
Transverse System : I became Conan's Big Brother

This is a Detective Conan Fan-fic And I have another work too if you want to read Fated wife? (Where are you?) Male lead story I don't own anything with the Conan world just writing a fan-fic A soul roaming in the vast multiverse of the anime world ​with the Transverse System bounded to it with the only dream of retrieving the one and only memory of the life from where it all started. As it keeps forgetting all the memories of the previous world but it knows there will be an end. And to this quest has taken this soul to detective Conan world The soul has been transmigrated to Kudo Shinichi's Cousin Brother how he is going to survive in the detective Conan world and help Conan fight against the black organization. And the story will follow the canon with an only little bit of changes 3-4 chapters a week and bonus on Sunday ya on Monday ************************************************ Donate on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/nitinchatterjee Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/NCARROW Buy a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ncarrowblackb ************************************************************* hey guys this is my first novel so please support me and be patient as this is a slow story and there will be only 3 chapters a week or maybe more if i Write more that is Note;- Author isn't born in an ENGLISH speaking mother tongue and has no editor either. So please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. **************************************************************** Bonus Chapters 700 powerstone = 1 chapter/week 1400 powerstone = 2 chapter/week as it goes This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of detective Conan. Please Support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. **************************************************************** Author other works:- Fated Wife! ( Where are YOU?)

NCArrowBlackb · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Murder or Suicide? ( 2 in 1 chapter)

" Fujie Ankiyoshi Age 22 After graduating from Kounan high school he went on to work at Kakubeni Corporation…"

" Although he had recently left the corporation…"

The police officer finished the background report they have uncovered about the victim in their investigation.

As soon as the police officer came here and start telling about the identity of the victim Nitin noticed that color drained from Yoko-san's face and when he heard Kounan High School Nitin confirmed that the victim definitely had something to do with her.

Seeing her still not speaking Nitin moved closer to her and whispered that only she can hear

" Yoko-san it's time to come clean about how you know the victim as if you don't or if you wait for the police to uncover it will only create more problems for you…"

Hearing Nitin's words Yoko Okino pale face became paler and then she also heard Kogoro Mouri question

" Isn't Kounan High the one that Yoko-san went to…"

Yamagishi on the other side also paled after hearing the question as he stutteringly replied

" It must be a coincidence, Right Yoko-san…"

Yoko Okino heard all the questioning voices around him but then turned her head towards Nitin and after seeing her warm smile, she also settled her unsteady heart and turned towards front and said a bit loudly so that she could garner everyone's attention…"

" I know him…"

Everyone's attention focused on Yoko Okino and Yamagishi face paled as he had a bad premonition in his heart

" Because…."

" In high school, I went out with him…"

" He was my boyfriend…"

Hearing Yoko Okino's words everyone was flabbergasted and various noises can be heard In the room but the loudest were

Megure:- " WHA…"

Kogoro Mouri:- "…AT?!!"

Hearing Yoko Okino's words Yamagishi was so shocked that he screamed at the top of his voice


But Yoko Okino doesn't get afraid of Yamagishi and continued

" I am sorry Yamagishi-san, But I can't hide it any longer…"

After collecting himself Inspector Megure questioned Yoko

" And you killed me to settle the relationship…"

Yoko Okino denied the accusation and continued her story

"No I didn't and he was the one who dumped me back in the high school…"

" But when I became a famous idol, he kept stopping by, and asking if we could be together…"

" I moved here to get away from him…"

" When I saw the face of the body, I knew it was him right away…"

"But my manager Yamagishi-san kept me from saying so…"

" But why he would be dead here, I have no idea…"

Yoko Okino looked at Inspector Megure and loudly questioned


After hearing Yoko-san's story Nitin felt he need a breather for a little bit as the starving stomach is making it more unbearable so Nitin walked out of the room and stood near the window and opened and the cold air was coming from it and a beautiful view can be seen.

