1 The mission of life

"'Stop wasting time nandini, dont you have you have to study?" called out my mom. Going mom was all i could say.

The life of a teenager who has just realized that she is one had come to a almost stop when she had to pick carrer over fun.

A 16 year old nandini, a jolly person, a happy soul, a sensitive person was to sit locked in one room and study for 12 hours a day.

This is what is life today, career career career from the day you are born, money money money till the day you die.

Well there was a hard route from miss nandini to Dr. Nandini.. From a normal girl to a lifesaver..

Mom used to say.. Just 2 years of study and that will be it, you will enter the college of your choice and life would be all fun and games.. Sadly reality was not the same.
