
Trapped by my Mother!?

I feel so weak... I can finally go home now though...

"Hey, mum! I'm home!"

"Oh, hello dear say hello."

As soon as I enter the door I see seven boys in front of me. I thought this was a safe haven for me...

"Wh-what are they doing here?!"

"They said that they would pay me if they got to have their turns with you. You've been the talk of the town recently you know."

"Mum! Why would you sell me out like that!? How much are they paying you!?"

"One thousand every shot."

"Sh-Sh-Shot!? MUM! I TRUSTED YOU~!!"

"Sorry haha!"


I ran out of the house and kept on running. This stupid curse, why must it be like this. Even my own mother sold me out. While I was running I then bumped into someone.


"It's okay, but your face is full of tears, would you like to talk about it? I have a lot of time and I can't just let someone this cute cry all alone.

We then went to the park beside us and sat on a bench. It was night time and a single light shone on the bench.

"Here take my handkerchief"

"Th-thank you!"

"Now, why are you crying?"

"M-My mother had guys come over and prostitute me..."

"You poor thing! That is not cool! Lead me to your house! I'll try to talk some sense into her!"

"Thank you!"

I led her to my house

"M-mum, I'm home"

When I entered I saw even more guys ...

"This really is more than I expected... Are you guys here for the little kid?"


"Pretty much"

"He's a cutie isn't he?"

The rest just nodded their head with the exception of one putting up a thumbs up sign.

"Alright everybody out!'"

"Haha, not gonna happen old lady"


It was at that moment I saw great devilish flames in her eyes, she's really scary...

"Hey, is this kid's mother home? "

"I'm here"

"What on earth is wrong with you making him do this?"

"Hey, you're kinda cute, wanna come up to my bedroom?"

"H-hey, I don't swing that way, I'm straight."

"So is spaghetti, until it gets wet."

"Wa-wait, don't do this. Ahhh!!"

The kind lady was dragged by my mother upstairs, I decided it was time that I ran but it was already too late, they already blocked the door and exits...

They came closer and I just fell to my knees, they were all more athletic and stronger than me...why is it always me?


I don't even know what I'm doing at this point haha

LeoCraticcreators' thoughts