
Trapped In A Cage With Lust

Genesiz, a 40 year old man who has been corrupted by sin, the sins of lust that he had committed throughout his . He has lust so much that his sins have manifested into a cage that has trapped him even though the gate is open. He then also finds out that not only the cage was a manifestation of his sin but it also manifested into a very seductive and beautiful female spirit who called her self Lustifer ,the warden of the cage. He'll soon find himself in a very difficult, thrilling, exciting and desperate situation where he tries find ways to escape and trying to control his lust for women, for his lust will lead to his inevitable destruction.

Choosen_Weirdoo · Action
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15 Chs

Cage of Lust

<p>"Where the hell am I?!"<br/><br/>"Did I somehow died and went to purgatory because I've seen hell before and this is not it?" Genesiz asked aloud as he looked around trying to cope with what was happening. <br/><br/>Everything was a blur but he could still somewhat see how the environment around him look, nothing but complete darkness. Genesiz sharp eyes wandered in every direction trying to figure out where he was. It was a dark place but yet it wasn't that dark because he could still see his hands a little clearer. He didn't seem to be afraid of the situation because he thought it was all a dream and nothing more. <br/><br/>He stood up from where he was laying down and continued to look around, his vision started to become clearer and clearer. The environment was like a dark shadowy place, something that you'd only see in horror movies. <br/><br/>Genesiz then began to see these thick, black iron bars overlapping each other horizontally and vertically running far up and wide surrounding him. He soon came to realize that he was in a cage. <br/><br/>The cage was big enough to hold at least hundreds of elephants in it. The gap between each bar was big enough to fit his head through, but he dared not to try that because he could see that these bars weren't ordinary ones, they were letting off a very dangerous vibe. He was afraid that he might have gotten electrocuted if he came into physical contact with them or even worst his life would be sucked out.<br/><br/>The last thing he could remember before waking up was being at a brothel, The Golden Swan, one of the biggest and most expensive brothels in Tokyo city. He was being accompanied by two beautiful hostesses in the brothel and they had poured him sake (alcohol) all night long until his mind went completely blank and he lost consciousness. <br/><br/>"Hello! Is anyone there ?" Genesiz asked. <br/>"If you're those fellas from the Yakuza I promise I'll pay you back the money by next month just please let me out I got two hot babes waiting for me" <br/><br/>Reality had finally kicked him in the balls, he finally realized that this was no dream and even if it was he wanted to wake up. <br/>"Is anyone here?" He asked again only hearing his echoing voice. His voice echoed seven times as if there were seven of him in the same place.<br/><br/>"Just where on God's earth am I ?" <br/><br/>He kept on looking in every direction, spinning and turning then finally he saw it. It was right in front of him the entire time but he must have had been blind or stupid to have not noticed it, the exit right in front of his handsome yet tiring face. <br/><br/>"Haha! I can't believe I didn't see it, it must be the hangover" he said jokingly.<br/><br/>" Ugh! my freaking head hurts". <br/><br/>Filled with confidence and relief he began to steadily walk through the exit, thinking that once he walks through the gate he will finally get out of this creepy dark place.<br/><br/>He couldn't wait to get back and enjoy the beautiful bodies of two hostesses that were entertaining him.<br/>" Hehe Here I come ladies, your prince is going to arrive shortly" or so he thought. <br/>" What the hell happened?!" he asked angrily. <br/><br/>The moment he walks throw the exit he instantly ended up at the same place where he had started from. <br/>" How is this even possible!!". You could hear the frustration in his voice it kept echoing through the entire cage. <br/><br/>Genesiz kept trying over and over and over again then unexpectedly he heard it, a voice that was so gentle, sweet, and hypnotic, it was the most enchanting female voice he had ever heard in his lustful life.<br/><br/>~Giggles~<br/><br/>"What a foolish human"</p>

Hey readers/writers, my nationality is Jamaican and this is my first novel ever. I started writing out of fun just to pass the time and now I cant seem to stop! well I hope you guys like the first 3 chapters of my novel. There'll be many more to come so just enjoy reading and keep supporting me.


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