

Chapter 1

At the quiet moment of dawn, our protagonist awoke in the heart of dawn in the heart of a vibrant forest. Surrounded by towering oak trees and colorful flowers, feeling the cool breeze of this new strange environment.

Taking a closer look at the world around, he couldn't help but question, "Where am I? Why does this feel like a certain game?" The air hummed with an inexplicable energy, as if the very essence of a digital realm embraced the forest.

Approaching a nearby oak tree, his curiosity guiding him, he reached out to touch the rough bark, attempting to ground himself in the reality of this bizarre place. Just as he thought he was beginning to grasp the nature of his surroundings, a sudden rustle in the foliage startled him.

Without warning, a bag descended from the branches, landing with a thud near our protagonist. The unexpected event sent shivers down his spine, leaving him momentarily unnerved. As he eyed the fallen bag, questions multiplied in his mind.

Discovering the fallen bag, our protagonist cautiously examined its contents. Within, he uncovered a peculiar assortment: a meticulously crafted clock and an enigmatic notepad. The clock's hands ticked away in pixelated precision, measuring time in this otherworldly realm. Inside the notebook was written "you have been chosen welcome to Minecraft" in bold letters.

Fill with more questions "it seems that nothing is written" feeling the dangers of his upcoming challenges he needed tools for his survival. "Let's hurry time is of essence", with swift determination he wasted no time in making a crafting table with the wood he obtained turn into wooden planks. Making a wooden shovel and a pickaxe swiftly to dig the dirt with the goal of getting cobblestone and building some stone tools.

"Let's see if my memory doesn't fail me, it has a dimension of 3x3 square at the bottom middle square goes two sticks then two cobblestones" as he swiftly crafted the stone hoe. "Two more sticks from bottom to middle and at the top from left to right a horizontal line of cobblestone for the stone pickaxe, then for the stone axed two sticks same location then you place three cobblestone one at the top of the square of the sticks another one beside it and to finish it you place the last one below, finally the stone sword you place last a square in the middle a stick on top you place two cobblestone .