
Transverse System : I became Conan's Big Brother

This is a Detective Conan Fan-fic And I have another work too if you want to read Fated wife? (Where are you?) Male lead story I don't own anything with the Conan world just writing a fan-fic A soul roaming in the vast multiverse of the anime world ​with the Transverse System bounded to it with the only dream of retrieving the one and only memory of the life from where it all started. As it keeps forgetting all the memories of the previous world but it knows there will be an end. And to this quest has taken this soul to detective Conan world The soul has been transmigrated to Kudo Shinichi's Cousin Brother how he is going to survive in the detective Conan world and help Conan fight against the black organization. And the story will follow the canon with an only little bit of changes 3-4 chapters a week and bonus on Sunday ya on Monday ************************************************ Donate on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/nitinchatterjee Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/NCARROW Buy a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ncarrowblackb ************************************************************* hey guys this is my first novel so please support me and be patient as this is a slow story and there will be only 3 chapters a week or maybe more if i Write more that is Note;- Author isn't born in an ENGLISH speaking mother tongue and has no editor either. So please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. **************************************************************** Bonus Chapters 700 powerstone = 1 chapter/week 1400 powerstone = 2 chapter/week as it goes This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of detective Conan. Please Support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. **************************************************************** Author other works:- Fated Wife! ( Where are YOU?)

NCArrowBlackb · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Two Questions

" Of course…"

" I was angry at Yoko when she got my acting spot…"

" But this is a murder at her apartment right?!!"

" Why did you have to make me come all the way here…"

Ikezawa Yuuki's loudly questioning voice can be heard in the room as soon as she came here and she still continued

" If you're mistrustful shouldn't you be more wary of the owner of the first place…"

Hearing all these Megure-Keiji is also put on the spot as he also knows that and at the same time he is also coping with Kogoro Mouri who is snarling their at her and while also filling her on the details

" The body had a knife from the apartment In its back…

And we found no fingertips other than Okino Yoko-san's…

And this is the 25-floor!!! It's impossible for anyone who doesn't have a key to get in…"

Ikezawa Yuuki scoffed at Inspector Megure and said

" Hahaha in that case this has nothing to do with me!!

This is the first time I've ever been here…"

Hearing that Kogoro Mouri clamored at Ikezawa Yuuko, while putting the earing in front of her, and said

" This is your earing isn't it…"

Ikezawa Yuuki was taken aback by seeing her earring in hands of Kogoro Mouri a bit but the emotions still remained the same on her face and said candidly

" Oh, it is…

I thought I lost it somewhere and thanks for finding it for me!!!"

But Kogoro Mouri still clamored

" It's not just the earing we have the testimony from the manager downstairs that someone who looked like you was here!!!"

Ikezawa Yuuko:- " That person was that person wasn't me..."

" This is ridiculous! I am going to use the restroom…"

Kogoro Mouri:- " W… Wait!! I'm…" ( Kogoro Mouri got deflated again)

Ikezawa Yuuki got irritated by Kogoro's clamoring so she shouted loudly at him

" God, you're persistent!!

You can't accuse me of being a murderer with an earring!!

Let me go home I'm very busy!!"

Then Ikezawa Yuki turned his head towards Yuuki Okino sneered at her

" Heh… I'm not as busy as fan-favorite No. 1 Yoko though…"

Yoko Okino had a pale expression on her face after hearing that but Ikezawa Yuuko ignored that and still continued

" But if the media finds about this, your image will take a nosedive…

And you might have some more free time too!!!"

After saying these she went directly to the toilet with familiarity as if she knew where is the toilet.

Nitin also has a nasty expression on his face but suddenly seeing Ikezawa Yuuko going to the toilet with such familiarity in the house something clicked in his mind but also not knowing what it is

As Nitin was thinking about that Conan came near him and said

" Nitin Nii-san, Yuko-san, and Ikezawa Yuuki look similar from the back…"

Nitin made a hum sound as the acknowledgment and started thinking about what has clicked on his mind now and when Ikezawa Yuuki came back from the toilet and suddenly with family went to the statue of liberty small model and pressed on its head and lighted the cigarette by seeing this a sudden enlightenment came to his mind and questioned Ikezawa Yuuki

" Ikezawa-kun you said you have never been here, So how do you knew that the statue of liberty model is the lighter…"

Hearing Nitin's question everyone's face changed and turned their heads towards her with questioning looking and waiting for the response but Ran and Conan's became incredulous as they know about his detective ability and turned their face towards him with awe for Ran and Conan secretly gave thumbs up to him as he also wants to ask the same question.

