
Transverse System : I became Conan's Big Brother

This is a Detective Conan Fan-fic And I have another work too if you want to read Fated wife? (Where are you?) Male lead story I don't own anything with the Conan world just writing a fan-fic A soul roaming in the vast multiverse of the anime world ​with the Transverse System bounded to it with the only dream of retrieving the one and only memory of the life from where it all started. As it keeps forgetting all the memories of the previous world but it knows there will be an end. And to this quest has taken this soul to detective Conan world The soul has been transmigrated to Kudo Shinichi's Cousin Brother how he is going to survive in the detective Conan world and help Conan fight against the black organization. And the story will follow the canon with an only little bit of changes 3-4 chapters a week and bonus on Sunday ya on Monday ************************************************ Donate on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/nitinchatterjee Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/NCARROW Buy a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ncarrowblackb ************************************************************* hey guys this is my first novel so please support me and be patient as this is a slow story and there will be only 3 chapters a week or maybe more if i Write more that is Note;- Author isn't born in an ENGLISH speaking mother tongue and has no editor either. So please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. **************************************************************** Bonus Chapters 700 powerstone = 1 chapter/week 1400 powerstone = 2 chapter/week as it goes This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of detective Conan. Please Support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. **************************************************************** Author other works:- Fated Wife! ( Where are YOU?)

NCArrowBlackb · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Prologue 2

In the vast universe at someplace in space at a point in time, a small house of white color can be seen there floating at the same place.

The white house is floating there without a single movement in this vast stretch of space which can be seen as an anomaly in this space but not a single soul can be seen here to watch this anomaly.

In this vast stretch of space around the house, there was nothing more than a blanket of darkness that covers the whole area till the eye can see and beyond without a single shred of light, like a total dead zone without the hope of a single life germinating in this part of the universe, where there is no light, no noise nothing, and only this small house was a proof of anything linked to life here.

But the situation inside the house is different from the situation outside.

A boy of around 18-19 years can be seen sleeping peacefully on a piece of white bed with faint mist covering all his body and no movement can be seen there, only the rhythmic breathing of the body proves that the body is still alive.

In the house, the light is very dim and it is deathly quiet without a single noise as if a single pin drop can break the silence.

The whole house or the room that is there in the house is white in color from inside without window and door in the house or room and in the house or room, only that single bed was present there where the boy can be spotted sleeping on it.

Suddenly a mechanical voice can be heard in the room which broke the silence of the room and the moment the mechanical voice starts speaking the dim light of the room is also replaced with dazzling white light just like the color on the surface.

" Soul extraction process Initializing "

" Soul extraction process Starting from XXXXXX World"

" Soul extraction successful from XXXXX World"

" Mission Completed in the XXXXXX World"

" Memory extraction program initializing"

" Memory extraction of XXXXX World started"

" Memory extraction of XXXXX world successful"

" Memory saved "

" Memory adjustment program initializing"

" Memory adjustment program started"

" Memory adjustment successful"

" Soul promoted to Tier 2"

" Fusion of soul and body Initializing"

" Fusion of soul and body started"

" Fusion of soul and body successful"

" Body promoted to Tier 2"

" Body awakening initializing"

" Body check initializing"

" Body Status healthy"

" Body vital Function Stable"

" Body nervous system working"

" Body ready to awaken "

" Body awakening "

The moment mechanized voice finished speaking the body on the white bed started twitching which is made of unknown material but just by looking at that bed one can feel holy feeling washing the whole body and the heart cannot think of blaspheming it but now on this material a boy is sleeping peacefully and the mist covering him also gone.

On the bed, a boy of around 18-19 years old is seen sleeping and gives a sacred feeling with silver hair and a perfectly handsome face which is the epitome of handsomeness, and no change can be made there and wearing a full set of a white tuxedo with golden borders which enhanced sacred feeling of the body and as for his skin is was baby skin of pure white as he has just born in this world with no blemishes or marks.

The sleeping boy's body started twitching slowly opened his eyes after a period of time.

The moment the boy opened his black eyes, which is the only different color in this room other than white, and keeps staring at the ceiling which is also of white color in a daze and a low murmur can be heard from his mouth.

" Another world finished huh."

In the span of minutes after reorganizing the existing memory the boy snapped out of his daze and a sharp looked appeared in his eyes, which was also replaced by a lazy look in a minute, and slowly sat down on the bed

After checking that the body is fine, he spoke in a low voice

" Lily how much time will I will be staying here this time. "

As soon as he asked the question a naïve little girl voice can be heard in the room replying to his question.