While Nitin stood there looking at the view and trying to collect himself together he heard a voice coming from his side as another person can be seen standing near him

" Nitin Nii-san it's a magnificent view from here isn't it…"

Nitin replied back

" It sure is Ran-chan, a magnificent view…"

Then both of them just stood there as there is a tacit understanding between them not to disturb this subtle atmosphere

After standing there for 5 minutes Nitin turned towards Ran and said

" Let's go back Ran-chan, as the case hasn't been solved yet…"

Ran also turned towards Nitin and said with a smile

" Nitin Nii-san you can tell me anything you know that don't you…"

Hearing her say that Nitin also warmed and smiled back at her and said

" Sure Ran-chan I am starving right now so let's solve the case and go somewhere to have dinner…"

Nitin went inside after saying this and Ran also smiled at him and said

" Sure Nitin Nii-san I am also starving…"

As soon as Nitin entered the room he saw that everyone was surrounding something in the middle and an Uncle Mouri voice can be heard from the center

Hearing Uncle Mouri's voice Nitin went to the center by pushing the people a little bit and just when he reached the front he can see Uncle Mouri sat on the sofa like he is sleeping but a voice can be heard analyzing the case.

As soon as Nitin reached the front he heard Uncle Mouri say

" Yamagishi-san you held a spare key in this room correct.."

Yamagishi:- " Yes…"

" So of course you are suspected.."

"If you had killed him they came to me to have the body discovered, You would have had some kind of proof of your innocence or alibi…"

" But you had no such thing…"

" And Yoko-san…"

Yoko:- " Y, yes!!!" (with a pale face)

"The same could be said for you…"

" Being the owner of the apartment you are the first to be suspected…"

Hearing all these Inspector Megure suddenly asked the question that was on everyone's mind

" Then the killer is…"

Suddenly Inspector Megure light bulb also illuminated and he shouted excitedly

" Ikezawa Yuuko.."

But just as Inspector Megure was ready to ask the police officer to arrest her Kogoro Mouri next words poured cold water on him

" No…, that is not correct either…"

Hearing his words everyone was dumbstruck, As they also started thinking if these three aren't the real murderer that who is but they were back to the reality after hearing Kogoro Mouri's speaking

" Yuuko-san you hid the fact that you had been there before…"

" But you told us yourself that you had been attacked by the man who is now dead…"

" If you had indeed killed on the spur of the moment you wouldn't have said you met him…"

" Even though we had proof that you had been here, Only you would have known that man…"

Inspector Megure became more and more confused and same for the others and asked the question that all want to know about.

" Then what are you saying is…"

Kogoro Mouri also replied

" Yes…, this is just an educated guess…"

" There is no proof to convict any of those three…"

" However there is proof to support my guess…"

" The hair that you hid Yamagishi-san…"

" I saw it…"

" You pretended to slip, and you took the hairs from the corpse fingers…"

Inspector Megure again got worked up and grabbed Yamagishi collar and hollered

" So You are the Murderer…"

But again Kogoro Mouri poured cold water on him with his next words

" No… The problem I have is not why Yamagishi-san took the hair, But why would the body held in the first place…"

" A person stabbed in the back and killed instantly had the hair of the stabber in his hands…"

" Don't you think that's odd…"

Megure:- "Yes…"

" This was made to look like a murderer and a murder committed by Yoko-san…"

Everyone was shocked after hearing this

Kogoro continued

" Yes, the killer was…, the deceased Fujie-san himself…"

After hearing this everyone was flabbergasted as no one would have thought that victim committed suicide like this Kogoro continued his analysis

" That's what he wanted it to look like… If he was stabbed in the back, it couldn't possibly look like a suicide..."

" Do you remember…, the high temperature and the water marks on the floor…"

" And while everything was thrown about, and only the chair near the body's feet was standing…"

" Fujie-san most likely made a hole in a block of ice…"

" Then stood on the chair and jumped off backward…, aiming his back at the knife…"

" The high temperature of the room was to help melt the ice quickly…"

" For proof of this, Look at the mark on the floor neat the body chalk…"

" It probably matches the size of the handle of the knife perfectly…"

Inspector Megure also found the mark that Kogoro Mouri told about…"

" However Fujie-san overdid himself of trying to frame Yoko-san…"

Megure:- " YOU MEAN THE HAIR…"

" Yes, he jumped off the chair with hair in his hand…"

" And when Yamagishi-san first saw that he immediately that Yoko-san killed the man and tried to hide the hair…"

" If Fujie-san's fingerprints appear on Yoko-san's brush or something…, My reasoning will be valid…"

Yoko-san interrupted and asked

" But why would Fujie-kun do such a thing…?"

