

The rain had brought with it happiness and life for everyone in the land. How long had it been since they last felt the raindrops on their faces? When was the last time they had seen such contented smiles and genuine delight on everybody's faces? The smell of the first rain in months, petrichor, brought a sense of relief to the people of Oryn.

Not long after, beautiful flowers bloomed everywhere and the air carried its fragrance far and wide wherever it traveled. Everybody who smelt this amazing scent immediately felt revitalized. The air had magic in it and the kingdom of Oryn which was almost dying got its life back.

Though Osiris had predicted the outcome, he had never expected the fate to change this quickly. This was out of the ordinary and pleasantly unbelievable. He had tried to find the reason for the sudden change but had been unsuccessful in it.

There was somebody else who had been more shocked than Osiris and it was the king, Alastair's father, Ragnor. The old man's vision had come true and the kingdom had gained its vitality back. The kingdom seemed more beautiful than ever, the farms and fields were luscious green and that year, the crop yield had been higher than the previous decade. Everybody in the land started to praise the king for his good deeds much to his enemies' dismay. The people claimed that it was his act of kindness that had made the kingdom prosper.

King Ragnor had been happy too with the recent turn of events and he had called the wise augur to ask him the reason for the sudden change. Only he could give him the answer and the trust he had for the old man rose to another level. His words and predictions were always true. It was not a rumor anymore, the king had witnessed it personally.

"What do you think is the reason for this change?" The king had asked, this time he appeared more gentle compared to their last meeting.

"I apologize, my King. I do not have any answer to your question." Osiris bowed deeply before he stood straight once again. His eyes did not falter seeing the dangerous man before man. He was telling the truth and he did not have anything to worry about. He did not know what had caused the change, but he was sure of one thing. From now on, the kingdom of Oryn would become the most powerful kingdom and its glory would reach new heights once Alastair would take over. He would become the most powerful emperor ever known to the world. But he had to take over the throne from his father as early as possible for the augur's predictions to become true.

King Ragnor could not make him speak any further as he could make out the truth in Osiris's words. He had been exuberant since the day he had met Osiris. So, he had decided to gift him a manor. But the man had rejected his kindness right away.

Osiris was not in need of any manor or any kind of favor. He was well off in his old broken house and he would not leave it even if he was offered the castle itself. His house reminded him of his beautiful wife who had died of an illness when the couple was still young. The house had a lot of memories and Osiris felt warm and contented reminiscing them. He had decided to stay there until he took his last breath. So, he rejected the king's kind offer politely.

The king too did not force him any further and had dismissed him after a few minutes. Since then, Osiris had been observing the changes around him. The kingdom had become more beautiful and the number of people who had died that year had reduced to a significant level. Everybody looked healthy and there was a radiant glow on their faces.

Peacefulness was restored back in the kingdom and the king knew if his family was to remain safe, he had to give up his throne. Gladly, King Ragnor abdicated his throne and after a few days his son, Alastair was crowned the king. A lot of forces were opposed to this decision of his. But neither he nor his son gave it much thought and went ahead with the coronation.

Only after a year had passed since the coronation, did the wise augur find the reason for the change of fate. He had seen another dream where he had met a girl infant with wings on her back and he immediately understood who she was. An angel had been born in the kingdom one year ago and it was she who had brought happiness to the kingdom.

The next day, Osiris had rushed to meet the king again and this time, the one who met the old seer was the new king, Alastair. At first, Osiris had confused him with the previous king, he looked like the exact replica of his father. Both of them had hazel-colored eyes. Their pointed noses, sharp jaws, and even their eyebrows looked the same. Alastair was sitting casually on his throne while he surveyed the old man. So, Osiris could not make out his height, but he was sure he was tall, taller than most men he had seen.

The only difference he found in Alastair was his copper brown hair while the king had pitch-black hair. Also, Alastair's eyes showed that he was not the one to be messed with. Unlike his father, he did not try to appear gentle in front of this old man. His aura was too strong and his intimidating and his unexpectedly wise eyes observed the old man before him.

"What brings you here old man?" He asked directly without giving him any respect. He had known the man's extraordinary abilities and had been impressed with him. His father had revealed everything and had asked him to keep a watch on Osiris before he abdicated his throne. Naturally, Alastair knew who Osiris was. He found the man to be very interesting. But the young lord was a man who got bored with interesting things very quickly. So, he had stopped dwelling much into him soon.

"I have something to report, my Lord," Osiris answered, his polite behavior still intact even though Alastair had called him old. He sensed that the king did not have any other intentions, he was just being playful. So, he did not give much thought to it.

"Please, go ahead. I am all ears. But I hope it's something entertaining."

"My Lord, I found out the reason that caused the change of fate this year."

Alastair's eyebrows rose slightly hearing the man's words. He had heard his father tell about the change of fate and his curiosity had been piqued immediately. Since then, he too had been trying to find out more about it with no results. But now, he was secretly delighted to hear the old man's words. He could finally get the answers to his questions. Yet, he did not show any expression on his face.

"Is it? How intriguing! What did you find out?"

"My Lord, our kingdom has been blessed with the birth of an angel."

Alastair's eyes widened and he blinked twice to see if the man was playing tricks with him or if he was intoxicated. But Osiris seemed completely normal. Neither were his eyes hazy nor did he seem like he was up to something. So, Alastair was surprised to hear this newfound information.

"Angel? Haven't they gone extinct?" The young king pondered loudly. Though it looked like he was thinking, he was in fact, testing the old man. This was the first time he was meeting the man and he was a little suspicious of him.

"No, my Lord. They have gone into hiding, but they are still alive."

"Hmm. What a beautiful theory we have here! Where is the angel now?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Yes, my Lord. I don't know."

"Are you sure you are not mistaken this time? You see, as people grow old, mistakes do happen. If so, tell me. I'll not blame you."

Osiris ignored the young king's teasing and he sighed lightly. "I know that it could be difficult to trust my words, my Lord. But I am sure that a beautiful angel has blessed this kingdom and she is the one who is destined to keep the kingdom happy along with you."

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