Ikezawa Yuuki face color also changed hearing this question but she still pretended to be calm down but the sweating on her face gave away as she is not as calm as she shows it to us and stutteringly said

" One… One of my friends has something just like this… "

Hearing that Nitin accepted the answer but seeing that Inspector Megure want to ask something Nitin interrupted and asked the second question

" Ikeazwa-kun then tell me how do you know where was the toilet in this house as with how familiarity you went to the toilet earlier without asking Yoko-san about the directions…"

Hearing this question color drained from Ikezawa Yuuko's face as she looked at Nitin with horror

Hearing Nitin's sharp questions Kogoro Mouri also jumped and start pressuring her and said

" Yes, and you knew where the bathroom was earlier, How us that when you never been here before??"

Seeing that Ikezawa Yuuki can't refute him, Kogoro Mouri continued said loudly with confidence

" Because you are the murderer Ikezawa Yuuko!!!

You killed this man in Yoko-san apartment to cause the scandal…"

Seeing that everyone looked at her like she is the murderer Ikezawa Yuuko broke down and shrieked

" I only fought back against when he attacked me!!!

I didn't kill him…"

Hearing her say this both Kogoro and Megure got confused and said simultaneously

" Attacked…"

" In this room…"

" Yes…"

Megure continuing his questioning and said

" So you really have been here before…"

Ikezawa had completely broken down so she shrieked again hoping that this could clear her name as she wants to clear her name as she is not the murderer.

" Yes, I have been here before…

With the spare key, I stole at the studio…"

Hearing her say this everyone is shocked looking at her and after hearing how she was attacked Nitin has formed a weird conjecture in his heart after hearing Conan say that both looked similar from the back he is 90 percent sure that it is true but he still waited for her to finish her story before speaking out and also went to stand near Yoko-san is the only one who can prove whether my conjecture is right or wrong.

Ikezawa Yuuko also calm down and with tears in her eyes continued

" At first, I was just harassing Yoko because she stole my work…

Those silent phone calls, and secret camera pictures that were me…

But Yoko kept doing her job like she was fine…"

Finally, she fully calmed down and continued

" So I got angry and I broke into Yoko's apartment..

To see if I could find anything to create a scandal…

But when I came in this afternoon that man followed me in and attacked me from behind…

At that time I used all my strength against him and eventually escaped…"

Hearing Ikezawa Yuuko story Nitin confirmed his conjecture and said to Inspector Megure

" Megure-Keiji I may know why she was attacked in the afternoon…"

Hearing Nitin voice Inspector Megure also was also shocked as they have met many times and every time a case happened he went to a corner to sleep and let Shinichi solve the case but soon Megure collected himself after all he has seen many big situations and this little thing can't spook him much as he said

" Nitin-kun say why did that man attack Ikeazawa Yuuko-kun???"

As Nitin saw he got everyone's attention he continued

" Megure-Keiji look at both Yuko-san and Yuuko-kun from the back they look similar and if there is dim light in the room it will be hard to recognize them easily so I think that person came for Yoko-san but when he came there was Yuuko-kun was there in the room and victim thought and Yuuko-kun is Yoko-san that's why he attacked her…"

As soon as Nitin finished speaking Inspector Megure also contemplated a bit and asked the second question as he always does when Shinichi solves the case as he will answer it.

" Why does he want to attack Yoko-san…"

Hearing Inspector Megure question Nitin also smiled wryly but still answered

" Megure-Keiji How can I know this, This answer can only be told if we run a background check on him or the victim speak himself…"

While Nitin answered the question he also looked at Yoko-san who was fidgety her fingers hoping she would answer but she didn't and just after he finished answering the answer a police officer suddenly came in and said loudly while coming towards them

" Inspector we have verified the identity of the victim…"

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