" That was because… He was…"


" Well, you both know that you look similar from behind…"

" He saw Yuuko-san enter the room and thought it was Yoko-san and attacked her just as Nitin-kun talked about earlier…"

" No… he tried to talk to her…"

" But Yuuko-san frightened by his appearance of the unfamiliar men, began to scream and fight back… but he still thought it was Yoko-san and shocked by her behavior towards him…"

" His rejected loved turned into despair and then hatred… and so… "

Yuuko-san is shocked after hearing this and questioned Kogoro san

" But he dumped me…, Why would he do this…"

Yamagishi-san answered the question as to how he had asked him to break up with you so that you can concentrate on your budding career and there will be no scandal as having a boyfriend is not good at the start.

As soon as Yamagishi finished his part another policeman came to report to him that they had found the victim's diary after searching the house.

Megure took the diary and started reading which was overflowing with pain, after they separated he couldn't forget about her and went back to see her and he hoped she would stop her career as an idol and come back to him…

Then… all he wanted to was clear up her misunderstandings… that's where the words saying he couldn't live longer ended…

Reading the diary Inspector Megure sighed and said

" So it seems all the lies and misunderstanding and accidents piled up on top of each other to cause this tragedy…"

Nitin also sighed and put his hands on Yoko-san shoulders and squeezed a bit to give her power and said

" if you want to talk about something or lighten up your mood you can call me…"

Yoko-san also turned her head and smiled which was ugly than crying then he turned towards Ran and found that she was picking Conan from behind the sofa that Kogoro was earlier sitting on as right now he is boasting to the police officer as to how awesome he is a detective.

Nitin went towards Ran and said

" Ran-chan you bring back Uncle Mouri down I go get the car and wait for you at the front… and Conan-kun you also come with me…"

Ran acquiesced towards Uncle Mouri as for Nitin and Conan they went towards the parking while a conversation was going on between them…"

" Shinichi I never thought Uncle Mouri can solve such a tricky case by looking at his goofy behavior…"

Hearing Nitin's words Shinichi showed disdain towards Uncle Mouri's and said

" Come on Nii-san that wasn't Uncle Mouri who solved the case but I knocked him out and solved the case with the help of voice changer…"

Hearing Shinichi's words light also came to Nitin's house as he also thought about how can uncle solve such a tricky case and replied

" That's what I am also thinking about how can the pervy uncle solve the case so easily..."

" haha Well I have been forced to knock him out he was confusing everybody there and I also couldn't see you so I had to knock him out..."

" Well, I had a stuffy feeling a bit so I went outside to relax a bit and I think you should Hakase to make some knock-out device for you because wherever you go some cases occur..."

" Nii-san you are at it again, I have said so many times they are just coincidences just coincidences..."

" Ya I know they are just coincidences so you have to be prepared for those types of coincidences where I would not be able to accompany you..."

" Well there is a point, I will ask Hakase to make some..."

" That's good as it will be easy to knock him out then..., well how about knocking him from the start???"

" Come on Nii-san they will catch me then... after all a sleeping person cannot solve the case easily..."

" Yes, there is a point there... Ah! and Shinichi how the hell did you know that person committed suicide..."

So as they went down the parking to fetch the car, they keep discussing the case.

In which Nitin was asking the question and Shinichi was telling how, why, what, and where.

Then after fetching the car Nitin first took them to have dinner obviously Nitin paid as according to pervy uncle from the day Nitin opened his detective agency near him his customer ratio has reduced so he had no income in comparison to Nitin's large inheritance.

Well, Nitin also ignored the stingy person as he knows the customer very rarely comes to his office as the rate of his solving is very slow and he doesn't have a good reputation in the street.

But who can tell this him and as for Ran she said she will pay it back later to which he declined how can he take her money in front of her Shinichi as then in the future if he declines to help me then it will become a great problem.

So they have a happy dinner together with a pervy uncle knocked out by beer and Ran with an ashamed face repeatedly apologizing to him and Shinichi glared him with a warning as not to embarrass Ran as for me I was feeling the warmth of having a family.

[A\N well the next chapter our protagonist will get the much-needed power-up along with other surprises that are waiting for you to check it out so keep reading and add the book to the library for faster notification update and keep supporting as I will get motivated to write more if you support me more and as today is there are 2 chapters in one for all the readers who has supported me till now]

There will be no chapter tommorrow

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