.

"Ah, I see. And you mentioned it is a more upscale establishment. Perhaps some members of our party have already secured rooms there. Would you be so kind as to escort us?" Daiyu asked, her voice dripping with gratitude and hope.

The guard nodded eagerly, envisioning the rewards that awaited him. Daiyu shouldered her light pack once more and moved to pick up her brother in a princess carry. However, the guard couldn't help but notice Balam's apparent aversion to being in his arms, hinting at an unpleasant odor. Nonetheless, he pushed aside his reservations and took the boy from Daiyu's embrace.

"If I may also relieve you of your burden," the guard offered, gesturing to her pack. "A young lady like you should not have to bear such a weight."

Daiyu smiled sweetly, her eyes gentle, though inwardly she recoiled at the guard's unpleasant odor. She met his gaze, silently conveying her appreciation. Meanwhile, Balam shot his sister a disgusted look, clearly conveying his discomfort. Daiyu locked eyes with him, a silent command for him to endure the discomfort, playing the role of weak young master.

With the guard leading the way, they followed a narrow cobblestone path, winding through trees and the outskirts of buildings before merging onto a wider main road. Just as they took a few steps, a thunderous crack reverberated overhead, and rain once again cascaded from the darkened sky.

Cursing under his breath, the guard's annoyance was evident. He muttered words of encouragement to himself, with thoughts of the promised rewards urging him forward. Daiyu maintained her facade of innocent frailty, walking alongside him, rain soaking her tired body.

As they passed several small, common residences, their journey brought them to an impressive building with a red and black shingled roof, white tile walls, and a sturdy stone brick foundation adorned with oak trimmings. The four-story inn towered above them, its pinnacle hidden from view.

Ascending a grand staircase made of stone, Daiyu hastened to open the immense oak doors for the guard, who still held her brother. As the doors swung open, they were greeted by an immense lobby, warm and filled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked meat.

"Se Mali, what have you dragged in this time? We don't cater to lowlifes like you or your kind!" a boisterous female voice bellowed, assaulting their senses as their eyes adjusted to the brightness of the lanterns.

"Tel Ver MoLi, is this how you treat paying customers?" the guard retorted with a touch of belligerence. The woman took in the ragged appearance and bandages adorning the two children, her face contorting into an ugly sneer.

"Paying customers? You still owe my bar fifteen copper gints! As for the riff-raff you've brought with you this time, you and your illegitimate spawn can rot in the depths and never darken my doors!" the woman exploded, her ruddy blue face turning slightly pink with anger as her corpulent frame shook with indignation.

Daiyu, ever composed, interjected softly, "If I may have a moment, kind woman, Guard Se Mali is assisting us. We are paying customers and in no way associated with this gentleman." The woman's attention swiftly shifted to Daiyu, her green eyes flashing as her fists planted firmly on her hips.

She was about to unleash her tirade against the children's lack of funds when her eyes froze, fixated on the lantern's glow reflecting off a small, round gold token in Daiyu's hand. The innkeeper and the guard stood in stunned silence, their eyes transfixed on the gleaming gelt, their greed overshadowing their previous disdain. Daiyu resisted the urge to move her hand, sure their eyes followed it with the same intensity as an animal longing for dropped food.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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