" Big brother you will be only staying for 3 days this time. "

" Just 3 days Huh, it's much more than last time"

"Yes Big brother this time you completed all the missions with Z rating"

"Keep working hard big brother. "

" You will surely leave this place one day."

As soon as the naïve little girl finished speaking the boy started laughing silently as he has heard the biggest joke of his life.

But he didn't respond to this girl's voice as he knows she was only made as a companion for him to talk to in this small completely sealed white house or world with no doors or windows and he also has bought her from the owner of this white house as for how he bought it will be the story for another day.

In this room, there was only a single bed on one side, and on the other side is a big screen which was displaying his present attributes and count down of the time remaining to enter the next world and small options in a corner where he can choose different food and recreation option and also other options which he never tried.

He doesn't know how much time has passed in this way of living like this, as he just lives here for a few days then goes on to the next world to complete his mission and when I come back they erase the memory of the mission and the world only some foggy things remain in the mind.

He doesn't know how much cycle has passed in this way of life but he knows that there is a way to end the cycle which he had heard from lily and that is to reach the Tier 10 soul power but he didn't know why his soul power is still there is a Tier 1 after completing so many missions.

So as days passed by he stopped checking attributes to stop giving himself false hope and committed himself to live a life like this as he had tried all ways to kill himself but doesn't work I am immortal here and the worst part is that I remember all the pain that comes with the death.

And this system which has attached itself to me and asked me to do a mission is called the Transverse System which transverse in the multiverse with me and helps me finish the mission as I don't even know whether it is just a system or something else.

As he was mulling over all these things a naïve girl voice can be heard again which seems joyful and can be heard speaking

" Big brother your soul level has been promoted to Level 2. "

" Big brother aren't you happy now...."

As soon he heard the joyful naïve voice smile appeared on his face but when he heard her saying his soul power has been promoted he has been stunned for a while and after coming back to his senses he asked enthusiastically.

" Lily, what are you saying is true?"

" My soul level has increased..."

" Yes, big brother you can see on the screen," the naïve voice said joyfully as she was also happy seeing his big brother is so happy.

As soon the boy heard the voice he looked towards the screen and clicked the attributes and its expanded showing

Identity:-- Nitin

System:- Transverse System

Race:- Sealed

Soul Level:- Tier 2

Body Level:- Tier 2

Mission Points:- 10

Skills list:- Sealed

World Completed:- 956

As soon Nitin saw that the soul level has been upgraded to level 2.

" Finally increased my soul level, there is hope...."

He became happy as it proves that there is a way to reach Tier 10 and leave this closed room and Retrieve all the memories and to know from...

Where do I come from?

Why I am trapped here?

What is happening here?

Why only me?

Seeing the happiness on Nitin face lily also started chirpily in her voice, which is just like a cuckoo bird

" Isn't lily right big brother, You has been promoted to level 2"

" Yes lily you are right your big brother has been finally promoted"

" haha, big brother party time..."

" yeah party time, Lily I am so happy today..."

As soon as he said this sentence, a digital projection of a 7-8 year little girl with a doll face wearing a white frock appeared in front of Nitin and happily jumped in his embrace.

Seeing the little girl jumping in his embrace Nitin also smiled and picked her up and smiled and replied to her " Next 3 days is gonna be party time"

As soon as Nitin said this sentence he clicked the food menu ordered the food which instantly appeared in front of him and then also clicked the recreation menu and started playing games with lily.

And the next 71 hours 59 minutes he enjoyed the time with lily while playing games and a burst of oriole-like laughter can be heard always once a while and while hearing this laughter there will be always a smile on Nitin's face as he enjoyed the break time with her.

As the last minute of his stay arrived all the options were removed from the display and only a decreasing time can be seen.

This means it was time to end the party and get ready to adventure in the new world.

So seeing that it was decreasing he also said Goodbye to Lily.

Lily also looked pitifully at him and with tears streaming in her eyes said

" Big brother come early this time "

" Lily is alone here without big brother here"

Nitin soothed Lily for a while and saw that she has calmed down and only 10 seconds remain so he also laid down on the bed.

The moment the timer hit 0 Nitin's vision started blurring and he lost consciousness entered the slumber the room also became dim just like before and only a single mechanized voice can be heard.

" Body entered slumber"

" Soul extraction Initializing"

" Soul extraction started "

" Soul extraction Successful"

" Body check started"

" Body stable"

" Soul sending program initializing"

" Target location set"

" Target location Detective Conan World"

" Soul transportation starting"

" Soul Transported To Detective Conan world"

" Soul transportation Successful"

The moment the mechanized voice completed the last command it became still and the home also became just like the starting.

In the dim house, a female voice can be heard

" Nitin show me what you can do this time"

" It's getting more and more fun now "