
Transverse System : I became Conan's Big Brother

This is a Detective Conan Fan-fic And I have another work too if you want to read Fated wife? (Where are you?) Male lead story I don't own anything with the Conan world just writing a fan-fic A soul roaming in the vast multiverse of the anime world ​with the Transverse System bounded to it with the only dream of retrieving the one and only memory of the life from where it all started. As it keeps forgetting all the memories of the previous world but it knows there will be an end. And to this quest has taken this soul to detective Conan world The soul has been transmigrated to Kudo Shinichi's Cousin Brother how he is going to survive in the detective Conan world and help Conan fight against the black organization. And the story will follow the canon with an only little bit of changes 3-4 chapters a week and bonus on Sunday ya on Monday ************************************************ Donate on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/nitinchatterjee Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/NCARROW Buy a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ncarrowblackb ************************************************************* hey guys this is my first novel so please support me and be patient as this is a slow story and there will be only 3 chapters a week or maybe more if i Write more that is Note;- Author isn't born in an ENGLISH speaking mother tongue and has no editor either. So please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. **************************************************************** Bonus Chapters 700 powerstone = 1 chapter/week 1400 powerstone = 2 chapter/week as it goes This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of detective Conan. Please Support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. **************************************************************** Author other works:- Fated Wife! ( Where are YOU?)

NCArrowBlackb · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Transmigrated into Nitin Kudo

In the dimly lit room with only flashes of sunlight can be seen once in a while which shines into the room from the gaps of the closed curtain.

Inside the room, only a body can be seen lying on the back of the floor covered in blood and if we get close to the body we can feel that the body is not breathing or in other words it is dead.

Suddenly a mechanized voice can be heard in the room

" Found a compatible body"

" Vital status dead"

" Body vitality status stable"

" Body and soul fusion test initializing"

" Body and soul fusion test starting"

" Body and soul fusion test successful"

" Body and soul can be fused"

" Body and soul fusion initializing"

" Body and soul fusion starting"

" Body and soul fusion successful"

"System binding initializing"

"System binding started"

"System Binding completed"

"Body waking process initializing"

"Body status checking"

"Body status check completed"

"Body-repairing process starting"

"Body-repairing process completed"

"Body waking process initiated"

Just as the mechanical voice finished speaking the room again plunge into the silence again.

A boy with dark brown hair and wearing a white shirt which can be seen covered partially in red along with black pants with an athletic build body can be seen lying on the ground with head covered in blood and whose body which should have been no heartbeat suddenly started beating rhythmically slowly and steadily and other processes of the body also started functionally normally.

As the heart started beating rhythmically and the body also started twitching a bit as it want to move.

And the next moment boy just opened his azure eyes a pain came rushing from his head along with his lot of new memories which doesn't make sense as the pain keeps increasing and the boys started rolling on the ground but the pain keeps increasing and the veins on the forehead can also be seen bulging.

After a few minutes of rolling after the pain subsided the boy raised his head and look around himself, and thought

" Where am I "

The moment the boy asked this question a wave of memories keeps rushing in his mind with increased pain in the head and the boy can be seen rolling on the floor while crying out in pain but the pain keeps coming and a foreign memory was being inserted in the mind.

As the pain subsided again the boy opened his azure eyes and looked at his surroundings and matched them with his memory, then went to sit on the chair behind the table which was all messy, and held up the newspaper on the side to look through.

As the boy skimmed through the newspaper he also switched on the TV and start organizing the memories of the original body as for him it was nothing special to be born in an unknown body, after all, it has been done many times and first things after gaining a body is to familiarize with living habits and that person's life.

As the boy organized his memories he came to know his name is Nitin Kudo and he has opened this detective agency a year ago after hearing from his Uncle talking to someone that his parents were murdered and they were after him also so he can't go back to Japan and asked him to investigate the accident case so he also came back to investigate his parent's accident.

A voice from the Television disturbed him time recollecting his memory as he heard a familiar phrase from the TV

"There is only one truth, and the prisoner is..."

"If there is a case that is difficult to solve, just go to me, Shinichi Kudo!"

"The famous detective Shinichi Kudo, Sherlock Holmes in Heisei's time, can even be said to be the Savior of Japanese police, now suddenly lost news..."

In a cluttered office, the TV is constantly broadcasting news.

Seeing the news he also remembered that that person on the TV is his small brother Shinichi Kudo which helps him solve the cases that have been commissioned at his detective agency as the owner of the body is a reasoning idiot and always need help from his brother for the solving of tangled cases.

As Nitin sorts out his memories he also sorted out all the things related to memories of the body of Nitin Shinichi.

