
Transverse System : I became Conan's Big Brother

This is a Detective Conan Fan-fic And I have another work too if you want to read Fated wife? (Where are you?) Male lead story I don't own anything with the Conan world just writing a fan-fic A soul roaming in the vast multiverse of the anime world ​with the Transverse System bounded to it with the only dream of retrieving the one and only memory of the life from where it all started. As it keeps forgetting all the memories of the previous world but it knows there will be an end. And to this quest has taken this soul to detective Conan world The soul has been transmigrated to Kudo Shinichi's Cousin Brother how he is going to survive in the detective Conan world and help Conan fight against the black organization. And the story will follow the canon with an only little bit of changes 3-4 chapters a week and bonus on Sunday ya on Monday ************************************************ Donate on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/nitinchatterjee Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/NCARROW Buy a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ncarrowblackb ************************************************************* hey guys this is my first novel so please support me and be patient as this is a slow story and there will be only 3 chapters a week or maybe more if i Write more that is Note;- Author isn't born in an ENGLISH speaking mother tongue and has no editor either. So please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. **************************************************************** Bonus Chapters 700 powerstone = 1 chapter/week 1400 powerstone = 2 chapter/week as it goes This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of detective Conan. Please Support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. **************************************************************** Author other works:- Fated Wife! ( Where are YOU?)

NCArrowBlackb · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Nitin Intitution

Yamagishi went into a stupor after hearing Mouri accusing of the killer

But Mouri Kogorou continued with his reasoning

" Yoko-san must have rejected you!!! So out of spite you… "

Megure-Keiji interrupted Kogoro Mouri

" Hey wait…"

" Where's the proof Yoko-san didn't do it…"

Kogoro Mauri spoke as it is a matter of fact that

" Poor little Yoko-san couldn't have possibly have done this right…"

Inspector Megure also got choked upon hearing this and with a forlorn expression appeared on his face said

" Oh really… "

Yamagishi also returned from his stupor and stutteringly said

" Yes, I did have a duplicate hey But I lost it…"

" AAH…..!!!!???? "

Kogoro Mouri also became mad as he is convinced that Yamagishi is the killer and how could his well-formulated reasoning go wrong it must be this bastard's fault so he loudly confronted him by grabbing his collars

" What?! Are you lying you bastard…"

Yamagishi tremblingly replied

" N-No, it's true!! Five days ago, At the recording studio in TV station…"

Seeing Mouri-san like this Yoko-san hurriedly clarified

" He is telling the truth!! The people at the station looked for it… "

Hearing Yoko-san confirmation Kogoro Mouri also deflated like a balloon and said

" Tch… Well if Yoko-san says so… "

And Yoko-san continued on

" And since then… I've been getting the feeling that someone else has been inside my apartment…"

" Every time I come home…"

Megure:- "Do you have any ideas about who would bear a grudge against Yoko-san…"

Yamagishi:- " No certainly not against Yoko… "

As Nitin was hearing their conversation Conan came to him and said

" Nitin Nii-san there is something under the sofa…"

Nitin also took back his attention after hearing words and said

" Okay I am gonna inform them in a bit "

" Okay "

Nitin turned his towards Ran and said

" Ran-chan I am going to investigate the scene too…"

Ran teasingly said

" Nitin Nii-san, I know you couldn't sit still Nah, after all, you like Yoko-san "

" Cut the crap Ran-chan, I want to help Megure-Keiji solve the case..."

Nitin just glared at her and left and a teasing smile is there on Ran on the back who saw Nitin scurrying to the scene.

Nitin started acting liking he is investigating the scene in the room and looked at everything seriously and after a couple of minutes he bent down and looked under the sofa and then said loudly

" Inspector there is an earing the under the sofa…"

Nitin picked the earring with his handkerchief and handed it to Inspector Megure and asked Yoko-san

" Have you seen this earring…"

Seeing the earring Yoko-san replied

" That's Yuuko-san…"

Megure:- "Yuuko-san???"

Yokko Okino:- " Ikezawa Yuuko-san who made her debut the same time I did…

We often work together so I see all the time...

But why would Yuuko-san's earring be in my apartment…"

This time Yamagishi fused bulb also get ignited

" I have heard that Ikezawa Yuuko bears the grudge against Yoko…

For taking away her acting role…"

Yoko Okino was also stupefied that

" Yuuko-san angry at me "

Hearing the Kogoro Mauri said with certainty

" I understand this Time.. "

And shouted at the police officer

" Ikezawa is the killer… Go arrest her…"

Seeing that no one is moving Kogoro pressured Megure and made him agreed then turned towards the police officer again and said

" You heard the man… Hurry!!!"

Hearing the explanation also felt reasonable after all if Yoko-san and the Yamagishi-san aren't the murderer than the person whose earring is the person who is the murderer so he turned towards Conan and asked after all he still doesn't have confidence in that pervy Uncle.

" The case should be solved now…"

But after seeing their expression...

But Conan ignored the words as he is looking at Yamagishi like he is the killer

Megure stared at Yoko-san like she is the killer after all looking at the scene all the evidence pointed at her.

As for Mouri Kogoro, he believes Ikezawa Yuuko is the killer.

As for me, I believe the fourth person is the killer as the Yoko-san won't murder him at her own home..

Yamagishi will not try to ruin Yoko's career after all even if she isn't the killer this will affect her reputation unless he has grudge against her which seems no.

Ikezawa Yuuko won't murder a random stranger in Yoko-san's house as if she wants to kill someone she will go directly for her and the murderer will definitely be not a fool to leave her earring behind there must be some story behind the earring.

Unfortunately, this is all my institution as for evidence and the murder I can't even find the evidence so how can I discover the culprit.

I definitely have to open some detective skills from that card also level up observation skills it makes me angry and helpless to see Yoko-san like this..

After all, I can't see Yoko-san like this so I have to get stronger...

Today there is Yoko-san the next time maybe Ran or someone else dear to me I have to get some detective skills as if there were some other cases in the future I won't be as useless as now...

Every time there is a tricky case this body goes directly to Shinichi now that's gonna change I will try to change and be a better detective than only I can fight against Black Organization or be able to find the culprit behind my parent's death whether it is an accident or there is a story behind it...

I will change everything albeit slowly but it will...

I will definitely keep the promise I made to the owner of this body...


Today's Chapter is short as yesterday was some important work to be done so don't sorry for the chapter.

But don't worry either there will a bonus chapter today at the night 12 hours from now if we meet the condition or there will be a big chapter tomorrow.