

In a city ruled by crime and corruption, two powerful families join forces through a contract marriage. A cold and ruthless billionaire, driven by anger and a thirst for power, is betrothed to a skilled fighter with a hidden past. As their reluctant partnership deepens into an unexpected love, they find themselves embroiled in a dangerous game of loyalty and betrayal. Can love truly conquer the darkest of secrets?  

EvelynMystique · Realistic
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: I am confused

The morning sun cast a warm glow through the curtains as Chiara slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Alessio. She needed to talk to someone, to share the burden of the secrets she carried, and there was only one person she trusted enough for that.


With quiet steps, she made her way to Sofia's house, a small and cozy place not far from the Bianchi mansion. She knew her friend would be awake, probably sipping on a cup of coffee on her porch.


As Chiara arrived, she found Sofia sitting on the porch, gazing at the neighborhood's quiet streets. The soft murmur of a city just waking up filled the air.


"Sofia," Chiara greeted as she approached, her voice a mixture of relief and apprehension.


Sofia turned, her face lighting up when she saw Chiara. "Good morning! What brings you here so early?"


Chiara took a seat beside her friend, taking in the peaceful atmosphere. "I needed to talk. It's been tough, Sofia. Living in the Bianchi mansion, pretending to be Alessio's wife, and witnessing the darkness that surrounds his family."


Sofia nodded, understanding the weight of Chiara's words. "I can only imagine how difficult that must be. But you're doing this for your family, for a greater purpose."


Chiara sighed, her thoughts heavy. "I know, but it's more complicated than I expected. Alessio... he's not what I thought. There's goodness in him, but he's trapped in a world of darkness and power struggles."


Sofia reached out and placed a comforting hand on Chiara's. "You can't save him on your own, Chiara. Remember why you're there. Your family's safety depends on it."


Chiara nodded. "I know. But my family is waiting for information, for my infiltration. I need to find a way to gather that without arousing suspicion."


Sofia leaned in closer, her voice lowered. "We'll have to be cautious. Alessio mustn't suspect anything. Maybe you can start by subtly questioning him about his family's dealings, without making it seem like an interrogation."


Chiara nodded in agreement, thankful for her friend's support. "I'll try that. And I'll also keep an eye on his father, Leonardo. He seems to hold the key to their family's power."


Sofia smiled encouragingly. "You're doing great, Chiara. Just remember that we're in this together. We'll find a way to help your family and bring light to the darkness."


As they continued to discuss their plans, Chiara felt a sense of relief wash over her. With Sofia by her side, she knew she wasn't alone in this perilous journey. Together, they would navigate the challenges ahead, for the love she had found and the safety of her family.


Chiara had been longing to visit her parents for weeks. It had been too long since she had seen their faces, heard their voices, and shared a meal at their home. She missed the warmth of their embrace and the comfort of their company. It was a simple wish—to go back to her family for a visit.


One sunny morning, she decided it was time to ask Alessio if she could make the trip. She found him in his study, immersed in some paperwork. Taking a deep breath, she knocked softly on the doorframe to get his attention.


Alessio looked up, his expression softening when he saw her. "Is there something you need, Chiara?"


She stepped into the room, her heart racing. "Alessio, I was wondering if I could visit my parents for a few days. I haven't seen them in so long, and I miss them terribly."


Alessio regarded her for a moment before setting aside his work. He walked over and took her hands gently in his. "Chiara, you know it's not safe for you to go out on your own. The city is dangerous, and you're my responsibility now. I can't risk anything happening to you."


Chiara sighed, disappointed but understanding of his concerns. "Alessio, I promise I'll be careful. I won't go anywhere alone, and I'll take every precaution. Please, I just want to see my family."


Alessio's father, Leonardo, who had been eavesdropping from the hallway, suddenly appeared in the doorway. His stern expression seemed to convey his disapproval.


"Absolutely not," he declared firmly. "Chiara is not allowed to come and go as she pleases. She's a part of this family now, and she needs to stay within the mansion's walls."


Alessio's face darkened at his father's words. "Father, she's not a hostage. She's my wife. I won't keep her here against her will."


Chiara was taken aback by Alessio's unexpected support. His mother, Bianca, who had been quietly observing the situation, nodded in agreement. "Alessio is right. We can't treat her like a prisoner. If she wants to visit her family, we should let her."


Alessio's brothers, Ricardo and Angelo, however, sided with their father, adding to the growing tension in the room. They believed that Chiara's safety should be their top priority.


Leonardo's eyes blazed with anger. "If any harm comes to her, I will hold you responsible, Alessio."


Alessio stood his ground, his voice firm. "I'll protect her with my life, but I won't deny her the chance to see her family."


Defiantly, Chiara turned to Alessio. "Thank you, Alessio. I appreciate it."


With that, Alessio decided to personally accompany Chiara on her visit to her parents' house. As they drove, Chiara couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions—grateful for Alessio's support, determined to maintain her own independence, and hopeful that their love would continue to bridge the gaps between their worlds.


Before getting out of the car at her parents' home, Chiara turned to Alessio, a hint of worry in her eyes. "Alessio, am I causing a rift in your family by insisting on visiting my parents?"


Alessio smirked, his eyes filled with confidence. "Don't worry, Chiara. Something as ordinary as a woman visiting her family won't break us. We're stronger than that."


Chiara chuckled softly, feeling a sense of relief. She thanked him with a warm smile and a quick peck on the cheek before slamming the car door shut. As she walked toward her parent's house, she couldn't help but marvel at the complex world she now inhabited and the man who was changing right before her eyes.


Chiara's return to her parents' home was met with a mix of emotions from her family. Her mother's embrace was warm and comforting, her brothers ecstatic to see her, and the workers in the house surprised and delighted by her presence. The dining table was soon filled with delicious food as they gathered to share a meal.


It was her elder brother who couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Chiara, wasn't that Alessio who dropped you off? Are you two in love now?" he asked with a sly grin.


Her second brother chimed in, his tone more serious, "And what about your mission, Chiara? Have you forgotten why you're there?"


Their mother shot them a stern look and reprimanded them, "Boys, one question at a time."


Their father, on the other hand, quietly excused himself and retreated to his private room. He beckoned for Chiara to follow him, and she obediently entered the room.


Inside, her father's expression was a mix of concern and fatherly love. He knew the weight of the mission Chiara was tasked with, and he understood the difficult position she was in. With a heavy sigh, he spoke, "My dear daughter, I hope you understand the importance of your mission. The Bianchi family has wronged us for generations, and our family's honor is at stake."


Chiara nodded, a sense of responsibility weighing on her shoulders. "I know, Father. I won't forget why I'm there."


Her father's eyes softened as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I believe in you, Chiara, but I also know the complexities of this world. It's not easy, and the lines between duty and emotions can become blurred."


Chiara's heart sank, knowing her father's concerns were valid. She chose her words carefully. "Father, I promise I'll stay focused on our mission. But something is changing in Alessio. I can't explain it yet, but I see a glimmer of hope."


Her father's expression grew stern as he responded, "Chiara, be cautious. The Bianchi family's power runs deep, and they are not to be underestimated. You must complete your mission, but never forget our family's legacy."


Chiara nodded, her resolve strengthened by her father's words. "I won't forget, Father. I'll do whatever it takes to fulfill our family's mission and restore our honor."


Her father gave her a reassuring smile. "That's my strong and determined daughter. Now, let's join the others. Your mother is eager to catch up with you, and your brothers… well, they have their ways of showing they care."


As they left the room together, Chiara couldn't help but wonder about the future. She knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to carry out her mission while navigating the complexities of her relationship with Alessio.