After sorting out all the memories of the body Nitin familiarly called in a low voice " system"

As soon he called system And like magic a small interface popped up in front of him

Transverse System

[Name] Nitin Kudo

[Age] 22

[Gender] Male

[Identity] Private Investigator

[State] [Normal]

[Strength] 5 (11)

[Endurance] 5 (11)

[Intelligence] 6 (11)

[Power] 5 (11)

[Agility] 5 (11)

[Speed] 7 (11)

[Mainline mission] 1) Destroy the Black organization

2) Protect Shinichi Kudo from the Black Organization

[Branch Mission] Find whereabouts of Shinichi Kudo

[Mission points] 0

[Detective Points] 0

[Log] [Keep the log of the mission and important points in the host journey ]

[Skills] Judo (Amateur level 2 ) Kendo(Amateur level 3) Observation( Amateur Level 1) Bike-Driving ( intermediate level 3) Car Driving ( Intermediate level 2) Helicopter driving ( Entry level 2) Plane driving ( Amateur level 3) Shooting ( Entry level 2) Football ( Amateur level 4) Baseball ( Entry level 2)



[Store] [status locked complete the first branch mission to unlocked]

Nitin raised his eyebrow and saw the status of the body and said condescendingly

"It's pathetic, this body is just above the average person limitations but sure have learned a lot other than the skills needed to be a Detective"

" Well it's better than nothing, after all, he can't bring any skills from another world to the new world other than basic common sense and his being sense of person."

" You also have to investigate about the black organization and the points can be gained from the mission that can be gained and the body can be improved"

" And the most important thing that I don't understand is Why the hell would I have to keep that kid-safe, He is a grown-up now."

" Whatever well let's take it one step at a time and the first thing is to find him first"

" Don't worry I will also help you find the cause of your parent's accident. If it's murder then the culprit to it's the least I can do for now."

Nitin kept his right hand above his heart as it starts aching about seeing Nitin doesn't think about his parent's case.

As he watched the status window a gift icon at the topmost right corner can be seen blinking on the status window so he clicked the icon.

As soon he clicked the gift icon it becomes shining with golden light and a voice can be heard.

" Ding system has been activated"

" Ding Novice Gift Package activated"

So seeing that the icon got bigger and bigger and covered the entire pop-up then he again clicked the icon and the same voice can be heard again.

" Ding Glock 22 with unlimited rubber bullets received."

( Glock 22: A gun with an infinite number of rubber bullets can be kept in the system space.)

" Ding 5 Black card received "

( Black Cards: Level up the present skill )

" Ding 5 Golden card received "

( Golden card:- Imagine the name of the skill that is to be learned.)

" Ding Lock picking skills received. "

(Lock picking:- Can pick simple locks now)

Seeing the descriptions on the card Nitin also understood the uses of the card so he clicked on the Mission points and Detective Points at a time.

Mission points:- get after achieving the mission and can be used to draw special lottery or open the skill window.

Detective points;- Can be used to level up skills or Earing money or buying things from the shop when it opened as basic skills can be there.

After rummaging through the status window and learning the rest of the functions Nitin closed the status windows as for the black and golden cards he will use as per the need for them to be used as it's always useful to keep them in inventory back up and once again opened the main status window.

Transverse System

[Name] Nitin Kudo

[Age] 22

[Gender] Male

[Identity] Private Investigator

[State] [Normal]

[Strength] 5 (11)

[Endurance] 5 (11)

[Intelligence] 6 (11)

[Power] 5 (11)

[Agility] 5 (11)

[Speed] 7 (11)

[Mainline mission] 1) Destroy the Black organization

2) Protect Shinichi Kudo from the Black Organization

[Branch Mission] Find whereabouts of Shinichi Kudo

[Mission points] 0

[Detective Points] 0

[Detective Skills] Observation( Amateur Level 1) Lock picking (Amateur Level 1)

[Skills] Judo (Amateur level 2 ) Kendo(Amateur level 3) Bike-Driving ( intermediate level 3) Car Driving ( Intermediate level 2) Helicopter driving ( Entry level 2) Plane driving ( Amateur level 3) Shooting ( Entry level 2) Football ( Amateur level 4) Baseball ( Entry level 2)


[Inventory] Glock 22, Black Card 5, Golden Card 1

[Store] [status locked complete the first branch mission to unlocked]

After seeing the status, Nitin next started planning the itinerary for the day as there are a lot of things that need to be solved and investigated.

But after seeing the messy office the first thing that came to his mind is to clean and arrange the office properly, and his home is also a garbage bin that needs to be cleaned. and then go to Shinichi's house and Dr. Agasa's house to get a bit of information about Shinichi as from his memory they bonded quite good so maybe Dr. Agasa may have some information if Shinichi is missing.

But before cleaning out this messy office I have to bathe first as my whole body is reeking of alcohol and blood smell.

And from his memory, he also knows that his parents have left quite a bit of inheritance that's why the moment he came here he bought this building which is near the Shinichi house.

It's a 3-story house where the ground floor is a garage + storeroom and the first floor his office and top floor his home.


From here will the story of Nitin Kudo starts

Important Note

The system is just there to powerup him a bit during the novel also help him save people and keep the necessary things required to be alive other than that he will himself during the whole novel and will be like an elder brother who will wipe Shinichi's ass during the novel, after all, there are many places in the original manga and ass wiper is seem required.